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Thursday, October 22, 2020

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", the benefits of revenge, or the benefits of the Lotus Sutra

Excuse the language but what a shitty religion, although I met a highly spiritual catholic who gave too much credit to god while it was HER compassion and willpower. Elaine was my Mother's best friend. She was a teacher for the blind. She had metastatic breast cancer all throughout her body, including BRAIN and LUNGS..........for twenty years or more she rarely missed a class. Truly, I believe she died of old age, at least 75+. Then, I have a patient whose stage 4 inflammatory cancer of the breast literally disappeared (with a normal PET scan), with only radiation chemo for 18 months and THEN, a mastectomy. She is SO happy to be alive. She never mentioned GOD once. Who is more fortunate, one who is cured or one who never had the illness in the first place. or one who survives with a very, very serious illness? I 've been ill for more than 5 years with a life altering illness yet, no life could be more fortunate than mine. I respect these women. I don't respect Elain's religion and she knew it but we were friends. Above all Elaine was a human being!!!!! anyway, the pedophile priests, ALL Catholic priests are devils and Evangelical preachers are devils and demons because of their perverse doctrines. Look at the feces so many preachers are, attributing anything they do, no matter how greedy, how adulterous, how pedaphilic, and how violentatious their discourse, attributing everything both good and bad to their GOD. Anyway, the Soka Gakkai is worse because they teach a distorted Buddhism so their behavior is distorted. They have abandoned the sublime. Worse they cause others to abandon the sublime. Anyway, the real benefit of this Buddhism, is a purification of the five senses,

“These good men and good women, with the pure physical eyes they received from their parents at birth, will view all that exists in the inner and outer parts of the major world system, its mountains, forests, rivers, and seas, down as far as the Avichi hell and up to the Summit of Being. And in their midst they will see all the living beings, and will also see and understand all the causes and conditions created by their deeds and the births that await them as a result and recompense for those deeds.”

To see what is necessary to relieve the suffering of the living and dead, to cause happiness and joy in others. To see also how to protect the teachings and the people from avaricious predators like the top leaders of the Soka Gakkai and some rulers and administrators. To gaze up at the Gohonzon, the synthesis of the Eternal Buddha and Law. with reverence and awe.

“Moreover, Constant Exertion, if good men or good women accept and uphold this sutra, if they read it, recite it, explain and preach it, or transcribe it, they will gain twelve hundred ear benefits with which to purify their ears so they can hear all the different varieties of words and sounds in the major world system, down as far as the Avichi hell, up to the Summit of Being, and in its inner and outer parts. Elephant sounds, horse sounds, ox sounds, carriage sounds, weeping sounds, lamenting sounds, conch sounds, drum sounds, bell sounds, chime sounds, sounds of laughter, sounds of speaking, men’s voices, women’s voices, boys’ voices, girls’ voices, the voice of justice, the voice of injustice, bitter voices, merry voices, voices of ordinary people, voices of sages, happy voices, unhappy voices, voices of heavenly 

beings, dragon voices, yaksha voices, gandharva voices, asura voices, garuda voices, kimnara voices, mahoraga voices, the sound of fire, the sound of water, the sound of wind, voices of hell dwellers, voices of beasts, voices of hungry spirits, monks’ voices, nuns’ voices, voices of voice-hearers, voices of pratyekabuddhas, voices of bodhisattvas, and voices of buddhas. In a word, although the person has not yet gained heavenly ears, with the pure and ordinary ears that he received at birth from his parents he will be able to hear and understand all the voices that exist in the inner and outer parts of the major world system. And though in this manner he can distinguish all the various different kinds of sounds and voices, this will not impair his hearing faculty.” To hear the fragrant sounds of the Lotus Sutra and cause others to hear it too.

The purity of such a person’s nose will be such

that throughout this world

he will be able to detect and identify

all manner of odors, fragrant or foul,

sumana and jatika flowers,

tamala leaves and sandalwood,

the scent of aloes and cassia,

the scent of various flowers and fruits.

And he will know the scent of living beings,

the scent of men and women.

Though the preacher of the Law dwells far off,

he will detect these scents and know where the people are.

Wheel-turning kings of great authority,

lesser wheel-turners and their sons,

their ministers, and palace attendants—

he will detect their scents and know where they are.


Precious treasures adorning the body,

treasure storehouses in the earth,

jeweled ladies of wheel-turning kings—

he will detect their scents and know where they are.

Ornaments that adorn the bodies of persons,

clothing and necklaces,

all kinds of paste incense—

by detecting these he will know who the wearers are.

When heavenly beings walk or sit,

amuse themselves or carry out magical transformations,

the upholder of this Lotus

by detecting their scents can know all this.

Blossoms and fruits of various trees,

and the aroma of butter oil—

the upholder of the sutra, dwelling here,

knows where all these are.

Deep in the mountains, in steep places

where blossoms of the sandalwood tree unfold,

living beings are in their midst—

by detecting the scent he can know all this.

Living beings in the Iron Encircling Mountains,

in the great seas, or in the ground—

the upholder of the sutra detects their scents

and knows where all of them are.

When male and female asuras

and their retinues of followers

fight with one another or amuse themselves,

he detects the scent and knows all this.

On the broad plains, in narrow places,

lions, elephants, tigers, wolves,

buffaloes, and water buffaloes—

by detecting their scents he knows where they are.

When a woman is pregnant

and no one can determine if the child is male or female,

if it will lack normal faculties or be inhuman,

by detecting the scent he can know all this.

And through this power to detect scents


he knows when a woman has first become pregnant,

if the pregnancy will be successful or not,

if she will be delivered safely of a child rich in merit.

Through his power to detect scents

he knows the thoughts of men and women,

if their minds are stained by desire, foolishness, or anger,

and he knows if they are practicing good.

Hoards of goods that are stored in the earth,

gold, silver, and precious treasures,

things heaped in bronze vessels—

by detecting the scent he can tell where they all are.

Various kinds of necklaces

whose value cannot be appraised—

by the scent he knows if they are precious or worthless,

where they came from and where they are now.

Flowers in the heavens above,

mandaravas, manjushakas,

parijataka trees—

detecting their scents, he knows all these.

The palaces in the heavens above

in their separate grades of upper, intermediate, and lower,

adorned with numerous jeweled flowers—

detecting their scents, he knows them all.

The heavenly gardens and groves, the superb mansions,

the observatories, the Hall of the Wonderful Law,

and those taking pleasure in their midst—

detecting their scents, he knows them all.

When heavenly beings listen to the Law

or indulge the five desires,

coming and going, walking, sitting, lying down—

detecting their scents, he knows them all.

The robes worn by heavenly women

when, adorned with lovely flowers and perfumes,

they whirl and circle in enjoyment—

detecting their scents, he knows them all.

Thus extending his awareness

upward to the Brahma heaven,


by detecting their scents, he knows all those

who enter meditation or emerge from meditation.

In the Light Sound and All Pure heavens

and up to the Summit of Being,

those born for the first time, those who have departed—

detecting their scents, he knows them all.

The multitude of monks

diligent at all times with regard to the Law,

whether sitting or walking around

or reading or reciting the sutra teachings,

sometimes under the forest trees

concentrating their energies, sitting in meditation—

the upholder of the sutra detects their scents

and knows where all of them are.

Bodhisattvas firm and unbending in will,

sitting in meditation or reading the sutras

or preaching the Law for others—

by detecting their scents he knows them all.

The world-honored ones, present in all quarters,

revered and respected by all,

pitying the multitude, preaching the Law—

by detecting their scents he knows them all.

Living beings who in the presence of the buddhas

hear the sutra and all rejoice,

who practice as the Law prescribes—

by detecting their scents he knows them all.

Though he has not yet acquired the nose possessed

by a bodhisattva of the Law of no outflows,

the upholder of the sutra before then

will acquire the marks of the nose described here.

One can indeed smell the good and the bad without judgement or fear, the teachings that are true and those that are false, behaviors inscrutable, base and loathsome and those generous, especially towards a less powerful person.

“Moreover, Constant Exertion, if good men or good women accept and uphold this sutra, if they read it, recite it, explain and preach it, or transcribe it, they will gain twelve hundred tongue benefits. Whether something is good tasting or vile, whether it is flavorful or not, and even things that are bitter or astringent, when encountered by the faculties of this person’s tongue, they will all be changed into superb flavors as fine as the sweet dew of heaven, and there will be none that are not pleasing.

“If with these faculties of the tongue he undertakes to expound and preach in the midst of the great assembly, he will produce a deep and wonderful voice capable of penetrating the mind and causing all who hear it to rejoice and delight. When the men and women of heaven, ShakraBrahma, and the other heavenly beings, hear the sound of this deep and wonderful voice expounding and preaching, advancing the argument point by point, they will all gather to listen. Dragons and dragon daughters, yakshas and yaksha daughters, gandharvas and gandharva daughters, asuras and asura daughters, garudas and garuda daughters, kimnaras and kimnara daughters, mahoragas and mahoraga daughters will all gather close around its possessor in order to listen to the Law, and will revere him and offer alms. Monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, monarchs, princes, ministers and their retinues, petty wheel-turning kings and great wheel-turning kings with their seven treasures and thousand sons and inner and outer retinues will ride their palaces and all come to listen to the Law."

To taste the sweet dew of the Law and salty sweet tears of joy. To taste evil and transform all poisons into medicine. Oh a mind filled with the benefiscience of the Eternal Buddha (Gohonzon)

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