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Monday, January 17, 2022

Were there any nuclear submarines near the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai volcano that exploded?

If there were, please imagine how deadly their destruction would be to the world...with up to 100s warheads and several nuclear reactors. We the people might never know the answer to this question. Let us get rid of all the nuclear weapons (and reactors) in the world. Namu Myoho renge kyo.


  1. Good point the United States and France bombed the crap out of the area with hydrogen bombs in the 50s and sixties the British queen caused the windscale nuclear meltdown and disaster. The queen also nuked bombed Australia w Cobalt60 seeded bombs in the 60s. Nuclear bomb testing. Now the British queen says she will spend millions to get pedophile Andrew off.

  2. I cannot believe, that the us govt is spending over half it's budget, a trillion dollars on the military . That is with billions for new nuclear weapons, billions for nuke subs and ships. Billions for space force. This is at a time when so many people in the USA are suffering!!!!! Covid. No time off work, if you have covid. Double digit inflation thanks to Trump and Biden. Unprecedented income desparity where billionaires and oligarchs are driving us, to a bloody civil war, nuclear war, fascism . Unbounded psychosis and suffering.
    Homelessness. No medical coverage . Death or bankruptcy if you get sick. No democracy. A nightmare

    Where Greed is a Virtue and Poverty Your Own Damn Fault -
