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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Nichiren's view of ego-death or egolessness

For Nichiren, ego-death is having the deepest gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign of all mankind. Generally, ego-death is having the deepest gratitude for our parents specifically and all beings generally. I have a deep gratitude for Daisaku Ikeda and the SGI as Nichiren had for Hei no saemon.


  1. Nichiren expressed gratitude for him, too! Even though Hei no seamon did not chant the daimoku , Nichiren gave him credit for aiding him in proving the truth of the Buddha’s highest teaching.

    Wrong again, Mark

    1. No you are wrong. In one place he praised him as being a good friend. In others:

      "I, Nichiren, said in a loud voice, “How amusing! Look at Hei no Saemon gone mad!"

      "Hei no Saemon has already toppled the pillar of Japan, and the country grows turbulent as unfounded rumors and speculation rise up like phantoms to cause dissension in the ruling clan."

      "Hei no Saemon is to me what Devadatta was to Shakyamuni Buddha." And Ikeda/SGI is to me as Devedatta.

      "For me, Nichiren, my best allies in attaining Buddhahood are Kagenobu, the priests Ryōkan, Dōryū, and Dōamidabutsu, and Hei no Saemon and the lord of Sagami. I am grateful when I think that without them I could not have proved myself to be the votary of the Lotus Sutra."

      "When Hei no Saemon and Akitajō-no-suke, in their anger, wreak havoc upon us, you must demonstrate a firm resolve.

      Likewise were it not for Ikeda, I too would be floundering in the sea of suffering. Thanks to Ikeda, I will attain Buddhahood.

      Just like Nichiren wrote twice that it was thanks to Hei No Saemon, I wrote several times thanking Ikeda Sensei.

      Ikeda and High Priest Nichinyo and all the High Priests are mad. Maybe you should follow Jerry into the Nichiren Shoshu. They vilify me but not nearly as much as you.

    2. Nichiren had communicated directly to Hae no Saemon and was directly targeted by him. Is that your history with Ikeda. Or do you just snipe him on the internet and whine about getting moderated for your abusive language ? The latter is the case.

    3. His disciples and believers HAVE targeted me. Nichiren never met Honen but wrote many letters with him as the subject. Regarding having been banned or moderated on many forums, please point out my abusive language. They said the same thing about Nichiren's harsh words and forceful manner. That is what happens when you say truthful words.

  2. Nichiren didn't spend a whole blog on Hei-no-Saemon.

    You are misunderstanding the inner feeling of the Daishonin and his intent.

    1. Nichiren didn’t blog. He knew who he was writing to!

    2. You Anonymous guys or gals are really dumb. Nichiren specifically said to share many of his letters with the other disciples and believers. Were he alive today, he might have a blog and definitely would utilize the technology (e-mail). Also, he would meet with disciples and believers despite Covid as he did in his time.

  3. Sometimes u piss me off Dr mark. SGI members pay attention to all the window dressing, and lies and new age bullshit and chanting and rote reading of the lotus sutra that ikedaim has taught them. They go through ignorant, empty rituals, without comprehending the most important paertw of the lotus sutra and Buddhist teachings on peace , ego ablation, the middle way and karma and crass meterialism, The friking demonic assholes, just blowoff the core ethics and morality and middle way teachings of Buddhism many of which are referred to directly in the lotus sutra

    They blow it off for fascism and crass materialism and even hate in some respects like the trump bastards do . one of the most hate ful Nazi bastards I have ever seen is a fuking racist killer on this blog ,threatening to kill people and their kids over racist evil trump shit.

    Even SGIers understand the Buddhist precepts of respecting all life, doing no harm ,not killing and cause and effect I hope the Nazi fuk who attacked Buddhists on this blog is in eternal hell suffering . I hope is tortured for eternity , even tho that is not very Buddhist of me

  4. Comparing yourself to Nichiren again? Without a word written by Nichiren to support another of your ludicrous claims! I provided reference to Nichiren's regard for Hei no Saemon--" appreciation for his role in assisting Nichiren to prove he was fulfilling the Buddha's prophecy" you removed it, of course.

  5. No. My experiences to some small extent mirror his having the same faith as he and a forceful practice. Have been weighing how to deal with you, an Asura. Some have advised me to ignore you, you will get tired not being responded to. I know you are off in your faith and practice because you have regressed. Instead of supporting me and my efforts here you support the evil SGI. I have been chanting for you, your happiness and enlightenment. I'm sure I will figure out how to help but at this time, it may be beyond my power.

    Has Greg adopted your support for SGI and NST? If he has, I will be shocked.

  6. I support only Nichiren, Mark. Your assumptions are so wild, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    If you are curious about your old friend, Greg, you have his personal contact info. Surprised you are so negligent when it comes to the “status” of those you once regaled and spoke frequently with .

    You admit to having “ advisors” on how “ to deal with me”. Then you claim my faith is off?

    To date you deal with me by using your delete button, controlling the narrative and rewriting history, Tactics discussed widely on mainstream media as the GOP’s movement toward Fascism— with cooperation from state based media and social media.

    Nichiren wrote: “ When the sky is blue, the land is bright, so those who know the Lotus Sutra can see the reasons for occurrences in the world.” Kanjin Honzon-sho.

  7. For ten days I have allowed your slanderous comments, every single one. Bring up the old comments that I deleted and they will be allowed. You have a hongamyo (relating to the past), not a Honinmyo (relating to this moment on) view. you also are fond of repeating yourself. Why should I allow you to repeat over and over again what you have already stated a dozen or so times. It is boring for me and for my readers I imagine.
