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Sunday, March 17, 2019

The martyr Nikkyo and we, the disciples and believers of Nichiren

Jerry Shinkei Marcheso was defrocked several months after his ordination for rebuking the Kempon Hokke for various slanders. Likewise, Greg, Fred, and I were excommunicated. We are in good company with the martyr Nikkyo.

Nikkyo, while going to debate the Pure Land (Nembutsu), the Shogun killed two of his young disciples, cut off Nikkyo's ears and nose, and forced him to debate while bleeding and in shock. He was a strict Fuju Fuse (neither giving nor receiving) priest who practiced shakubuku (the forceful practices of the Lotus Sutra). Nikkyo was excommunicated by the Kempon Hokke for his vigorous conversion activities and uncompromising stance. He was "rehabilitated" after 150 years and is again looked up to as a model Kempon Hokke believer.

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