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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blue Sun Incorporated, having left the Soka Gakkai, is much better

This is a post from a year ago. More recent Blue Sun Incorporated posts reveal that he is much better! (See previous several Blue Sun Incorporated posts).

"I think at this point the org and the practice very well may have been CONTRIBUTING to my depression. Lol I've felt fucking trapped for a long time man.

THIS, right here

Depression/anxiety/misery is rampant in the membership!! This is "actual proof", just not the kind people were hoping for....

Go to a popular SG Facebook page and you will see, DAILY, a constant stream of posts pleading for connection or help or prayers, or complaining about the org, or replying to correct a members' phrasing or attitude.... But the "best"/most painful are the posts listing out all the insanity that's crushing their life., followed with a "determination to overcome with Ikeda sansei.... And the replies would praise the member for smiling while their life fell apart.

I got booted from two groups for saying that all the sufferings and struggles are actual proof that SGI is incorrect teaching. The outrage was amusing and terrifying

I stayed with SGI and Nichikan scroll for decades: I don't know why I stayed for so long: lazy, probably, and not quite ready....

I discussed depression and mental illness with SGI leaders many times, because so many members suffer. I read everything the SGI published. I chanted and redetermined and sought the mentor.... And over time, my LIFE GOT WORSE. Never better; always worse

Ideas of suicide began to take hold, and no amount of "seeking Sensei" or effort to "keep chanting" helped in the slightest: in fact, I remember PHYSICALLY RECOILING from the honzon...... Only one of my "comrades" returned my desperate phone call, and after "encouraging" me, I didn't speak to him for a year and a half. Yeah, I could have called, but I knew by then that cause was quality of SGI, not my sincerity of effort. Beside, he's a long-time SGI leader, with deep Soka Spirit history and someone I consider a friend, and yet, even this person I'd known for decades, who knew I was tormented and destructive, he DIDN'T EVEN SEND A SINGLE TEXT to see how I was doing.... a year and a half. That's the compassion of SGI that I experienced time and again, with different people at different times. I'm not hating on my friend or anyone, really: in just saying that I've NEVER seen a member walk through Hell to help someone. But you can't blame the members: nothing in the SGI teaches you how to be an authentic human being. The SGI is ONLY about SGI and without even noticing it, member view each other as "how is this person useful? "Where will he fit in?" "How can I dominate this person with my knowledge of Sensei?"

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