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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Response to a friend.

Nice to hear from you. Thank you. It is not always easy when the criticisms come ten to one to the praises. Still, Believing in Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land, I feel that I must speak out despite the criticisms from other believers that I promote hate speech. I bet Nichiren also encountered such hostility. Still, I am alive almost three years since I should be dead and more recently, having been in the hospital for 12 days, not knowing if I would make it. My gratitude to the Gohonzon, Eternal Buddha and Nichiren for being alive so much outweighs my shame for the criticisms, I know I must be doing the right thing. Hang in there. The Gohonzon is GREAT.
5:19 AM


  1. The New York times is a neoconservative rag. They lied about wmds in iraq, so the USA could do major war crimes. Another Warmonger rag. Yahoo is a moony rag, that amplifys warmonger propaganda from rags like the NYT.

    I don't believe China,  seeks unconditional unification. I don't believe China,   is terrorizing Taiwan.  The US of America the UK, and  Australia pushed this evil publicity stunt, by saying they are going to surround china with even more, first strike capability. They would seize Taiwan themselves,  and, turn the small island into one tiny frikikin complex af missile silos, and nuke sub bases, if they could!

    I'm asserting that it's all saber rattling propaganda the anglo, warmongers are putting out, against china. It is a crock of shit.

    China is no angel either.
    The Chinese nuclear military industrial complex and, American nuclear mic both want to keep tension up, so their corporate and military interests, can keep getting rich off the ongoing nuclear genocide. 

    China and Taiwan are pretty entangled. Why international people buy into such garbage , is hard to grasp, for me. The latest manufactured conflict hotspot of china, is not about ideology, it's about money. Money that funnels to the top miliitary complexes,  war pigs and oligarchs .

    The Koreas for example, would be glad to join together for one Korea. That fake theater is stoked  mostly by the USA. The USA, keeps that shit-show going in n Korea , not the Chinese. It's  a lot of front poppycock

    Half of the people in Taiwan, work as managers and engineers, in china. It's like Tijuana is, to San Diego.
    War pig language, is what the propaganda machines of police state war nuclearsists, churn out.
    This latest crapnews about Taiwan and China,  is pure diarrhea propaganda.  Love is war, war is peace , it is all about,  nuclear subs, in Australia and Japan wakeup.

    The nuke war will start, with an idiot like trump, doing a tactical nuke strike in Persia or poduncland . The russians will retaliate because, they know one tactical nuke detonation, is the prelude to nuclear war. There are so many ignorant  humans. Ignorant , deluded, and many warpig Humans, that are so stupid, that they cannot see that

    I'm no chess genius . Just 1800 but I play chess ten times a day. Most people are in lala land

    China has been invaded and exploited, numerous times from numerous frontiers. Mongols, Turks, English, Japanese. How many times has the usa been invaded?

    There is no need, for any more nuclear submarines, in the world .
    The usa, the UK , and australia started this propaganda campaign, months ago. They advertised around the world, that they were going to surround china, with even more nuclear first strike capability. Now the American propaganda media, demonizes china, for reacting, to being surrounded by an ever increasing first strike capability. I just don't get how people can be so blind. I'm genuinely antinuclear. Have been for years . Why do people, buy into the nuclear war pig mentality?

    If one is genuinely against the insane nuclear proliferation the USA, UK, and Australia ,they would know better.
    The anglo war mongers are provoking china with the western war machine propaganda, and nuclear arms buildups. How un Buddhist and irrational. Just sickening

  2. Actually, what you mean, Mark, is that you have n problem totally discounting any of even the slightest criticism of your speech and behavior. You have engaged in and promoted "hate speech"-- still on this site, by strict definition of the terms, and insisted you are "following Nichiren"-- Authoritarian posturing, arrogance and denigration of other believers in no way resembles Nichiren's behavior !

  3. you say "other believers". Then please, by all means sing a few bars of Forever Sensei. Other believers in what? Certainly not the Mystic Law when they suckle an intermediary. "Hate speech", I think you would be better off admonishing the SGI and the Nichiren Shoshu, If you like, I can supply their hate speech and they have thuusands of times more influence than I. My speech is truth based on the Lotus sutra and writings of Nichiren. Shinkei's BS that no one knows what Nichiren actually taught is hate speech and arrogance.

  4. Hostility coming through loud and clear,Mark, same as always with you . Don't know what has held you back from transforming your animosity... Weeding through hundreds of years of manipulating Nichiren's teachings to create and support priests, leaders and authoritarian bloggers only takes a year or so... then when it becomes clear that basically nothing "taught" by any sect has any connection to the essential teaching and practice, which... drum roll please, is really only focused on chanting the daimoku , well some folks seem to be offended by that. Guess you are one of those disgruntled wanna be superior leader types.. ??
    You cannot validate anything you claim is Nichiren's teaching-- have to depend on some other more knowledgeable source. Pity you for attacking "Shinkei", who can actually perform translations, has had personal experience with ordination as a Nichiren priest, personal experience with NST and NST-- in Japan ,and the US. But I'd say that conversing with a knowledgeable practitioner who is also a very down to earth, decent and thoughtful human being feels right-- in terms of upholding the teaching as opposed to lots of hot air preaching and reprehensible behavior as a 'human being'-
    Just because you keep claiming to speak only truth about the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings... doesn't make it true, dude.
