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Monday, August 17, 2020

Not-Nichiren Shu and we

The Not-Nichiren Shu upholds Nichiren's (physical) relics, his bones, his Gohonzon scrolls, and his writing scrolls. We uphold his spiritual relics, his Daimoku of practice, his Shakubuku, and his writings. It is not a matter of interpretation. It is as it is. The words are as they are. I am glad you follow the Lotus Sutra and chant Namu Myoho renge kyo. However, you choose not to follow Nichiren in performing the Shakubuku practices and his exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. Therefore, you need to change your name to the Lotus Sutra School since you have little to do with Nichiren and everything to do with Nichiki and Nissatsu. You won't go far with Nichiki Shu or Nissatsu Shu, so you call yourselves Nichiren Shu to appropriate his name and garner the ignorant. Just like the Ikeda sect won't go far with their "Ikedaism". We are the actual Nichiren School. We are they who follow the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren to the letter.

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