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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blue Sun Incorporated is right on!

"I left the SGI, partly, because they have not a scratch of Nichiren left. For all my struggles with the practice, the SGI's utter neglect of advancing RisshoAnkoku is what proved they are thoroughly fake.

Because I tried to see the forces at play during election2016 through RisshoAnkokuRon , it was not hard to see the vast ocean of corruption and "evil" in all the ten directions: no matter how I tried to point at it, people simply shut their mind and then shunned me for not agreeing or even speaking up..... Politics has replaced religion, it seems

Now that I've left conformity of SGI, I'm considered a deluded heretic with that group, too.... So yeah: the past few years have really sucked, but the Nochiren says even basic truths will be turned of their heads in the Latter Day...., I was mistaken to think there would be safety, here

Anyhow, I've reawakened my faith and have converted to orthodox Nichiren and Lotus Sutra.

Please turn that brilliant mind of yours to the parralells of politics and culture in the 90s: if "body and shadow" is true concept, and if "lotus blooms seed & flower at same time", there is most certainly many corollaries to rise of Ikeda-ism. I watched the Democratic Party become the animalistic rabble it is today, just like I watched NSA become Ikeda Guru worship. There is no forgiveness for either

Nichiren says that peace in the nation can never be established by supporting slander. Remember that

I appreciate this blog*, and hope you speedily attain happiness"

*Not referring to my blog


  1. Love orthodox Nochiren

  2. A man that can't spell can't be trusted

  3. A truly shallow viewpoint and you criticize us?
