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Friday, August 21, 2020

Why Soka Gakkai is NOT the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren

SGI stopped being Nichiren Buddhism:
1). When it began to engage in interfaith practices.
2). When it adopted the gentle practice towards provisional Buddhists and non-Buddhists and the forceful practices towards its own members ('you should chant more, do more activities, study more, etc."); ascribing blame to the abused; "follow no matter what (adopting Zen Bushido faith and practice), even if your leader is wrong".
3). When the prime point of the Lotus Sutra became the Shingon principle of mentor-disciple (Guru Yoga).
4). When the Soka Gakkai asserted the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra lost it's efficacy in the Latter Day.
5). When the SGI top leaders began to draw mid six figure salaries to do the same practice that the Bodhisattvas of the Earth do for free.
6). When they misconstrued (and mistranslated The Sufferings of Life and Death is Nirvana for Earthly Desires are Enlightenment.
7. When Ikeda promised he would never ask for the tiniest donations.
8) When Ikeda asserted that the Soka Gakkai is the Jewel of Buddhist democracy.
9). When SGI began slandering the copies of the Nichiren Gohonzon.
10) When SGI began slandering the votaries of the other sects and independents.
11) The moment SGI stopped revering Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter as the Original Eternal Buddha (never did).

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