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Saturday, June 5, 2021

A passage from Receiving the Three Great Secret Laws..How Nichiren viewed himself.

"These Three Great Secret Laws were unquestionably received by me, Nichiren, some two thousand and more years ago, when I was the leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth; they were passed on to me by oral transmission from the lord of teachings, the World-Honored One of Great Enlightenment. And these actions that I now take embody what I received in transmission on Eagle Peak, without the slightest deviation or alteration in form, the three great matters of the Law of the “Life Span” chapter."


  1. Mark, the exact same people who dispute the Ongi Kuden are the same who dispute the San Dai Hiho Sho. I have tried numerous tines to make you see this.

    Most importantly I have at times, tried to explain to you, the ABILITY you and all people have potentially, to actually see for yourself what is true and false historically and how to KNOW the meaning of the Gosho and Lotus Sutra.

    The eighth consciousness contains the record of the past, present and future. It is the Akasa or Akashic records. Seeing this is neither full enlightenment, nor a requirement, but it can enable airhead Nijo of their goofball ideations.

    To learn the Truth about Nikko, the schisms and ode's own True Buddha nature, one can consult these records themselves. In this way they can see exactly the truth of these historical matters.

    For example, I know, through direct experience, in 1968, the Dai-Gohonzon of Taisekiji IS exactly the will of Nichiren. and the second of the Three Great Secret Laws.

    Sitting in meditation, with no conscious knowledge of the various Sects, priests or Location of Taisekiji or conception of a Dai Gohonzon, I saw the Dai Gohonzon itself from the center of the Milky Way galaxy and it resided EXACTLY at what I later learned was Taisekiji. This was a major event in my life. It was like a movie that zoomed down through parting clouds and I literally saw Japan and Taisekiji and the exact location of this Amazing relic of Nichiren.

    At the time, I knew nothing consciously about Nichiren.

    I may be wasting my time relating this to you again, but it is important for all Mr. Nijos to wake the hell up and stop their embarrassing slander that makes fools of them. It is weak practice and fear that keeps them confined in their ego-heads. Then they just slander more. Haughty morons with Jiyu-no-Bosatsu karma within, but too stupid to shut their slander mouths so nothing good comes of it this life.

  2. I shouldn't give you a platform, as we have rehashed these matters many times in the past. I will respond fully tomorrow. Suffice it to say you are mistaken in light of both the Lotus Sutra and the authenticated (writings with Nichiren's signature and colofon) latter evolved writings of Nichiren and especially Nichiren's Five Major Works.

  3. No Mark, I am not mistaken.

    You are mistaken. Like Chas, the only thing that counts is slander in a mirror. You've been mirroring Chas on arbn. Chas attacking anyone not Gakkai, and you attacking Gakkai. And no one reads either, "platform" It just makes real Buddhism look deranged.

  4. I'm sure you know more about the DaiGohonzon than Ken Mandara and Luigi Finochiaro. See the mandalas of Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu in Modern history.

    You don't believe me, you don't believe the Lotus Sutra and you don't believe Nichiren. You are pitiful. Keep slandering the votaries of the Lotus Sutra who believe as Nichren and see how that gets you. Seriously, be careful, be very careful.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do know more about the Dai Gohonzon, because I witnessed it, while in deep meditation. You make references to those who have no direct experience and cannot act as a witness---a Taho.

      Nichiren himself witnessed a great deal in deep meditation and his experiences gave him his conviction. It was not "book-learning" where Nichiren realized the identity and meaning of everything. There are things that can only be understood through experience and words and explanations will always fail.

  5. And by the way, i've been getting ~ 1000 views a day, up from 300.

  6. Please don't get me wrong David. I've learned a lot from you, about the Sthaviravadins and the Mahasanghika. You highly criticized Ikeda for praising Mahadeva, You taught me about the true history of Shakyamuni Buddha's birthdate. I am puzzled how you criticized the Soka Gakkai and then the Nichiren Shoshu and you admonish me for the doing the same. Please explain yourself.

    1. I haven't criticized rank and file members of either. What I have tried to convey to you, is that it is a weakness of faith to think that the Daim8ku of sincere people is not powerful--regardless of their sect or confusion, just because THEIR leader makes errors or severe errors.

      Daimoku from someone with sincere ichinen is so powerful none of those extraneous differences matter. Only specific individuals with persistent slander of other believers, need be taken to task.

  7. Do you think there is any benefit mixing Shingo practice with the Lotus Sutra as practiced by Nichiren?

    All that lives is destined to die. Life is marked by transience, suffering, impurity, and selfishness. The Original Buddha is eternal, joyful, pure, and selfless. The Buddha transcends life [and death]. Ikeda’s transgressions are far worse because of the principle of intent. He knows all too well the true and eternal principles of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin but persists in transmitting SGI’s [and Taisekaji's] distorted teachings. How many more untoward events in heaven and on earth will we have to experience because of Daisaku Ikeda’s transgressions? If Daisaku Ikeda and SGI continue to destroy and distort the teachings and fool the people, many more and severe sufferings will beset the people

    President Toda taught in his Lecture on the Sutra: “With this silent prayer, we express our sincere thanks to the Second High Priest Nikko Shonin, the founder of Head temple Taisekiji. Hossui-shabyo: Hossui is the Law or Buddhism metaphorically compared to clean water. Shabyo means “transfer. Now suppose here are two glasses, one of which is filled with water. The water is transferred from one glass into the other. The quality of the water remains unchanged through this transfer even though the shapes of the glasses may differ. Simililarly, the Hossui of Nichiren Daishonin was handed down from Nikko Shonin to Third High Priest Nichimoku Shonin. However, its geneuine purity was not changed in the least. This solemn tradition has been strictly maintained by the successive high priests of Nichiren Shoshu. YUIGA YOGA: This means that the life of Nikko Shonin equals that of Nichiren Daishonin. A Gohonzon called the “Tobi” (Flying) Mandala” is enshrined at Butsugenji Temple in Sendai City in Northeast Japan. It was inscribed co-operatively by the Daishonin and his immediate successor Nikko Shonin. This fact evidences what yuiga yoga signifies.” –Josei Toda as quoted in: From “Lectures on the Sutra” Third Edition, 1968 Seikyo Press.

    Please note that no where in the Lotus Sutra or the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, can we find the concepts or words, YUIGA YOGA but in Tendai/Shingon/Tibetan esotericism, this is a core principle. Central to Lamanism, an offshoot of Shingon, are the Four Treasures and the most important Treasure is the Treasure of the Guru. The other Three Treasures are subsumed within the Treasure of the Guru. This is known as Guru Yoga. The same goes for the SGI, whether it is implicit or implied. When SGI members or leaders chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, they are revering their Sensei. While they chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with their voices, they chant Namu Sensei in their hearts. Makiguchi and Toda read the Lotus Sutra according to the distorted teachings of the Taisekaji priests who adopted the two related Zen and Shingon concepts respectively: The Transfer of the Water of the Law; and Yuiga Yoga or the Oneness of living Master and Disciple. The SGI has adopted these distorted Zen and Shingon viewpoints, in contrast to the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin which state, “This Sutra”. More proof of SGI’s transgressions are Daisaku Ikeda’s teachings that mirror those of his deluded Sensei, Josei Toda. Ikeda once taught, “The basis of Nichiren Shoshu is the Lifeblood recieved only by a single person. To faithfully follow the High Priest of the bequethal of the Lifeblood is the correct way for priests and laybelievers. If one is mistaken about this single point, then everything will become insane.” And now he declares, “Following the Three Presidents of the Soka Gakkai is the basis of the Lifeblood of faith”

    1. Mark: Do you think there is any benefit mixing Shingon practice with the Lotus Sutra as practiced by Nichiren?

      No, of course not, nevertheless, if a believer, belongs to a sect whose leaders are confused and arrogant, yet they chant fervent Daimoku, that person will have full benefit.

      Sone who dislike Nichiren might say he was copying Mudras, mantras and mandalas like Shingon or preaches a easier practice for common people like Nembutsu, but these are just people stuck in their head and literalism and easily swayed.

      Mark: All that lives is destined to die. Life is marked by transience, suffering, impurity, and selfishness. The Original Buddha is eternal, joyful, pure, and selfless. The Buddha transcends life [and death]. Ikeda’s transgressions are far worse because of the principle of intent. He knows all too well the true and eternal principles of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin but persists in transmitting SGI’s [and Taisekaji's] distorted teachings.


      My reply: Ikeda and confused leaders create their own karma, just like judging all members in those sects en- masse, is slander.

      It's not your job to slander and criticize sincere believers who belong to sects that has been guilty of slandering Nichiren and Nikko or the Dai Gohonzon. Only specific people with terrible sins can be admonished, but the criticism has to based in deep understanding.

      Daimoku is far more powerful then transient ignorance. Even the most ignorant can attain Buddhahood if they practice the Daimoku with true faith.

      It is a petty understanding to admonish 95% of Nichiren practitioners, because of some imagined point or pretend scholars, devoid of direct experience. Daimoku and sincere faith gives benefit. Faith alone is incredibly strong, even in people of other religions. All religion is Buddhism and strong faith is always more powerful than errors or ignorance.

    2. Daimoku is not words, it's an Ichinen. People regardless of sect, OR EVEN religion, or LACK OF familiarity with Buddhism can all be "Chanting in their hearts,"

    3. Frankly, for the last year or so I have refrained from admonihing or criticizing neophtye bodhisattvas from whichever "Nichiren" sect. If they chant Daimoku and study, they hopefully will develop a correct view. If they ask me about Ikeda or their priestb I give them my honest assessment. Mostly I encourage them or speak about faith. High level leaders shouldn't be accepting exorbitent alms and if they ask me about their leaders finances, I teach them about Mahadev. Believers chanting many years with strong faith in their Sensei and the absolute necessity of having Sense into their heat, I tell them that my teachers are Gohonzon, Shakyamuni of the Original Doctrine and Nichiren Daishonon, the very best mentors.
