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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Miracle in India: "Woman in her 70s may be oldest ever to give birth". CBS News. (2016)

Charan Singh Panwar 77 years and Omkari Panwar, his wife 70 had a bouncing baby boy in 2008. So many miracles in India! How come they who have 600 million hindus, 250 million muslims and the largest population of Sikhs and Jains in the world and create so many useless Hindu miracles, have the second most deaths in the world, after the Christian country, the good ol' USA? Could it because Donald Trump and the people actually worship money? Perhaps? I guarantee, if we all chanted Namu Myoho renge kyo with faith in Gohonzon and reverence for Shakyamuni Buddha of the 16th Chapter and Nichiren, the pandemic will disappear as rapidly as it came.

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