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Sunday, June 12, 2022

From Gregorio

"People of the latter age prefer a nice story more than they value the truth. this is true in most everything, including politics, and for sure in religion. The silliness of it all is that the truth of the Lotus Sutra, taught by our parent Shakyamuni Buddha and inherited by Jogyo/Nichiren, is the most beautiful story of all because it will clean and purify everything. The sad part is that slanderers cannot see it and their hearts cannot open to it. What seems to worry the common mortal of the modern age is that they must face themselves and they must face reality as it really is. Namu myoho renge kyo!"


  1. Bru haha!
    You my man, are a total hypocrite!
    Words don’t match your actions !
    You have a heart ?
    Then try to realize you aren’t the only living being who has one .

  2. can't ya speak of the teachings Marty-mouse. stupid arbitrary opinion. drunk on Gakkai piss. complete waste of time. ha, ha ha...bragging about 40 years. try 55 years. you are a baby !

  3. Sorry, wasn’t trying to bull bait you.
    Wonder why your good friend, the sage would post your lower world rants ?
    ~ Marty

  4. There you go Greg—- abusive, obscene language is your weapon. You disregard Nichiren’s admonition re: correct behavior when discussing the teachings”. That is what makes You a hypocrite— by Brandishing select Gosho quotes and disregarding a very important basic tenant about our behavior as human beings, you reveal your darkness. Yes, it is sad that you and Mark cannot see yourselves, but you function in a beneficial manner by flagrantly flaunting your deplorable behavior. You serve as a warning — the cart that lost a wheel. In this case the “ wheel of fortune” . Pun intended .
    Without belief and faith that all possess the Buddha nature and those who can recite and maintain faith in Myoho renge kyo have a deep connection to the Eternal Buddha, you will become wreckage on the side of the path to attaining Buddhahood.
    ~ Katie
