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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Highest resolution Image of The Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma (Denpo Gohonzon 1280) on the Internet with diagram

Feel Free to print this Gohonzon on parchment paper, the finest acid free paper, or the finest rice paper. Then you may frame it, mount it on a blank wall scroll, or send it to a professional to mount it on a blank wall scroll. Contact me if interested and if you have any questions. Please don't forget to perform the Eye Opening Ceremony soon after placing it before your altar. You and Gohonzon WILL change your life by revealing the state of Buddhahood through a strong faith, practice for yourself and others, and diligent study.



  1. By clicking on images you can enlarge images to be able to more easily read the diagram.

  2. Thank you so much. How to perform eye opening ceremony?

  3. Please see my latest post, On the Eye Opening Ceremony.

  4. Good morning or good night, looking at your blog ... it was the beginning of a new beginning for me.
    I needed a change in general and here they gave it to me.
    I am new to this blog ... but I really found what I needed.

    Thank you all.

    PS: What liturgy do you use for daily practices?
    Namu Myoho Rengue Kyo.
    I'm sorry for my English, I owe it to Google Translator

  5. So happy you have found a new beginning. Striving to have the same faith and practice as Nichiren is indescribably rewarding and eventful.

    I use the Kempon Hokke liturgy which you can find on Kempon Hokke International:

    Sometimes, before and after Gongyo, I recite passages from the liturgy or passages from the Lotus Sutra and Gosho. I, myself, am looking for a liturgy with the entire 16th Chapter. I had one but i lent it and never got it back. Here on my blog is the complete Essential Services of the Kempon Hokke. Have been too lazy to make it into a sutra book in which i would add passages from the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's Five Major Writings to recite before and after Gongyo.

    Here on the blog, you will find a complete Gongyo (without before and after prayers and vows):
