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Friday, October 8, 2021

"Do not look down upon my disciples!" - Nichiren

"Therefore I entreat the people of this country: Do not look down upon my disciples! "If one inquires into their past, they are great bodhisattvas who have given alms to Buddhas over a period of eighty myriads of millions of kalpas, and who have carried out religious practices under Buddhas as numerous as the sand of the Hiranyavati and Ganges rivers. And if one speaks of the future, they are endowed with the benefit of the fiftieth person, surpassing that of one who gives alms to all living beings for a period of eighty years. They are like an infant emperor wrapped in swaddling clothes, or a great dragon who has just been born. Do not despise them! Do not look on them with contempt!

Miao-lo writes: "Those who vex or trouble [the practitioners of the Lotus Sutra] will have their heads split into seven pieces, but those who give alms to them will enjoy good fortune surpassing the ten honorable titles." King Udayana behaved insolently toward the Venerable Pindolabharadvaja, and within seven years he had lost his life. The lord of Sagami condemned Nichiren to exile, and within a hundred days armed rebellion broke out in his domain.

The Lotus Sutra says: "If anyone shall see a person who embraces this sutra and try to expose that person's faults or evils, whether what he speaks is true or not, he will in his present life be afflicted with white leprosy...he will suffer various grave illnesses of a malignant nature." It also says: "In age after age he will be eyeless."

Myoshin and Enchi contracted white leprosy in their present lifetime, while Doamidabutsu lost his sight. The epidemics that afflict our nation are punishments of the kind described as "the head being split into seven pieces." And if we surmise the degree of benefit according to that of punishment, then there can be no doubt that my followers will enjoy "good fortune surpassing the ten honorable titles." - On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice


  1. The question arises, "who are the disciples of Nichiren?" Nichiren teaches that proof is they who possess something in Nichiren's hand. Today, proof is abiding in Nichiren's writings.

  2. Nichiren is not amongst us today. Your assertions smack of arrogance and self promotion!

  3. certainly, i will not promote your viewpoint or your pal's Jerry who said I was addled with opiods. Is he my pain management doctor?

    1. Just trying to understand what has poisoned your mind …

  4. I know alot about Jerry but I have refrained from discussing some of his tactics, searching his detractors documents and sending them threatening e-mails with their addresses saying, "we know where you live."

  5. Since you declared Jerry, “ not worth our spittle” 3 years ago, I wouldn’t consider any aspect of your past affiliation noteworthy. Why do you engage in petty mud slinging on the site you control?
    I cannot unsee your behavior, by the same token I will humbly state that my faith has deepened through reconnecting with Jerry- resolving differences and overcoming the obstacle of conflict, actual proof of the great benefit of assiduously chanting daimoku. The heart matters most, comes to mind… heartfelt devotion is evident in the behavior of believers.

  6. true fact: blogger could pick up his phone and address any of his "gossip" directly with "former friend and Nichiren priest he promoted on this blog", Jerry. but instead, blogger chooses a public forum to vent his petty grievances.

  7. You now defend the indefensible SGI and say nothing about Jerry having abandoned Shakyamuni Buddha for Nichiren as Original, True, Eternal Buddha and abandoning his friends who he taught to respect and revere Shakyamuni Buddha. Betrayal of the teachings and his friends. That you choose to reestablish your friendship with Jerry is your business. I have no use for the fake wannabe priest.

  8. I must correct you , again, because you have once again mischaracterized my “ defense”- My respect for those who chant the daimoku is not a “ defense of any sect or lay organization” - neither is sanctioned by Nichiren’s doctrines, but individuals devoted to chanting Myoho renge kyo “ should be the very last to abuse one another” is predicated on the Lotus Sutra itself. I further contend that your outrageous remarks about Jerry’s faith and character are merely examples of assumptions you make absent personal contact/ knowledge of Jerry —based entirely on your propensity to judge and discard others from personal bias and animus. Put simply, you don’t know what you’re talking about, but that doesn’t stop you from making your crazy accusations. You are guilty of abandoning those you called, friends— and publicly degrading them. So, guessing you haven’t embraced the tenant : gratitude for all living beings? Guessing you are cozy in your ivory tower, your own unruly mind?
