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Thursday, October 22, 2020

My wife and me weigh the goodness or badness of our leaders before she casts her vote

Nancy is a Puerto Rican wife, mother and Buddhist who chants Namu Myoho renge day and night and teaches her friends and family to do the same. She (and I) likes the conservation of the Democrats, their stance on pollution and endangered and threatened species, birds and mammals and humans and their water and air. She cares about ours and others social security and medicare especially how it has been cut by  almost 30%. She (and I) cares about the virus and she realizes the ineptitude of its planning and implementation by the Democrats and feels the democrats won't give a damn what the mask deniers say or do. You don't wear a mask, and you are arrested by the army (of course let out immediately with the promise that you will be a responsible citizen). China had the right idea. She likes the immigration policy of the Republicans for "why benefit the illegals when our own people are going hungry". She is ambivalent about the abortion issue and leans towards a policy that fetus with a heart beat should never be aborted. Both democrats and republicans promote the MAD doctrine and they are indeed mad. About the Supreme court nominee... she is a genius BUT, she is devout Catholic and you know how many people died under the Catholics (and Christians, in general. I think the bottom line is how the President has mishandled the Coronovirus. Me, none of these crooks deserve my vote and no matter, in Oklahoma, opposition votes won't count because Trump is going to win and I must stay away from crowds. If I thought my vote made a difference, I would.


  1. what a mess! Namu myoho renge kyo is the way out of the burning house!

    The Buddha explains his similes of the father representing a compassionate Tathāgata who is like "a father to all the world", and the sons representing humans who are "born into the threefold world, a burning house, rotten, and old".

    "Shariputra, that rich man first used three types of carriages to entice his sons, but later he gave them just the large carriage adorned with jewels, the safest, most comfortable kind of all. Despite this, that rich man was not guilty of falsehood. The Tathagata does the same, and he is without falsehood. First he preaches the three vehicles to attract and guide living beings, but later he employs just the Great Vehicle to save them. Why? The Tathagata possesses measureless wisdom, power, freedom from fear, the storehouse of the Dharma. He is capable of giving to all living beings the Dharma of the Great Vehicle. But not all of them are capable of receiving it. Shariputra, for this reason you should understand that the Buddhas employ the power of expedient means. And because they do so, they make distinctions in the one Buddha vehicle and preach it as three."

    1. noel wake up ... things are getting worse instead of better, = a very funny looking chosen rufu, and buddhism is a mess because no one really follows what the teacher for the latter day. you are not him. shame on you !

    2. 3 bodied Tathagatta Thus Come One manifests in what we think say and do Greg!

    3. Research it and see what you can make of it!

  2. mark and nancy ...democracy works because people participate. when people stop participating democracy does not work = putin and his cocksucker trump and all his cocksuckers. mark , you have lost your way and are full of yourself and it is really weak. cancel my subscription. after the theory, it comes down to eyes, ears and the heart. time to wake up!

  3. Nancy will vote for Biden. I will not vote because the politicians running are crooks and in Oklahoma, it is a done deal for the murderer Trump. The only one I ever thought of voting for was Ralph Nader and here too, it was a done deal, so I spent my time practicing Buddhism, rather than waste my precious time. Also, I don't believe that either democracy, communism, socialism, or charismatic leadership is the be all and end all of governance, if it is not based on the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren as constitution.
