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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Lauren comments in post, My goodness...SGI members have crawled out of the woodwork to castigate me.

"Proved my point, bro. for starters. Either show your face in SGI, or perhaps do the decent honest thing and stop speaking for thousands of members you don’t know. For starters , bro." Lauren

Response: In 1996, I set up a table outside the New York Community Center with anti-SGI literature and Kempon Hokke Sutra Books and asked for a meeting with David Kasahara. Many members were interested in what I had to say but 3 YMDs came out and told me to move away from the center or they would call the police. I got into my car which was right in front of the center [hehe I thought only top SGI senior leaders are able to find a parking space directly in front of the New York Kaikan] and told them, "You are cowards and poor disciples of the Buddha of the Modern Age."

The SGI top leaders with whom I requested a formal debate all refused with various excuses. Ian Mcilraith, David Kasahara, Al Albergate, Gerry Hall, and Greg Martin are all cowards.

Soka Gakkai has numerous manuals for leaders including a Code of Conduct for Leaders, it has its published bylaws, has a national and international website, has many blogs, is on Dharma wheel and reddit. Here is the example of your cult Code of Conduct for Leaders.

All SGI members proclaim, "I am a Buddha". Actual Buddhas don't need a Code of Conduct because Buddhas behavior is faultless. The SGI religion has no power to create nBuddhas so they have a Code of Conduct.

SGI Code of Conduct for SGI leaders or "Real Buddhas don't need no stinkin' code of conduct."

SGI-USA Code of Conduct for Leaders

In recognition of our shared commitment to spread the Mystic Law throughout the world for the sake of peace and the happiness of all humankind; to proudly carry out kosen-rufu activities based on the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple exemplified by the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai; and to resolutely protect the harmonious unity of the SGI; in recognition of the great opportunity and responsibility to serve the precious Bodhisattvas of the Earth in the SGI-USA; in recognition of my mission to nurture the faith of those entrusted to my care on behalf of SGI President Ikeda; in recognition of the impact, both positive and negative, that my behavior can have on the faith and unity of my fellow practitioners; I am determined to live up to the standards of leadership and highest standards of conduct as described in the 2008 Leadership Manual, and agree specifically to:

* Contribute to harmonious unity based on dialogue and respecting the opinions of others and, in particular, men respecting the opinions of women;

* Abide by the guidance and activity guidelines of the SGI and participate in and promote the kosen-rufu activities of the SGI, including, but not limited to, propagation, publications and contributions;

* Study and apply the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and the guidance of SGI President Ikeda to deepen my faith and understanding of Nichiren Buddhism;

* Respect the dignity of each person, neither condoning nor engaging in discriminatory language and/or behavior toward any member based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political views or any other distinction;

* Refrain from using religious activities to involve the organization or its members in political activities, recognizing that I, as an individual, may freely engage in political activities;

* Restrict my leadership role to my assigned organizational responsibility—not giving direction in organizational matters to members in other organizational units—and connect members to their direct organizational leaders and never promote exclusive relationships between members and any leader, including myself;

* Not use my organizational relationships to promote any personal business interests or engage in the borrowing or lending of money among members;*

* Not engage in or condone sexual misconduct;*

* Not violate the privacy and confidentiality of members;* and

* Not engage in any other behavior that disrupts the harmonious unity of the SGI or disturbs the faith and practice of its members.*

If I were to bet "bro", I know more about SGI and SGI members than you do.

Soka Gakkai's promise, "Thanks to Soka Gakkai no more nukes in 10 years (or 20 years)", claimed on varios dates over the past 40 years.


Will have no internet service for 4 to 6 weeks

Living in very rural area, ATT is placing all new cable and my ATT cell phone service provides only a poor connection. Save your comments until the Eagle Peak blog is back on line. Asked about the benefits in my life. My greatest benefit is that my life to some small extent mirrors that of Nichiren.

Monday, June 27, 2022

It is better to convert one person to Nichiren's Lotus Sutra Buddhism than ten million to the Soka Gakkai.

“Some people criticize me, saying, ‘Nichiren does not understand the capacities of the people of the time, but goes around preaching in a harsh manner—that is why he meets with difficulties.’ Other people say, ‘The practices described in the “Encouraging Devotion” chapter are for bodhisattvas who are far advanced in practice; [Nichiren ought to follow the practices of] the “Peaceful Practices” chapter, yet he fails to do so.’ Others say, ‘I, too, know the Lotus Sutra is supreme, but I say nothing about it.’ Still others complain that I give all my attention to doctrinal teachings. I am well aware of all these criticisms against me. But I recall the case of Pien Ho, who had his legs cut off at the knee, and of Kiyomaro (Pure Man), who was dubbed Kegaremaro (Filthy Man) and almost put to death. All the people of the time laughed at them with scorn, but unlike those two men, those who laughed left no good name behind them. And all the people who level unjust criticisms at me will meet with a similar fate. The ‘Encouraging Devotion’ chapter says, ‘There will be many ignorant people who will curse and speak ill of us.’ I observe my own situation in this passage. Why should it not apply to all of you as well? ‘They will attack us with swords and staves,’ the passage continues. I have experienced this passage from the sutra with my own body. Why do you, my disciples, not do likewise?” (pg. 209)

The SGI teach “Lesser doctrines”: Value creationism; human revolution; shoju in the degenerate age; mentor-disciple as the prime point of the Lotus Sutra; the inequality of those who chant the Daimoku; the purpose of the Juryo-hon is to smash the Hoben-pon and the purpose of Daimoku is to smash the Juryo-hon; Nichiren is the True Buddha; Namu Myoho renge kyo is the True Buddha; Namu Myoho renge kyo is incorrect, Nam Myoho renge kyo is correct; the Lotus Sutra has lost it’s efficacy in Mappo; the common man can not understand the Lotus Sutra or Gosho in Mappo without Sensei's guidance; prayers to repay one’s debt of gratitude to the Three Presidents, not the debt owed to Shakyamuni Buddha; the Nichikan Gohonzon; personal guidance; the list goes on and on. The concept, “innumerable meanings derive from one Law”, does not mean any base or mistaken concept is Buddhism.

The One Vehicle is Myoho renge kyo:

“Thus it was that the eight-year-old dragon girl was able to come out of the vast sea and in an instant give proof of the power of this sutra, and Superior Practices, a bodhisattva of the essential teaching, emerged from beneath the great earth and thereby demonstrated the unfathomably long life span of the Buddha. This is the king of sutras, defying description in words, the wonderful Law that is beyond the mind’s power to comprehend.” (Embracing the Lotus Sutra)

Nichiren does indeed teach, “Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.” But he also teaches that the mandala Gohonzon (Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni) is the teacher of all Buddhas throughout the Three Existences:

“If it is not the proper Object of Worship (Gohonzon), even though there be no falsehood [even if the practitioner is sincere] it will not form the seed [of Buddhahood]. The Daimoku of the Hommon [Doctrine of the Original of the Lotus Sutra] is the seed of Buddhahood. This is because the Eternal Shakyamuni of the Honmon has put his Causal Practices (his myriad practices that lead to enlightenment) and his Virtues of the Effect (the merits of the effect, which is Buddhahood) into the seven characters of Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo.” -- The True Object of Worship


“If one doubts the strength of the Buddha when he says, “I am the only person who can rescue and protect others”; if one is suspicious of the rope held out by the Lotus Sutra when its teachings declare that one can “gain entrance through faith alone”; if one fails to chant the Mystic Law which guarantees that “such a person assuredly and without doubt [will attain the Buddha way],” then the Buddha’s power cannot reach one, and it will be impossible to scale the embankment of enlightenment.” (Embracing the Lotus Sutra)

and again, it is not enough merely to believe in and chant the Mystic Law:

“Only when one understands all this clearly and believes in it can the Law manifest its power and the Buddhas and bodhisattvas bring benefit to the people. To illustrate, in kindling a fire, three things are needed: a good piece of steel, a good flint, and good tinder. The same is true of prayer. Three things are required— a good teacher, a good believer, and a good teaching— before prayers can be effective and disasters banished from the land.

A good teacher is a priest who is free from any fault in secular affairs, who never fawns upon others even in the slightest, who desires and is satisfied with little, and who is compassionate; a priest who reads and upholds the Lotus Sutra precisely as it teaches and also encourages and leads others to embrace it. Such a priest the Buddha has praised among all priests as the finest teacher of the Law.

A good believer is one who does not depend upon persons of eminence or despise those of humble station; who does not rely on the backing of superiors or look down on inferiors; who, not relying upon the opinions of others, upholds the Lotus Sutra among all the sutras. Such a person the Buddha has called the best of all people.

As for a good teaching, the Buddha has told us that this sutra, the Lotus, represents the foremost among all doctrines. Among all the sutras the Buddha “has preached,” among those he “now preaches,” and among those he “will preach,” this sutra is designated as foremost, and therefore it is a good teaching.” -- How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood 

Being a good believer is insufficient

As far as the “great good” of planting seeds, the SGI seeds are damaged because their Object of Worship is damaged [mistaken]. The beautiful saplings [SGI new members], as they mature, grow into crooked Taisekaji trees. It is better to convert one person to Nichiren's Lotus Sutra Buddhism than ten million to the Soka Gakkai.


Final point: I have never been a member of your renegade group, though I profess interest in what you were actually doing. I have no interest, however, in competing with your internet renderings of your amazing personal life, as I already know you have mischaracterized key elements of your behavior towards two believers I got to know very well. You lie, Mark, or perhaps your memory fails you, or maybe you just paid very little attention to the people you assumed were "supporting you". All of these things speak to the person you are, as well as the ways in which you rewrite personal history, manipulate historical personal info and continue to exert power here on a freaking blog, for crying out loud! You are constantly justifying yourself, which is repugnant on its face and now supported by objective views of your behavior from people who simply will not continue to post here. Greg noted, when you began your moderation and shutting down the blog in response to my challenging you here, that you were threatened by me. He noted that I am a skilled writer and well versed in the teachings. With utmost humility, I attribute my meager capabilities to my faith which has always been based on my heart for others. I pray to become what is needed to actually help others and pray to have the life force as I grow older and grapple with my own health issues, to take action and manifest my heartfelt prayers. This is a brief accurate and well supported by many others, truthful testimony of the woman you call your enemy. LOL! I wonder, though, if you realize how that defines you? Just another thin skinned toxic male for whom there is no bottom when it comes to how he will defend himself and hold on to what little, insignificant power he thinks he has. Greg also noted how similar your behaviors were to Trump, though I see he doesn't share his personal thoughts about you, here. I pray for him out of concern for how his own anger and grudges have left him lonely -- or lonelier since he lost a truly beautiful life companion 2 years ago. If he was truthful that he reports to daimoku and study-- on his own to work out conflicts and contradictions , I know he will conclude as did Jerry and I that daimoku is IT and abusing other believers violates the Law. Whatever it will take for you to wake up, I also hope occurs ASAP-- but I will no longer engage here, as I fully realize the limitations of this venue for productive, meaningful discussion. You both know how to reach me personally. I never discard people, or rather, I answer my phone and am always open to reaching greater understandings through personal encounters. Best, ~Katie

My reply: continued: MARK " Yes Katie, we seperate ourselves from evil spiritual friends and bad teachers but don't for a second believe that we are alone. There are many within the Kempon Hokke and independents who embrace the same or nearly the same viewpoints as we. They have their own way of upholding the teachings and have their own sphere of influence. Some are emminently gentle beings, hurt to the core with their SGI experience. They just want to be left alone but they support me and I them." KATIE: Interesting that you consider your isolation and exclusionary attitudes to be praise worthy? Nichiren, on the other hand says: " The daimoku which, I, Nichiren, recite today, in the Latter Age of Degeneration is the daimoku of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo which, unlike that of the previous ages, is not merely the practice for personal enlightenment, but it is the practice also for benefitting others. This five character daimoku is not just the title of the Lotus Sutra; it contains the five profound meanings of the name, quality, function and teaching" "The Three Great Secret Dharmas"- Writings of Nichiren Shonin, Doctrine 2, page 290.-- I take to heart the meaning of "bringing benefit to others" heartfelt prayers for others and actions that back up those prayers. I take to heart the meaning of daimoku and what is written about the power of "hearing it" or even "reciting it once". I take to heart that bodhisattva practice via standing up for the well being of others may well incite persecution-- loss of livelihood as a whistle blower for example, but even that can be overcome with continuing faith. You say these supporters of yours have "their own way" and "some are deeply hurt", however, there is absolutely no fear of actual persecution for their faith in this country, yet seclusion and exclusionary, separatist, mutual support is your "way". WHY is that necessary , if not to protect yourselves from the obstacles that will arise, as I well know, when one takes action in our society for the sake of others? How can you, for example, claim you are persecuted just because you are moderated for abusive language- specifically asked to stop, but continuing in that vein? What exactly did you lose through no fault of your own? Zilch.. you were merely excluded from sites where civil discourse was their stipulated requirement. Your bully pulpit is secure, is it not? I call you and your ilk, cowards who cannot challenge themselves to engage others respectfully or engage in actions within our society that reflect "bringing benefit to others" outside of theirs and your comfort zone. I, on the other hand, put my livelihood on the line to protect teens from abuses on an inpatient psychiatric unit and then to advocate for a teen unlawfully held on that same unit for 9 months. I put my face in the public sphere to protect youth where I "had influence" and overcame the persecution I received through my assiduous practice and study of Nichiren's Buddhism. You and your ilk choose to rant on the internet and support each other. About the same as the extremists and domestic terrorists are doing in the moment. Unlike Nichiren, you are completely out of step with the country and the conditions of our society, acting, as Dave pointed out, like caricatures of medieval times... dystopian viewpoints, trashing groups by . Thus, I share the struggles of all who recite and seek to deepen their faith in the Law. Nichiren claimed that though he was not a sage of the caliber of Shakyamuni, T'ien -t'ai and Dengyo, he was unique in his ability to withstand persecution and in his great and deep concern for others. Nichiren is my teacher. Nichiren was my guide during persecutions -- loss of valuable and sometimes crucial means for my well being- punishment for merely protecting others and expanding my concern to include ALL others - a life long undertaking that you discarded long ago, in favor of promoting yourself as the "only one...blah blah blah" ~Katie

My reply: continued: MARK: " The many dozens of scriptural passages that I present are glossed over by you. You only accept and uphold what resonates with you and you ignore the rest. " KATIE: So, you also forget that I have my own extensive Nichiren library and copy of the Lotus Sutra and numerous scholarly articles that you once were eager to study yourself, but, apparently lacked time or capacity to do so? You actually assume to KNOW what I read and HOW I interpret the teachings? Even though, i have shared many pivotal passages right here and shared how I have grown in understanding the importance of acknowledging the dignity in the lives of ALL who recite the daimoku---from the description of the daimoku and references to those who recite it... ALL TRUE TEACHINGS that you ignore and immediately attack me personally. But you don't stop there, do you? Now you claim to know what and how I study... which incites you only because I have reached far different conclusions regarding Buddhism in a non-Buddhist country, the actual cultural context that presents many obstacles and appreciating the extremely long Degenerative age before us, I see you and your self righteous crusade as a reflection of your lack of faith in what defines the Lotus Sutra as the Highest teaching, because it excludes no one and sets forth a very difficult to believe and understand premise of ALL possessing the Buddha nature with "potential" to attain the exact same benefits as the Buddha. I reject your personal views. I abhor your behavior towards Greg and Jerry and the friends I encouraged to read and post here. I have not been and will never be swayed by your arbitrary views, and I pray for those who are influenced by your rigid and arrogant approach to the teachings. Actualy, due to conditions in our society today, the rejection of those who seek to control others via their personal religious beliefs, which, I remind you is antithetical to our constitution- "separation of church and state" and "freedom to practice one's own religion" ; due to the blatant attack on the right to privacy and individual freedom , people like you are rejected by the generation I am most closely aligned with through my work and my basic nature. I know what you do not care enough to discover for yourself: Propagating Myoho Renge Kyo for those most worried about their future in this post Trump society is based entirely on earning their trust and respect, which I personally have found is greatly facilitated through my heartfelt prayers for their well being and happiness. You, Mark Rogow have established yourself as an "enemy of the people" who are seeking solutions to the havoc wreaked by Religious authorities encroaching on the personal lives of Americans. When you place another feather in your cap for being rejected, ignored by the generation charged up to employ peaceful means to regain their rights and freedoms, which you will no doubt do, you simply show yourself to be a "Law devouring hungry demon" who cares nothing for the hearts and minds of others, which, BTW anyone who consistently reads Nichiren can see for themselves. Copy/Paste, recycle and thump your aging chest all you want, you have failed miserably to uphold and exemplify the true benefit of Nichiren's teachings and you are, I'm grateful and happy to say, no threat to the precious youth who already believe in what you discarded from the Lotus Sutra. Myoho Renge Kyo permeates all phenomena in the universe. As I often reminded Greg, every fading out generation employs fear of extinction, etc. to hang on to power, but alas! the next generation emerges to prove Shakyamuni's promise that this "threefold world is His domain... cannot be destroyed... all living beings , that is; ALL living beings are His children", not yours, Mark. And the Law will endure thanks in part to Ikeda who propagated it globally, while you are left to grapple with the karma you yourself have created. ~Katie

KATIE: You claim the Buddha and Nichiren are your “ sensei’s” but treat believers with contempt. You publish all sorts of scandalous attacks on believers and incite discord thru various manipulations of info. For sample: recently you “ informed” Tanya that you received obscene threats against your wife by “:a SGI member”, but you did not provide pertinent context; that the threats were posted on “:Fraught with Peril” an internet Nichiren Buddhist forum that devolved into such horrific base discourse that it was “ taken down”. Or that Greg and Jerry, in defense of you, threatened the participants after establishing they could identify and locate them." Hey Mark, you did not address this very pertinent example of how you manipulate "history" , which you are still doing, BTW. Ironically, though you claim to have mailed me a Nichiren Gohonzon because you believed I shared "your views" on the True teachings, YOU apparently dismissed the letters I sent to you from Boston Region Leaders and MY response to them, which was exclusively about "organizational" matters NOT the teachings. AND, when I challenged your callous attitude toward the death of Pres. Ikeda's son, you defended your atrocious insensitivity with Gosho quotes that I did not readily accept as a "defense" for your cruelty, which you continue in your cruel accusations about the deaths of SGI leaders. I have been reading Nichiren's writings from the very beginning of my practice, before I attended my first SGI discussion meeting. Not knowing exactly how to respond to your pompous proclamations about the faith of others, I knew well before losing a child of my own in 1993, that Nichiren did not compound the suffering of Shiro Goro's mother by telling her her "faith was off" when her adolescent son died suddenly. Nor was Shijo Kingo admonished for "weak, incorrect faith" when his infant daughter passed away. I simply did not know how to approach your rancor as it struck at the very heart of my faith. So, I stopped challenging you and eventually stopped posting on your blog, believing that you simply did not comprehend the pain of losing a child and had no heart for those who bear this sorrow. I return here with several years of study and personal experience that leaves no doubt as to your violations of the true teachings and speaking out about your transgressions conforms to my understanding of personal;, yes PERSONAL responsibility, through personal knowledge and ongoing study. ~Katie

My reply...continued: MARK: I treat all believers with the utmost respect and most non-balievers. Those who would distort the teachings of the Lotus Sutra also deserve respect. That I confron them with the truth of the teachings is the epitomy of respect. Do you criticize Nichiren for calling his enemies dogs or remanding them to the Hell of Incessant Suffering?. SGI and now you are enemies of the teachings and therefore, you are my enemies." KATIE: Sorry? Do you read your posts here? You have even degraded and insulted a few friends from SGI who wanted to engage you here. You continue to "SAY" you are doing one thing, and consistently DOING the opposite... You apparently need enemies, although you fail to see how you are your own worst enemy when it comes to propagating the true teachings. You are only publishing my comments to fuel your own agenda. You care nothing about the people who chant daimoku everyday. Like the cult of Trumpism, you have to be attacking an "enemy".. every participant who tries to engage you is " a means to your end". This is what you have shown and like me, many cannot "unsee" what you have shown by way of degrading believers in the Mystic Law- Nichiren and the Buddha define a believer as one who "recites Myoho Renge Kyo"-- YOU have another definition that is not in accordance with the True teachings, publishing and not challenging this comment from your "fans": "Screw Katie.. she is a SGI slut, a whore". That says everything about you,- promoting slander of a believer and silently condoning it. So, we who see YOU for the phony you are, are YOUR enemies? In the lower worlds of Animality and Anger, that makes perfect sense. ~Katie

My reply: MARK: Mark: You are a broken record Katie. Yes, SGI is people chanting Daimoku with a warped faith. I sent you a Nichiren Gohonzon because you exhibited a will to chant with the same faith as Nichiren. Somewhere along the line your will to defend the true teachings evaporated. Leave Greg out of this. He couldn't tolerate your angry mien. KATIE: So, apparently you were judging me based on your perceptions of my " agreement" with your personal views on the "true teachings"? Likewise, you now judge me as not having the will to defend YOUR interpretation of the "true teachings"? In both cases, YOU have proclaimed yourself an authority over the basis of MY faith, via YOUR personal interpretation. Does it offend you to realize I do not seek understanding of the Law in my own life, from you? Apparently it does, though you also "preach" independent practice WITHOUT an intermediary. you insist that YOU are the exception! As for Greg, you should leave your views on our relationship out of your public discourse, as you are grossly uninformed about my relationship of about 5 years with him, and somehow forgetful of the attacks you made on him right after showing no concern for him during an agonizing personal crisis that he shared with me, perplexed about your apathy. I admit I do not understand the dynamic between the two of you, but from my perspective, you are both insincere and given to promoting yourselves as exemplary "men", which in my experience with you both, has proven to be a sick joke -- a lie, actually. Given how little you actually knew or understood about me, Greg and Jerry, I merely conclude that your perceptions and judgements are irrelevant. ~Katie

Mark: You take what Nichiren says out of context and can't really discuss the teachings and you lie so effortlessly. "You may pile up dung and call it sandalwood, but when you burn it, it will give off only the odor of dung. You may pile up a lot of great lies and call them the teachings of the Buddha, but they will never be anything but a gateway to the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering." You support the lies of the SGI, therefore, you are complicit. I even revere you, a non-believer and Daisaku Ikeda despite your lies. Do you revere Trump? Gregorio and I?

"Bodhisattva Never Disparaging of old said that all people have the Buddha nature and that, if they embrace the Lotus Sutra, they will never fail to attain Buddhahood. He further stated that to slight a person is to slight the Buddha himself. Thus, his practice was to revere all people. He revered even those who did not embrace the Lotus Sutra because they too had the Buddha nature and might someday believe in the sutra. Therefore, it is all the more natural to revere those priests and lay people who do embrace the sutra." - Fourteen Slanders

Nichiren teaches that "one who tells little of the truth are great liars." You fit neatly into this category, especially proclaiming that i am the source of disunity when it is the Fuji Schools who you defend who are the principle source of disunity in the Nichiren community. 

Nichiren states well how I feel about you:

“Now let me ask you to close your eyes, still your mind, and apply your thoughts to the logic of the matter. If, knowing the best path, one sees one’s parents or sovereign taking an evil path, can one fail to admonish them? If a fool, crazed with wine, is about to drink poison, can one, knowing this, not try to stop him? In the same way, if one understands the truth of the Buddhist teachings and knows the sufferings of fire, blood, and swords, can one fail to lament at seeing someone to whom one owes a debt of gratitude about to fall into the evil paths? Rather one should cast away one’s body and lay down one’s life in an effort to save such a person. One will never grow weary of admonishing him, nor will there be limits to one’s grief." - A Sage and an Unenlightened Man.

My goodness...SGI members have crawled out of the woodwork to castigate me.

"WTF? Sorting people into categories...? Holy moly, Batman, you went straight off the rails categorizing those of us who chant daimoku, but why not? You've been sorting people and groups and races, religions and countries...blah blah blah into your "Like" and "dislike" categories for years. Doesn't pass the smell test, bro. Hey! Yo! Word up to you, boss: This threefold world is Shakyamuni's domain and we're ALL His children, not yours to sort! You like "just the facts, mam" Well there you have it! Lauren

First, I'm not your bro. I avoid evil spirtual friends like the plague. Correct about us all being Shakyamuni Buddha's children. Sorting people into categories? Not I. I groups all SGI slanderers together, except for the neophyte member who doesn't know any better. Here is what Nichiren teaches about Shakyamuni who takes a back seat to Daisaku Ikeda in the Soka Gakkai.

Nichiren's One Original Eternal Buddha Doctrine

Arrogant SGI member writes and I reply:

Arrogant SGI member: c'mom doc-- open wide and swallow, hold your nose if you have to: "Take these teachings to heart, and always remember that believers in the Lotus Sutra should absolutely be the last to abuse one another. All those who keep faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly Buddhas, and one who slanders a Buddha commits a grave offense." Now maybe you can finally understand this pill that you love to take: "However, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra." Both are for individual believers to take to heart: the first is a warning; the second is for self reflection re: prayers not answered, or answers not appreciated. Make it simple for you, sir Mark; Nichiren wrote TO individual believers, to be shared and discussed amongst believers, simply put: the Gosho is NOT a "Bible" to thump and indict other believers with!! J.S.

Mark: SGI members are NOT believers in the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren. They hardly follow Nichiren nor the Lotus Sutra, not in word nor deed. Most members haven't even read, let alone studied the Lotus Sutra. You are believers in Ikedaism which teaches that the Lotus Sutra has lost its power in Mappo and interfaith is the way. M/D Guru worship is a Shingon principle. In one of Nichiren's Five Major Works, meant for EVERYONE he teaches:

"Great Concentration and Insight says: “If one lacks faith [in the Lotus Sutra], one will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of one’s own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, one will become puffed up with arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha.” - Opening of the Eyes

You fail to take to heart the many citations and examplesof those who recite the Daimoku yet slander the Sutra. They are those who actually do go against the intent of the Sutra: SGI members are neither Nichiren's, the the Eternal Buddha's disciples nor my "fellow believers"...

"How great is the difference between the blessings received when a sage chants the daimoku and the blessings received when we chant it" to reply, one is in no way superior to the other. the gold that a fool possesses is no different from the gold that a wise man possesses; a fire made by a fool is the same as a fire made by a wise man. HOWEVER, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra".

"In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.” In so asserting, they are being as ridiculous as fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, an anthill belittling Mount Hua, wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, or a magpie mocking a phoenix. Namu-myoho-renge-kyo." -Letter from Sado

Soka Gakkai leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests and believers are renegade disciples.

"The Jikaku and Chishō factions war with each other incessantly; the latter-day followers of Kōbō in the head temple on Mount Kōya and those of Shōgaku-bō in Dembō-in [on Mount Negoro], Mount Hiei and Onjō-ji temple, wrangle back and forth like asura demons, fight like so many monkeys and dogs."

Likewise the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu.

“They entirely look up to groups of icchantikas and rely on them as leaders and, reverencing slanderers against the Dharma, make them national teachers (ie: Ikeda). Taking up the Classic Filial Piety of Confucius, they beat their parents’ heads and, while CHANTING the LOTUS SUTRA of Lord Shakya with their mouths, THEY GO AGAINST the MASTER OF TEACHINGS.”

Nichiren, quoting Dengyo states, “Although they praise the Hokkekyo, on the contrary, they kill the heart of the Hokke.”

Nichiren teaches, "Many such examples of slander are also found among Nichiren’s disciples and lay believers."

“They entirely look up to groups of icchantikas and rely on them as leaders and, reverencing slanderers against the Dharma, make them national teachers. Taking up the Classic Filial Piety of Confucius, they beat their parents’ heads and, while chanting the Lotus Sutra of Lord Shakya with their mouths, they go against the Master of teachings.”


"For persons of the Tendai Lotus school to chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo themselves and yet give their approval when others repeat the Nembutsu would be strange enough. Yet not only do they fail to remonstrate with them, but they criticize one who does confront the Nembutsu school, which is strange indeed!"


"Now you should make a great vow and pray for your next life. If you are disbelieving or slander the correct teaching even in the slightest, you will certainly fall into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering. Suppose there is a ship that sails on the open sea. Though the ship is stoutly built, if it is flooded by a leak, those on the ship are sure to drown together. Though the embankment between rice fields is firm, if there is an ant hole in it, then surely, in the long run, it will not remain full of water. Bail the seawater of slander and disbelief out of the ship of your life, and solidify the embankments of your faith. If a believer’s offense is slight, overlook it, and lead that person to obtain benefits. If it is serious, encourage him to strengthen his faith so that he can expiate the sin."


"In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.” In so asserting, they are being as ridiculous as fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, an anthill belittling Mount Hua, wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, or a magpie mocking a phoenix. Namu-myoho-renge-kyo."


"Daigaku and Uemon no Tayū had their prayers answered because they followed my advice. Hakiri seems to believe my teachings, but he ignored my suggestions about his lawsuit, and so I have been concerned about its progress. Some good seems to have come of it, perhaps because I warned him that he would lose unless he followed my advice. But because he did not listen to the extent I had hoped, the outcome has been less fruitful than he expected.

If lay believers and their teacher pray with differing minds, their prayers will be as futile as trying to kindle a fire on water. Even if they pray with one mind, their prayers will go unanswered if they have long made the error of attacking greater teachings with lesser ones. Eventually, both lay believers and their teacher will be ruined."


“If there are those who possess differing ideas concerning the three treasures, then truly you should know that these people can no longer hope to take refuge in, or rely upon, the three pure treasures. They will never gain benefit from any of the precepts, and in the end, they will fail to obtain the fruits of the voice-hearer, the cause-awakened one, or the bodhisattva.”


"In that age there will be evil monks who will steal this sutra and divide it into many parts, losing the color, scent, and flavor of the correct teaching that it contains. These evil men will read and recite this sutra, but they will ignore and put aside the profound and vital principles that the Thus Come One has expounded in it and replace them with ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk. They will tear off the first part of the sutra and stick it on at the end, tear off the end and put it at the beginning, put the end and the beginning in the middle and the middle at the beginning or the end. You must understand that these evil monks are the companions of the devil.”

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that without a correct faith how one may develop a resistance to Nichiren's exemplary practice, principles and doctrines.

"Among my disciples, those who think themselves well versed in Buddhism are the ones who make errors. Namu-myoho-renge-kyo is the heart of the Lotus Sutra. It is like the soul of a person. To revere another teaching as its equal is to be like a consort who is married to two emperors, or who secretly commits adultery with a minister or a humble subject. It can only be a cause for disaster


"Now I, Nichiren, understand these things because of what I myself have undergone. But even if there are those among my disciples who understand them, they fear the accusations of the times; believing that their lives, which are as frail as dew, are in fact to be relied upon, they backslide, keep their beliefs hidden in their hearts, or behave in other such ways."


"But if any of Nichiren’s disciples disrupt the unity of many in body but one in mind, they would be like warriors who destroy their own castle from within."


"However, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra."


"Take these teachings to heart, and always remember that believers in the Lotus Sutra should absolutely be the last to abuse one another. All those who keep faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly Buddhas, and one who slanders a Buddha commits a grave offense."


"In the first five hundred years of the Former Day of the Law following the Buddha’s passing, only Hinayana teachings spread, while in the next five hundred years, provisional Mahayana teachings spread. The thousand years of the Middle Day of the Law saw the rise of the theoretical teaching. In the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, only the essential teaching spreads, but even so, the theoretical teaching should not be discarded. Nowhere in the entire Lotus Sutra do we find a passage suggesting that we should discard the first fourteen chapters, which comprise the theoretical teaching. When we distinguish between the theoretical and the essential teachings on the basis of the threefold classification of the entire body of the Buddha’s teachings, the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings were to be spread in the Former Day, and the theoretical teaching, in the Middle Day, but the Latter Day is the time to propagate the essential teaching. In the present period the essential teaching is primary, while the theoretical teaching is subordinate. But those who therefore discard the latter, saying it is not the way to enlightenment, and believe only in the former, have not yet understood the doctrine of Nichiren’s true intention. Theirs is a completely distorted view.

This doctrine concerning the theoretical and essential teachings is not my own [but was expounded by the Buddha]. Those who would distort it can only be possessed by the heavenly devil, or Pāpīyas, and will topple others along with themselves into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering. How foolish they are! Teach this doctrine to others clearly as I have taught you these many years. Those who call themselves my disciples and practice the Lotus Sutra should all practice as I do. If they do, Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, Shakyamuni’s emanations throughout the ten directions, and the ten demon daughters will protect them. Yet, for all that, [some people associated with Ōta Jōmyō distort the teaching]. I cannot fathom what could be in their minds."

By the way,  what does "Whatever prayers not answered or answers not appreciated" means. 

Hehe, perhaps SGI's Bible of Shakubuku (Manuel of Forced Conversion) are to take to heart or the "Gosho of modern times, the Human Revolution". You are over your head here, young person.

An SGI YMD leader has his say and my response

YMD leader: Word up to blog administrator , Rogow: Your format here is totally disingenuous. Rather than allow readers to engage on the posts where these comments were made, you snatch them up, then arrange them is very misleading ways and usurp the conversation.

Mark: Nonsense. Respond here and I will post it

YMD leader: Look, there is a spurious method to your madness that does not escape notice. You’re just another double talking self righteous zealot who talks about the great personal power of religious teachings, then prohibits individuals from exercising their personal power.

Mark: I have invited numerous SGI top leaders to a fomal debate and they ALL ran like dogs, their tails between there legs.

YMD leader; Lotus Sutra is great. It is supreme - goal to propagate widely means empowering people to live with compassion and wisdom, NOT seek some crooked autocrat to control them.

Mark: Thats not what your leaders teach. They teach that the Lotus Sutra has lost its power in Mappo and one can only come to understand the Lotus Sutra through the commentary of Daisaku Ikeda. Care to see the examples?

Nichiren teaches:

"Great Concentration and Insight says: “If one lacks faith [in the Lotus Sutra], one will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of one’s own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, one will become puffed up with arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha.” - Opening of the Eyes

You are so blind that you can not see the crooked duplicitous conman autocrat in front of your face, Daisaku Ikeda. Yet, in your (SGI member's) arrogance, you state, "I am a Buddha."

YMD leader: You don’t know the country you live in other than you get to spew whatever you choose without prosecution or censorship, unless the extremist majority of the SCOTUS are unchecked!

Mark: I know all to well the nature of our country and its leaders, be they Democrat, or Republican. you would censor me, wouldn't you, for the sake of your cult which functions like an multi-level marketing scheme.

YMD leader: Lol President Ikeda started world wide propagation on a large scale.

Mark: Yes, initially, the propagation of Nichiren Shoshu and then of Ikedaism, not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren

YMD leader: The daimoku and my faith guide my actions, tho, and I respect others figuring out their path.

Mark: Not the daily guidance of Ikeda? Be sure to brush your teeth today or put on your sunscreen...snicker

YMD leader: You’re clueless, bro and wrong for speaking for thousands of SGI members you will never meet.This blog of yours is the polar opposite of exemplary human behavior. SGI USA YD Gen Z AKA: Zoomers

Mark:First of all, Im not your bro. I have already proven you clueless. All you have is the cult technique of bull baiting. Come on, discuss the teachings, can't you?

Unknown, a true Buddhist, has his say

Sgi has no morality or ethics. It's a prosperity flimflam like the secret or Benin hahn. The only thing that can save a person is the Buddha way the dharma way the 4 noble truths and saving others. The secret is a prosperity flim fllam like certain Hindu, Christian and secular prosperity cults. No ethics morality or dharma. It will not sustain you or save you. The Buddha way is unsurpassable, how to attain the dharmas is boundless. How to save the sentient souls is innumerbeable. I vow to save them all. Desires are endless. I vow to give them up. "May I be a guard for those who need protection: A guide for those on the path; a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood; may I be a lamp in the darkness; a resting place for the weary; a healing medicine for all who are sick; a vase of plenty; a tree of miracles; and for the boundless multitudes of living beings I bring sustenance and awakening; enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” The human race has lost its way but there are innumerable sentient souls in the universe.

An example to whom to employ the forceful method of conversion...Muslim Jihadists


Response to many comments 4

Unknown: 🟢🏗 Socrates said: “Secret of change is to focus all energy, not on fighting d’old, but on BUILDING d’NEW.” 🟢🏗 Carl Jung said: “What you resist, will persist.” 🟢🏗 Buckminster Fuller said: "You never change things by fighting existing reality. To change something, BUILD a new model that makes existing model obsolete."

Mark:Following the Eternal Buddha Lord Shakya of the Original Doctrine and Nichiren exclusively, EVERYONE having the Same Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws is the model that will make the existing model(S) obsolete. Nichiren stated:

“...If there are those who possess differing ideas concerning the three treasures, then truly you should know that these people can no longer hope to take refuge in, or rely upon, the three pure treasures. They will never gain benefit from any of the precepts, and in the end, they will fail to obtain the fruits of the voicehearer, the cause-awakened one, or the bodhisattva.” This passage is clearly referring to [the essential point of ] the “Life Span” chapter of the Lotus Sutra..." (The Third Doctrine)

also, Socrates said: “There is no greater misfortune for a human being than having an aversion to debate…” — Daisaku Ikeda
I renew my call for a formal debate with one or several senior representatives of SGI USA. I propose the following topics for the debate:

1). The identity and significance of the Original Eternal Buddha
2.) The nature of the Master/Disciple relationship in Nichiren Buddhism
3.) The significance of the Gohonzon
4.) The significance of the Lotus Sutra (Myoho renge kyo).
5.) The true meaning of a Votary of the Lotus Sutra.
6.) The true meaning of the Nichiren Faith
7.) Interfaith: Shakabuku versus Shoju in the Degenerate Age

Katie: "Tanya, you don't believe that that the Buddhist gods worship and protect the Buddha and the votaries of the Lotus Sutra? You have weak faith because it is impossible to develop the requisite strong faith to attain Buddhahood in the Soka Gakkai. Also, apparently, you fail to believe the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. This Gosho, The Rulers of the Lands of the Gods should help you. I also assembled approximately fifty passages that demonstrate the gods, particularly Brahma, Shakra, Taishaku, the Four Heavenly Kings, and the gods of the Sun and the moon protect the Votary of the Lotus Sutra Specifically and the votaries generally. "They press their.palms together and prostrate themselves." I am humbled by passages from the Lotus Sutra , grateful to have encountered the daimoku. Here you are again, addressing a believer with contempt and making more demeaning accusations. Is this the kind of behavior you imagine the Heavenly Kings, etc. would worship? I think not! THIS is exactly the behavior that disrupts the faith of others... "as practice continues and understanding grows" speaks to each of us . How is it that as you claim to have "correct understanding", you grow more and more hostile and entitled ? Aren't you acting against the sutra's "intent" when you post sound bytes that sound totally off the charts, arrogant? Tanya responded to this: "Lotus Sutra SHOCK and AWE Christian: Worship Jesus or fall into hell. Muslim: Bow to Allah, the all merciful and wise. Hebrew: Yahweh is great, fearsome and all powerful. Believe in him with your whole heart. Hindu: Believe and worship Brahma or fall into hell. Lotus Sutra Buddhist: Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, and Brahma worship us, the votaries of the Lotus Sutra." And then you slam Tanya as not being capable of discussing the teachings "intelligently", when you just made a mockery of them!!

Mark: Tanya is a believer in Ikedaism, a disciple of Daisaku Ikeda, not a believer in the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren or disciple of Nichiren. She is a firefly laughing at the Sun (Nichiren and his disciples). or a dog growling at a lion. The Heavenly Kings protect me and those who strictly follow Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra as children of the Buddha. The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach that THERE ARE NO PRECEPTS to follow in Mappo, save for one and even though we may break the established precepts, it is a grave sin to expose the faults of a true believer and disciple of Nichiren. Be careful Katie in whom you support and who you admonish. Cause and effect is very strict. You are a degenerate pseudo-believer who has adopted bull baiting and Ad Hominem as your cult mantra. You are no different than SGI cult members who you you support with your bones and marrow. You have no clew about the effectiveness of the forceful practices with true believers of other faiths because you are deluded that interfaith niceties with a Muslim who would strap explosives to a child or mental defective entering a pet market will open their eyes. Perhaps you are afraid of engaging a true believer in the Quran. Nichiren in the Opening of the Eyes states:

“‘The monks [whom you are speaking of] preach various teachings, but still they are not able to utter “the lion’s roar.”... Nor are they able to refute and convert evil persons who go against the correct teaching. Monks of this kind can bring no benefit either to themselves or to the populace. You should realize that they are in fact shirkers and idlers. Though they are careful in observing the precepts and maintain spotless conduct, you should realize that they cannot achieve anything. [Then a monk raises “the lion’s roar.”...] Those who break the precepts, upon listening to his preaching, are all enraged to the point where they attack him. This preacher of the Law, though he may in the end lose his life, is still worthy of being called a person who observes the precepts and brings benefits to both himself and others.’”

Yet, you call me a coward. You are a shameful duplicitous individual.

Katie: “Acting against the sutra’s intent” That is a matter worthy of discussion. What is the sutra’s intent? To save people born in the Latter Day of the Law. That’s my answer / I cannot determine from this quote how one could chant daimoku and act against the sutra’s intent other than slandering fellow believers / as for the difference in the daimoku / my thought is that one who abused fellow believers would not attain Buddhahood at the end of his of her life; might not be able purify their senses . ~Katie

Here is Nichiren's formula to save unbelievers:

Mark: The Great Teacher Nan-yueh in his Shi Anrakugyo states, ‘If there should be a bodhisattva who protects evil persons and fails to chastise them... then when his life comes to an end, he will fall into hell along with those evil persons. '"The meaning of this passage is that, if a practicioner of Buddhism should fail to chastise evil persons who slander the Law but give himself up entirely to meditation and contemplation, not attempting to distinguish between correct or incorrect doctrines, provisional or true teachings, but rather pretending to be a model of compassion, then such a person will fall into the evil paths along with the other doers of evil. Now a person who fails to correct Shingon, Nembutsu, Zen and Ritsu adherents who are slanderers of the Law and instead pretends to be a model of compassion will meet just such a fate as this."

"And so to unbelieving persons, rouse them to accept this Law. By so doing, young men of good family, you will acquit your debt to the Tathagatas." -- Lotus Sutra, Chapter 27, page 440, translated by Kern

"They are like the icchantikas who do not hear, do not believe, and cannot discriminate." --Great Nirvana Sutra: T.12.724c7 = T. 12.481 b27-28)

As far as the manifestation of compassion, you fail to recognize it, let alone practice it because you embrace what your unenlightened mind believes is compassion or you follow what men like Daisaku Ikeda teach rather than what Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren about the nature of compassion. rather than what Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin teach. By your understanding, those who vilified Bodhisattva Neverdespise didn’t deserve to spend one thousand kalpas in the hell of incessant suffering. Here are some quotes by Nichiren for you to ponder.

“If, knowing the best path, one sees one’s parents or sovereign taking an evil path, can one fail to admonish them? If a fool, crazed with wine, is about to drink poison, can one, knowing this, not try to stop him? In the same way, if one understands the truth of the Buddhist teachings and knows the sufferings of fire, blood, and swords, can one fail to lament at seeing someone to whom one owes a debt of gratitude about to fall into the evil paths? Rather one should cast away one’s body and lay down one’s life in an effort to save such a person. ” (ibid.)

“Are persons such as these not slanderers of the correct teaching? One can never be too severe in condemning them, or admonish them too strongly.” (ibid.)

“How reassuring, that those who respect the monks of the correct teaching and admonish those who are evil and in error receive such blessings as these!.”(ibid.)

“You should read again and again the previous letter in which I explained that one should of course obey one’s teacher, sovereign, and parents, but should they commit wrongs, admonishing them is in fact being loyal to them,” (The Three Obstacles and four Devils)

“How could I ever feel distantly toward any of you? Even in the case of the Nembutsu priests, the Zen priests, and the True Word teachers, and the ruler of the nation and other men of authority, all of whom bear me such hatred— I admonish them because I want to help them, and their hatred for me makes me pity them all the more.” (Reply to the lay Priest Takahashi)

“If rumor spreads that you appear to be a votary of the Lotus Sutra, both those who are close to you and those who are not will unexpectedly admonish you as if they were your true friends, saying, “If you believe in the priest Nichiren, you will surely be misled.” (The Workings of Brahma and Shakra)

“The Classic of Filial Piety states, “[In a case of moral wrong,] a son must admonish his father, and a minister must admonish his lord.” (The Letter of Petition from Yorimoto )

“The Great Teacher Dengyo states, “In general, where unrighteousness is concerned, a son must admonish his father, and a minister must admonish his lord.” (ibid.)

“Yet not only do they fail to remonstrate with them, but they criticize one who does confront the Nembutsu school, which is strange indeed! As for Daishin-bo, as I wrote you before, please strongly admonish him by letter.” (The Third Doctrine)

“It stipulates that, no matter how learned one may be, if one sees an enemy of the Lotus Sutra but fails to admonish that person out of fear, one will fall into the hell of incessant suffering.” (Letter to Akimoto)

“What is more, it was through the Lotus Sutra that these bodhisattvas attained Buddhahood, and because the Buddha fervently admonished them concerning it, they took solemn vows in the presence of the Buddha.” (On Prayer)

“The high minister Pi Kan, seeing that the Yin dynasty was on the path to ruin, strongly admonished the ruler, though it cost him his head.” (Opening of the Eyes)

“The hermit regretfully replied, “It is my fault for not having admonished you enough beforehand.” (Letter to the Brothers)

”But Punyayashas admonished him, saying, “Ashvaghosha, do not behead yourself ! Use that head and mouth to praise Mahayana.” (On Curing Karmic Disease)

“But because Kuan Lung- feng remonstrated with King Chieh of the Hsia dynasty and Pi Kan admonished King Chou of the Yin dynasty, their names have been handed down in history as those of worthies.” (op cit. Letter of Petition to Yorimoto)

“For years, therefore, I have continually admonished myself that, even though I might lack food or clothing, or be rebuked by my parents, brothers, teacher, and colleagues, or be persecuted by the ruler and all the people, if I were going to waver even in the slightest on that account, I would have done better never to have spoken out in the first place. ” (Letter to Misawa)

“Nichiren, who admonishes them for their evil, is father and mother to the ruler, and the teacher of all living beings.” (The Royal Palace)

“Is not a person of wisdom one who admonishes the ruler when the country is endangered or corrects others’ mistaken views? But in your case, no matter what error you may see, you will no doubt refuse to correct it for fear of society’s reaction.” (op. cit. Yorimoto)

“The Nirvana Sutra states, “Human life runs its course more swiftly than a mountain stream; the person here today will not likely be here tomorrow.” The Maya Sutra reads, “Imagine, for instance, a flock of sheep being driven by a chandala to the slaughterhouse. Human life is exactly the same; step by step one approaches the place of death.” The Lotus Sutra states, “There is no safety in the threefold world; it is like a burning house, replete with a multitude of sufferings, truly to be feared.”

“In these passages from the sutras, our compassionate father, the WorldHonored One of Great Enlightenment, admonishes us, the ordinary people of the latter age; it is his warning to us, his ignorant children. Nevertheless, the people do not awaken for even one instant; nor do they conceive a desire to attain the way for even a single moment. In order to decorate their bodies, which, if abandoned in the fields, would be stripped naked overnight, they spend their time striving to pile up articles of clothing.”

“When their lives come to an end, within three days their bodies will turn into water that washes away, into dust that mixes with the earth, and into smoke that rises up into the sky, leaving no trace behind. Nevertheless, they seek to nurture these bodies and to amass great wealth. This principle has been known since ancient times, but today the situation is pitiable. The country of Japan has been visited by continuous famine for the last several years, and supplies of food and clothing are exhausted. The domestic animals have all been consumed, and persons who eat human flesh are appearing. They tear flesh from the bodies of the dead, children, and the sick, mix it with fish or deer meat, and sell it. People purchase this mixture and eat it. Thus, this country has unwittingly become an abode of great evil demons.

Moreover, from the spring of last year through the middle of the second month of this year, epidemics have spread throughout the country. In five families out of ten, in fifty households out of a hundred, all the members have died from disease. Others have escaped illness but are suffering from great spiritual distress, and thus are in even greater agony than those who are ill. Even the people who managed to survive have lost the children who used to follow them as closely as shadows, or the spouses from whom they had been as inseparable as a pair of eyes, or the parents upon whom they had relied as they would upon heaven and earth. For them, what meaning does life hold? How could sensible people not abhor this world? The Buddha taught that there is no safety in the threefold world, but the current state of affairs seems excessively tragic.

Although I myself am only an ordinary person, I informed the ruler that the Buddha had left behind teachings predicting such a situation. However, he did not heed my admonitions, but rather began to persecute me even more harshly, so there was nothing further I could do. This country has already become a slanderer of the Law, and by turning into an enemy of the Lotus Sutra, it has also made itself an enemy of the Buddhas and the gods of the three existences and the ten directions.

Please consider deeply. No matter what grave crimes I, Nichiren, have been charged with, I am a votary of the Lotus Sutra. No matter what grave crimes a person who chants Namu Amida Butsu may be guilty of, it cannot be denied that he is a follower of the Nembutsu. Because I chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo with my own mouth, I have been reviled, struck, exiled, and had my life threatened. However, in spite of all this, I have continued to exhort others to do likewise. Am I not then a votary of the Lotus Sutra?

In the Lotus Sutra, it is stipulated that those who bear a grudge against its votary are destined to fall into the Avichi hell. The fourth volume states that the offense of harboring malice toward a votary of the Lotus Sutra in the latter age is graver than that of reviling the Buddha for an entire medium kalpa. The seventh volume teaches that people who disparage the votary will suffer in the Avichi hell for a thousand kalpas. The fifth volume states that after the Buddha’s passing, when the Latter Day of the Law arrives, a votary of the Lotus Sutra will certainly appear, and that at that time, in that country, an immeasurably great multitude of monks who either uphold or violate the precepts will gather and denounce the votary to the ruler of the country, causing him to be banished and ruined.

These passages from the sutra all coincide precisely with what has happened to me. I am therefore convinced that I will attain Buddhahood in the future. I will speak in more detail when we meet” (No Safety in the Threefold World)

“Question: What eye of wisdom allows you to perceive that the Nembutsu, Zen, and other schools of our time are the enemies of the Lotus Sutra and evil companions who are ready to mislead all people?

Answer: I do not state personal opinions, but merely hold up the mirror of the sutras and commentaries so that the slanderers of the Law may see their ugly faces reflected there and perceive their errors. But if they are incurably “blind,” it is beyond my power.

In the “Treasure Tower” chapter in the fourth volume of the Lotus Sutra we read: “At that time Many Treasures Buddha offered half of his seat in the treasure tower to Shakyamuni Buddha . . . At that time the members of the great assembly [saw] the two Thus Come Ones seated cross-legged on the lion seat in the tower of seven treasures . . . And in a loud voice he [Shakyamuni Buddha] addressed all the four kinds of believers, saying: ‘Who is capable of broadly preaching the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law in this saha world? Now is the time to do so, for before long the Thus Come One will enter nirvana. The Buddha wishes to entrust this Lotus Sutra to someone so that it may be preserved.’ ” This is the first pronouncement of the Buddha.

Again the chapter reads: “At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying: ‘This holy lord, this World-Honored One, though he passed into extinction long ago, still seats himself in the treasure tower, coming here for the sake of the Law. You people, why then do you not also strive for the sake of the Law? . . . In addition, these emanations of my body, Buddhas in immeasurable numbers like Ganges sands, have come, desiring to hear the Law . . . Each has abandoned his wonderful land, as well as his host of disciples, the heavenly and human beings, dragons, and spirits, and all the offerings they give him, and has come to this place on purpose to make certain the Law will long endure. . . . as though a great wind were tossing the branches of small trees. Through this expedient means they make certain that the Law will long endure. So I say to the great assembly: After I have passed into extinction, who can guard and uphold, read and recite this sutra? Now in the presence of the Buddha let him come forward and speak his vow!’ ”This is the second proclamation of the Buddha.

The passage continues: “The Thus Come One Many Treasures, I myself, and these emanation Buddhas who have gathered here, surely know this is our aim. . . . All you good men, each of you must consider carefully! This is a difficult matter—it is proper you should make a great vow. The other sutras number as many as Ganges sands, but though you expound those sutras, that is not worth regarding as difficult. If you were to seize Mount Sumeru and fling it far off to the measureless Buddha lands, that too would not be difficult. . . . But if after the Buddha has entered extinction, in the time of evil, you can preach this sutra, that will be difficult indeed! . . . If, when the fires come at the end of the kalpa, one can load dry grass on his back and enter the fire without being burned, that would not be difficult. But after I have passed into extinction if one can embrace this sutra and expound it to even one person, that will be difficult indeed! . . . All you good men, after I have entered extinction, who can accept and uphold, read and recite this sutra? Now in the presence of the Buddha let him come forward and speak his vow!” This is the third admonition from the Buddha. The fourth and fifth admonitions are found in the “Devadatta” chapter, and I will deal with them later.” (op. cit. Opening of the Eyes)

“Adherents of the various schools may attempt to attack you by citing the passage from The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom that states, “If one denounces the teachings others follow out of love for one’s own, then even if one is the practitioner who observes the precepts, one will never escape the pains of hell.” Ask them whether they know why Nagarjuna wrote this admonition, and if Nagarjuna could possibly have been ignorant of how serious an offense it is to slander the true teaching by clinging to provisional teachings. He stated, “The various sutras are not secret teachings; only the Lotus Sutra is secret.” He declared that the Lotus Sutra alone is the seed of enlightenment, likening it to a great physician who can change poison into medicine. Is it possible that he later regretted having said these things, and therefore wrote that, if one denounces the teachings others follow out of love for one’s own, one will be destined to fall into the evil paths? If so, he would have been directly contradicting the truthful words of the Lotus Sutra, in which the Buddha states, “Honestly discarding expedient means” and “Not accepting a single verse of the other sutras.”31 This is hardly conceivable. Nagarjuna was a bodhisattva who appeared in accordance with Shakyamuni Buddha’s prediction, as well as a scholar in the direct lineage of the Buddha’s teaching. He may well have written this admonition in his treatise because he foresaw that such priests as Kobo and T’an-luan would slander the Lotus Sutra, the teaching that befits this age of the Latter Day of the Law. You should scoff at your opponents for not knowing the meaning of the words they cite. Tell them: “Are you yourselves not followers of those destined to fall into the evil paths? How pitiful! Are you not to be counted among those who will suffer for countless kalpas to come?” (Teaching Practice and Proof)

“He agonized over what course to take, but in the end, fearful of violating the Buddha’s admonition, made known his views to Emperor Kammu.” (Selection of Time)

“The Nirvana Sutra states: “If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him, or to punish him for his offense, then you should realize that that monk is betraying the Buddha’s teaching. But if he ousts the destroyer of the Law, reproaches him, or punishes him, then he is my disciple and a true voice-hearer.”

"This admonition urged me on, and I spoke out against slander in spite of the various persecutions I faced, because I would have become an enemy of the Buddha’s teaching if I had not.

Slander can be either minor or serious, however, and sometimes we should overlook it rather than attack it. The True Word and Tendai schools slander the Lotus Sutra and should be severely rebuked. But without great wisdom it is hard to differentiate correctly between their doctrines and the teachings that Nichiren spreads. Therefore, at times we refrain from attacking them, just as I did in On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land.

Whether or not we speak out, it will be difficult for those who have committed the grave offense of slander to avoid retribution. Our seeing, hearing, and making no attempt to stop slander that, if we spoke out, could be avoided, destroys our gifts of sight and hearing, and is utterly merciless.

Chang-an writes, “If one befriends another person but lacks the mercy to correct him, one is in fact his enemy.” The consequences of a grave offense are extremely difficult to erase. The most important thing is to continually strengthen our wish to benefit others.” (The Embankments of Faith)

“The heart of all these passages is the admonition to embrace and believe in the Lotus Sutra in this Latter Day of the Law.” (The Embankments of Faith)

“Nevertheless, I was concerned that any admonition would be taken by the ignorant as mere jealousy of his wisdom, and so I refrained from speaking out.” (On Persecution Befalling the sage)

“Then the unenlightened man said: “Listening to the teachings and admonitions of a sage like you, I find that the misunderstandings I have labored under in recent days are all suddenly dispelled.” (op. cit. Conversations Sage)

“The third volume of the Nirvana Sutra says: ‘If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him, or to punish him for his offense, then you should realize that that monk is betraying the Buddha’s teaching. But if he ousts the destroyer of the Law, reproaches him, or punishes him, then he is my disciple and a true voice-hearer.’

“The meaning of this passage is that, if a person striving to propagate the correct teaching of the Buddha should hear and see others propounding the teachings of the sutras in a mistaken manner and fail to reproach them himself or, lacking the power to do that, fail to appeal to the sovereign and in this way take measures to correct them, then he is betraying the Buddha’s teaching. But if, as the sutras direct, he is not afraid of others but censures these slanderers himself and appeals to the sovereign to take measures against them, then he may be called a disciple of the Buddha and a true priest.

“Being therefore determined to avoid the charge of ‘betraying the Buddha’s teaching,’ although I have incurred the hatred of others, I have dedicated my life to Shakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra, extending compassion to all living beings and rebuking slanders of the correct teaching. Those who cannot understand my heart have tightened their lips and glared at me with furious eyes. But if you are truly concerned about your future existence, you should think lightly of your own safety and consider the Law above all. Thus the Great Teacher Chang-an states, ‘ “[A royal envoy . . . would rather], even though it costs him his life, in the end conceal none of the words of his ruler” means that one’s body is insignificant while the Law is supreme. One should give one’s life in order to propagate the Law.’

“This passage is saying that, even if one must give up one’s life, one should not conceal the correct teaching; this is because one’s body is insignificant while the Law is supreme. Though one’s body be destroyed, one should strive to propagate the Law.” (ibid.)

“And what of these admonitions of mine? Because people regard them with suspicion and refuse to heed them, disasters such as those we now face occur.” (Three tripitak Masters Pray For Rain)

“Now this great evil True Word doctrine has spread to Kamakura, deceiving the members of the ruling clan and threatening to bring about the destruction of Japan. This is a matter of the gravest import, and I have not discussed it even with my disciples. Instead I have dissembled, pretending ignorance and filling their ears only with attacks upon Nembutsu and Zen. But since my admonitions continue to go unheeded, without begrudging even my life, I will also tell my disciples what the true situation is.

“When I do so, they will be even more perplexed, saying that, no matter how admirable or worthy of respect Nichiren may be, he can scarcely surpass Jikaku and Kobo. I fear I will never succeed in banishing all their doubts. How can I dispel them?” (op. cit. Takahashi)

“It is a grave offense to go against these admonitions, and though invisible to the eye, the error piles up until it sends one plummeting to hell.” (Fourteen Slanders)

“My admonitions have surpassed even those set forth in the yüeh-fu poems of Po Chüi, and my prophecies are not inferior to those of the Buddha. ” (The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra)

“In ancient China, King Chou of the Yin dynasty refused to heed the admonitions of his loyal minister Pi Kan and instead cut out Pi Kan’s heart.” (ibid.)

“But just as a high wind creates great waves, or a powerful dragon brings forth torrential rains, so my admonitions called forth increasing animosity.” (ibid.)

“However, he did not heed my admonitions, but rather began to persecute me even more harshly, so there was nothing further I could do. (op. cit. no Safety Threefold World)

“I, Nichiren, fearing these admonitions of the Buddha, accordingly accused all those throughout the nation who were deserving of it, and more than once I was condemned to exile or to death.” (Letter to Akimoto)

“Thus, although Shan-wu-wei, Hsüantsang, Kobo, Jikaku, Chisho, and the others put forth a variety of clever arguments, they could produce no passage of scripture proving the Lotus Sutra to be inferior to the Mahavairochana Sutra. Their whole argument rests solely on the question of whether the sutra includes mudras and mantras. Rather than writing hundreds of volumes of argument, traveling back and forth between China and Japan with their unending schemes, and arranging for the promulgation of imperial edicts in order to intimidate people, they would have been better off producing some clear passage of proof in the sutras themselves. Who then could have doubted their assertions??

Dewdrops accumulate to form a stream, and streams accumulate to form the great ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to form a mountain, and mountains accumulate to form Mount Sumeru. And in the same way, trifling matters accumulate to become grave ones. How much more so in the case of this matter, which is the gravest of all! When these men wrote their commentaries, they should have exerted themselves in examining both the principles and documentary evidence of the two teachings, and when the court issued imperial edicts, it, too, should have delivered its admonitions after thoroughly investigating both sides and citing some clear passage of proof.

Not even the Buddha himself could repudiate his statement that, among all the sutras he has preached, now preaches, and will preach, [the Lotus Sutra stands supreme]. How much less, then, can scholars, teachers, and rulers of states use their authority to do so! This statement [of the Buddha] has been heard by Brahma, Shakra, the gods of the sun and moon, and the four heavenly kings, and duly recorded in their respective palaces.

So long as the people truly did not know of this statement, it seems that the false interpretations of the teachers I mentioned spread without anyone incurring retribution. But once a person of forceful character has come forward to make this sutra passage known in a bold and uncompromising fashion, then grave matters are certain to occur. Because people have looked down on this person and cursed him, struck him, sent him into exile, or attempted to take his life, Brahma, Shakra, the gods of the sun and moon, and the four heavenly kings have risen up in anger and become that votary’s allies. Thus unexpected censures have come down from heaven, and the people are about to be wiped out and the nation destroyed.

Though the votary of the Lotus Sutra may be of humble background, the heavenly deities who protect him are fearsome indeed. If an asura tries to swallow the sun or moon, its head will split into seven pieces. If a dog barks at a lion, its bowels will rot. And as I view the situation today, the same sort of retribution is happening here in Japan.

On the other hand, those who give alms and support to the votary will receive the same benefit as though making offerings to the Lotus Sutra itself. As the Great Teacher Dengyo says in his commentary, “Those who praise him will receive blessings that will pile up as high as Mount Calm and Bright, while those who slander him will be committing a fault that will condemn them to the hell of incessant suffering.”

The person who offered a humble meal of millet to a pratyekabuddha became the Thus Come One Treasure Brightness. He who offered a mud pie to the Buddha became the ruler of Jambudvipa7 Though one may perform meritorious deeds, if they are directed toward what is untrue, then those deeds may bring great evil, but they will never result in good. On the other hand, though one may be ignorant and make meager offerings, if one presents those offerings to a person who upholds the truth, one’s merit will be great. How much more so in the case of people who in all sincerity make offerings to the correct teaching!” (The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings)

I am one who actually follows Nichiren formula when confronting religious jews, evangelical Christians, Hindus, true Muslim believers, and provisional Buddhists. You have heard of the benefit of the poison drum relationship to the Lotus Sutra? In light of the above practice and criteria laid down by Nichiren Daishonin, you are not compassionate enough to consider yourselves a disciple of Nichiren nor a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra. You should wake up immediately and admonish those who follow Daisaku Ikeda and the High Priest and all others strictly faithful to false religions.