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Friday, September 24, 2021

Anonymous experience with the Soka Gakkai

I had too much of it. Their thing is to chant and live for material success and aquisition and worship Ikeda rubbish. I talked to them, and it continues to be so. An SGI person, my friend I talked too recently, is just a bitchy robot tool. Had to walk away. Absolutely no comprehension of the true spiritual allegories and deep meanings of the Lotus Sutra. Might as well be talking to a marble statue or robot. They talk about compassion and peace. They have none. Empty vessels. Years with those fools, reading anything by Ikeda and their yearly fundraisers. The publications are worse than kindergarten level banal philosophy. What a joke. Nichiren Buddhism is pure and deep. It's like they missed the boat and went in the opposite direction. They are all nuclearsists. Ikeda doesn't want to get rid of nuke weapons. The whole thing is cult worship of a spiritual midget that speaks first grade bafflegab. I don't read it anymore. The first time I saw it I knew it was crap because, I have studied Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra. Paying lip service and reciting parts of the Lotus Sutra with, no comprehension of it's spiritual meanings. They have no comprehension of the Buddhist way. It is so inane. Maybe it helps them like other cult things do, groups of mindless morons . It is a dangerous trap for truly spiritual people to get involved with. I have seen a few group leaders hit the road, after some years when they get what is really going on, ie Ikeda worship and a phony new age prosperity ministry scam.


  1. The 200 Japanese Vice Presidents and General Directors all earn mid-six figure salaries to do the same thing that District, Chapter, Headquarters, Region, Territory, and most Zone leaders do for teach Ikedaism. In actual Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren, only priests may except donations (alms).

  2. Another nameless contributor to the archives of lament for where they encountered the daimoku —-

  3. His name like yours is Anonymous, or a John Doe of the internet. According to Nichiren, it was auspicious causation in how we met Namu Myoho renge kyo.
