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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Some of my benefits

Twinkle is an 11 year old highly intelligent springer spaniel, our first line of defense. She is so smart that she looks both ways before crossing the highway. She is a joyous happy dog except when Fluffy the wolf wants to bone her. Sniffing her ass and then alpha girl Twinkle comes out and Fluffy leaves her alone. She loves to go in the car anywhere but don't let anyone we deem of so-so character come near it. You can leave her out almost anywhere and when she is good and ready, she will come back to us. The Wolf-dog too protects us. He is an excellent judge of character. Myoho the giant pyrenees ~ 170 lbs would even give her life for Twinkle (not her best friend ). Even Whiskey (the alpha male Mastiff-pit) gave Myoho space when she is protecting another member of the family. She was the peacekeeper through strength. She too only cared to protect others. She is fulfilling her mission in life. She is a Shoten Zenjin (Buddhist god). They all are Buddhist gods. We really treat these animals like our children. I have seen people have 17 foot crocodiles for friends, Tipi Hedren has survived for 50 years with big cats but Neal, the Biggest Baddest 600 lb king Lion (He was no 400 pound lion. I am very good with estimating peoples and animals weight) liked to sleep in her bed and lounge around the pool. So the other big cats, I imagine, never got feisty. Neal was a true house cat. I can't imagine where he pooped but I guess he got to go into the closure??? I mean, if a house cat is clean, of course a tame lion (at least with Tipi). She like us spent hours with our pets and Fluffy loves company except when he doesn't. But usually that doesn't mean that I won't try someway to shakubuku whomever comes into my house. After all, Sequoyah county, an absolutely beautiful very very rural area has been home to such luminaries as Pretty-Boy Floyd. We have been in contact with a few. Sonny* and Sue, young people are friends. I taught 18 year old Sue to chant Namu myoho renge kyo and I gave her a sutra book. I couldn't believe what 22 year old Sonny did to get locked away for two years. He burglarized the damn house of a judge. Even stupider, he got caught. I consider him a friend but Redneck Ed is my best friend and Gloria is our wifes best friend. Gloria doesn't yet chant the Daimoku. I am writing that because my life practicing Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism is so spactacular. I will have more to say on this. Forgot to mention, this, where I live is methmountain. For a bad back and neck, for years I was taking 4-5 Norcos a day (for a back and neck injury when I went crazy after an SGI "training" thinking I could tolerate climbing on to an overhead power line tower. After climbing up about 25 feet above the ground (wearing only cut off shorts. My hands began to tingle so I jumped and landed on my heels. What a fucking idiot). Not long after the cops came and took me to the hospital...thank goodness. Anyway, I was taking these 4-5 norcos for 7 or 8 years and I just stopped and I have unimaginable pain after dialysis. No withdrawals, not for a day, not for a minute. Now I take usually, 5 tylenol # 3s. It is absolutely true in my experience that, not a few who determine to stop, for one reason or another and who are people in real pain, that even up to 15 oxys or more every few hours and there is no withdrawals. Of course, in a bad economy, there will be some diversion, even little old ladies who are crippled and can't straighten-up and who really are in pain. Some diversion is bound to happen with disabled people who only collect 780 dollars a month and don't even have enough to feed themselves. I give everyone ONE chance but not for diversion. Oklahoma is very strict and the Indian clinics and VAs will not prescribe narcotics but for post-op patients. Some legitimate patients are out of control but in 30 years, I THINK, I only lost 3 bipolar patients to a drug overdose and no one else, to knowledge has committed suicide. If I had known their sadness, perhaps I could have intervened. Once had a patient in long island who had an 8 foot metal 2" or 3" fence post go through the center of his chest, half way between top and bottom of the post, FAILED TO HIT ANY VITAL ORGANS, and not only survived but he continued to work, with the pain meds...ANYTHING HE wanted. That is rare and I'm glad Oklahoma instituted a maximum of 90 morphine equivalents. I will inject all mobile joints and rarely over a vertebrae. I refer, refer, refer and order tests, tests, tests and I believe that is why the govment doesn't like me. I still order tests, tests, tests, and referrals, referrals, referrals through my nurse practitioner who never got in trouble because it is best for my patients. Anyway, my relation with my wife, we strive to live as Nichiren prescribes:

Explain all this to your wife too, and work together like the sun and moon, a pair of eyes, or the two wings of a bird. With the sun and moon, could there be a path of darkness? With a pair of eyes, no doubt you will see the faces of ShakyamuniMany Treasures, and the Buddhas of the ten directions. With a pair of wings, you will surely fly in an instant to the treasure land of Tranquil Light. I will write in more detail on another occasion.



  1. "Forgot to mention, this, where I live is methmountain. For a bad back and neck, for years I was taking 4-5 Norcos a day (for a back and neck injury when I went crazy after an SGI "training" thinking I could tolerate climbing on to an overhead power line tower. After climbing up about 25 feet above the ground (wearing only cut off shorts. My hands began to tingle so I jumped and landed on my heels. What a fucking idiot)."

    followed my gut feelings by not going to the SGI training courses that they were so eager to send me on!

  2. Young men can expect no or little sleep and performing inane activities. For example, guarding a bronze plaque memorializing Toda at 2-4 am in the middle of a a tree orchard where not one person even know it exists. SGI is nothing more than CULT training.

  3. Well you are doing a fine job of exposing them as Fakes and for the indignations that many have suffered from them!
