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Sunday, January 17, 2021

A most beautiful Gohonzon


  1. Yes it is but did Nichiren Inscribe it. Its nowwhere to be found:

    Couldn't find it on the 123 Mandala list of Nichiren's Gohonzons!

    Couldn't find it in Gohonzon Shu either:
    Gohonzonsh¯u (129 halographs)
    Published by Rissho Ankokukai. 1947, 1999.

    Nichiren must have other Gohonzons not on the list. Why would that be because the Denpo Gohonzon 101 is on the list that Kempon Hokke use!

  2. Nichiren must have other Gohonzons not on the list. Why would that be because the Denpo Gohonzon 101 is on the list that Kempon Hokke use while the White Lotus Gohonzon isn't in the Gohonzon Shu either. Nothing like it is written in 1281. My wife is Japanese so she can read whats written in the Gohonzons... dates etc

  3. It's tempting to go with something beautiful but what if an evil priest inscribed it. Can we really afford to be associated with deception?

  4. Had a conversation about the copy of the White Lotus Gohonzon a few years ago with Sinyou Tsuchiya a Former Kempon Hokke Priest at 顕本法華宗

    I've heard that this Unknown is called the White Lotus Gohonzon that Kempon Hokke has released recently!

    Sinyou Tsuchiya 13 August 21:24
    This is a Mandara which Kempon Hokke presents. It is a copy of Dempoo Honzon by one of priests of Kempon Hokke. Only I know who he is"

  5. I messaged Sinyou, on his face book the other day about the White Lotus Gohonzon, no answer as yet..2015

    "When there was no copy machine, Gohonzon was hand-written by Hokke practitioner. Beautiful copied Gohonzon which is bestowed by the head temple was hand-written by one of the past top priests of Kempon Hokke, who was also famous as a calligrapher". Sinyou tsuchiya (sin)

    What can you tell me about this Gohonzon",i can see it is from Myomanji Temple which I know is the Kempon Hokke head Temple?

    Still waiting 5 years later!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'll wait for more information. Thank you for your info. If we perform the eye Opening Ceremony, I think we will push out any devilish functions.

  8. Nichiren bought out the Buddhahood in the paper through his inscriptions creating an opening to the truth of life. I believe that Nichiren's Gohonzons provide a wider opening than other Gohonzons as Nichiren was one with the Law of Myoho Renge Kyo the original Shakyamuni Buddha of the juryo chapter that manifested the 3 bodies of Thus Come one!

  9. My personal belief at this stage is that Nichiren bought out the Buddhahood in paper through his inscriptions creating an opening to the truth of life and that Nichiren's Gohonzons provide a wider opening than other Gohonzons as Nichiren was one with the Law of Myoho Renge Kyo the Original Shakyamuni Buddha of the juryo chapter that manifested the 3 bodies of Thus Come one!
    If all Nichirens Gohonzons disapeared we can still manifest the 3 bodies of Thus Come One that are inherent in our lives though Namu Myoho Renge Kyo because Nichiren's Koan expanded 10 world Gohonzons are full expressions of that. But here we are in the material world doing endless cycles of birth and death throughout eternity. So just as well we have something that is material and spiritual to cling onto, like a life jacket in a wild ocean of existence!

    1. I am, for the most part in agreement. However, as you pointed out, there were no copy machines and a transcribed Gohonzon by a good priest like Nichiju, Nikkyo, and Nisshin and our correct faith and practice should overcome most minor foibles of the transcriber. Nichikan and the Shoshu priests had major foibles.

    2. It would be better if we can practice with Nichiren inscribed Gohozons without haveing to worry about the unknown foibles of Priest transcribers wheather they are regarded as good or bad even though we may practice with corect faith and practice.The further from the source of the stream the muddier it gets!

  10. I hope we can now put the most beautiful Gohonzon to bed with the latest information! Nichiren's last Gohonzon Koan 4 April 5th 1282 and the White Lotus inscribed with an inscription date of Koan 4 April 5th 1281 are more similiar than any of the others.

    Had a conversation about the origins of the White Lotus Gohonzon a few years ago with Sinyou Tsuchiya a Former Kempon Hokke Priest at 顕本法華宗

    "When there was no copy machine, Gohonzon was hand-written by Hokke practitioner. Beautiful copied Gohonzon which is bestowed by the head temple was hand-written by one of the past top priests of Kempon Hokke, who was also famous as a calligrapher". Sinyou tsuchiya (sin)

    The White Lotus Gohonzon was transcribed from Nichirens Gohonzon that was inscribed Koan 4 April 5th 1281.

    Even though they have the same dates they look really different. It seems that transcribed Gohonzon layouts don't match the originals. This can also happen from calligraphy, mechanical, electronic reproductions!

  11. Latest news from Ken Mandara:

    You can't find it because it was not photographed and hence not included in the collection. However it was kept in Kyoto and also in Minobu for some time. On this occasion copies were made. This printed one stems from those copies. The actual holograph is in Tokyo and if you want to know more about please refer to the volume two of the mandala book 📖"

  12. I messaged Sinyou Tsuchiya a Kempon Hokke priest, on his face book page about the White Lotus Gohonzon in 2015:

    "When there was no copy machine, Gohonzon was hand-written by Hokke practitioner. Beautiful copied Gohonzon which is bestowed by the head temple was hand-written by one of the past top priests of Kempon Hokke, who was also famous as a calligrapher". Sinyou tsuchiya (sin)

    "You can't find it because it was not photographed and hence not included in the collection. However it was kept in Kyoto and also in Minobu for some time. On this occasion copies were made. This printed one stems from those copies. The actual holograph is in Tokyo and if you want to know more about please refer to the volume two of the mandala book 📖" - Ken Mandara

    So it's fair to say that the printed White Lotus is a copy from one of the past top priests of Kempon Hokke, who was also famous as a calligrapher and not directly from Nichiren's hand!

    Case closed!

  13. We are fotunate to have photographed Gohonzons that Nichiren inscribed. I personally prefer a Gohonzon that is close to the original as possible and photographed Nichiren Gohonzons would have to be the closest to that..

    I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart. The Buddha's will is the Lotus Sutra, but the soul of Nichiren is nothing other than Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.🙏
    Reply to Kyo'o

  14. Most Nichiren Gohonzon are re-formatted, so, in a sense, a transcription is a completely formatted Gohonzon. No one save for the priests and patrons the various temples actually chants to an unaltered Gohonzon inscribed by Nichiren. What do you have to say about this?

    1. A spot on calligrapher could probably produce the Gohonzon with the same prescision as a camera. Also the copies were made by tracing techniques as Japanese "washi" paper can be made very thin and copyists were extremely skilled so those copies would also probably be as good as a camera.

      So true all reproductions/transcriptions of originals are formatted Gohonzons. It would then be a matter of size even if it was photographed for distribution but its the contents and where the idea of it originated would have to be the most important as the Gohonzon is a representative or materialisation of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo the Original Shakyamuni Buddha 3 bodied Tathagatta Thus Come One of the Juryo chapter which source of it all

    2. Priests can have warped ideas even while practising to unaltered Ghonzons inscribed by Nichiren so the Gohonzon isn't the panacea however if we can match our minds with Koan era 10 world expanded style Gohonzons through studying correct teachings then eventually we will hopefully be on the right track!

  15. Again: we are fotunate to have photographed Gohonzons that Nichiren inscribed. I personally prefer a Gohonzon that is close to the original as possible and photographed Nichiren Gohonzons would have to be the closest to that..

    I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart. The Buddha's will is the Lotus Sutra, but the soul of Nichiren is nothing other than Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.🙏
    Reply to Kyo'o

  16. I practice with Shutei Gohonzon 81 & Denpo Gohonzons 101 that are in Nichiren's Mandala list. I have good experiences with them and they feel right. I looked for images of them in various sites, store them on USB and have them printed out on parchment paper at the printers and secure them with paper clips onto unused NST, Soka Gakkai Gohonzon scrolls or cardboard backings!

    This is the Shutei Gohonzon I have enshrined at the moment! The other day it was the Denpo Gohonzon. Nichiren prayed to more than one Gohonzon and so do Priests so why not us!

    Mandala list of Nichiren's 123 Gohonzons!


    We live in an age where we are fortunate enough to have photographed Gohonzons that Nichiren inscribed. I personally prefer a Gohonzon that is as close to the original as possible and photographed Nichiren Gohonzons would have to be just that..

    I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart. The Buddha's will is the Lotus Sutra, but the soul of Nichiren is nothing other than Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.🙏

    Reply to Kyo'o


  17. Just received the following information regarding the White Lotus Gohonzon:

    It was written by Hasegawa Tohaku, a famous calligrapher and poet that was a member of what became the Kempon Hokke Shu.
    Re the person that inscribes a honzon -

  18. "You can't find it because it was not photographed and hence not included in the collection. However it was kept in Kyoto and also in Minobu for some time. On this occasion copies were made. This printed one stems from those copies. The actual holograph is in Tokyo and if you want to know more about please refer to the volume two of the mandala book 📖" - Ken Mandara

    So it's fair to say that the printed White Lotus is a copy that may have come from one of the past top priests of Kempon Hokke, who was also famous as a calligrapher and not directly from Nichiren's hand but in a sence none of the copies are because they have all been formatted somehow by various mediums from an original unless they are the original unalterd Nichiren Gohonzons as in the head Temples so in the end it doesn't matter where your copies come from and how they were done!

  19. Thank you for all this wonderful information. Will get Ken Mandara's books.

  20. It was my first Nichiren Gohonzon after all. You may remember us talking about it soon after l came on this forum. It was like a breath of fresh air blowing away the Soka Gakkai oppression and depression we were in.

  21. More of latest on the White Lotus:

    "By the way I got more on the NLG / White Lotus, it was done in Florida by some graphic artist guy who practices and renovates messed up Nichiren Gohonzons. That's about it ..."

  22. My preference:

    I prefer a straight Nichiren Denpo Shutei Gohonzon any day over transcriptions. Nichiren's lifeforce is more direct . The connection is stronger through Nichiren who was one with the Law. That has to count for something even though intellectually we may not understand it. Its heart 💗 felt!

  23. I love my Denpo Gohonzon. Have had it for 25 years, through thick and thin.

  24. Do you still use the same one?

  25. Found someone on Dharma wheel blog criticising Denpo and he got this brilliant reply:

    Minobu wrote:
    The Cicada wrote:
    Minobu wrote:
    a lot of the characters are just blobs
    Blobs of frenzied Buddhic fire, awakening and purifying your soul-stream. Blobs of eternity, happiness, true-self and purity.

    not funny.
    I'm serious.

    I managed to make a high-res, monochrome image of that Gohonzon as part of Mark Porter's ION project, and I looked into adding definition to those characters. What I noticed is that every version of that Gohonzon available online has the "blobs of awakening" present in that American Kempon image. That's when it occurred to me that those characters were likely written that way by Nichiren himself. I still considered trying to make them clearer but stopped myself. I thought, "Editing a Gohonzon? Who am I? Soka Gakkai??"

    If Buddhic blobs are good enough for Bodhisattva Superior Practices, then by Lord Buddha, they're good enough for me!

  26. Did you comment, correcting Minobu?

  27. Have to find my password etc so l can log into Dharma wheel that l joined a few years ago but have hardly ever participated.

  28. I copied and pasted it after l googled Denpo Gohonzon and read all about it with your comments

  29. My wife said that she can read the charachters that look smudged because those charachters in many Gohonzons are in the same position and isn't an issue She has formed a loving relationship with the Denpo in question and isn't willing willing to trade it in for more refined one. Bit like trading in her wrinkling husband for young guy so there is still hope for me....LOL BTW feel free to pass on this message to Minobou if you so wish!

