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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Soka Gakkai falls 465,000 people short of its goal

Subj:          Danny's Teleconference-May 13th, 2004
Date:          5/13/04 11:44:32 AM Central Daylight Time
From:        Tfriese323

Good Morning,

"Each day I will present a summary of today's teleconference with our General Director Danny Nagahshima. I wanted to once again give you a history to these daily teleconferences. As you know on February 13th of this year Danny, Tariq, Guy, and Richard Sasaki met with Sensei. It was at that historic meeting that they vowed to accomplish 500,000 new households in SGI-USA by the year 2010. From that moment on an incredible transformation took place in the SGI-USA. Sensei has taken the direct leadership of SGI-USA. And, much guidance has been given to SGI-USA since then to help us build a fantastic movement. For example President Akiya urged us to gather the names of all of the guests who have been to our meetings and begin visiting them as well as contacting those members who have received the Gohonzon over the years and are no longer practicing within SGI-USA. President Akiya said in Japan the name lists are never discarded. They are precious names of people’s lives."

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