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Friday, November 25, 2022

"AIDS isn't a problem. It's an opportunity" - SGI teaching

 Some proof the SGI has brainwashed people:

Seemingly intelligent and accomplished people, professionals etc. seeking personal guidance from uneducated and ignorant rabble like Mr. Kasahara, on a daily, weekly or monthly basis; Believing that lying is ok as long as the goals of SGI are met. SGI practice thus leads to moral bankruptcy which is readily apparent to everyone except the sgi member himself. 

Anecdotal evidence that members are unable to see reality as it is: 

The SGI has an old saying, "AIDS isn't a problem it's an opportunity." Reality is, first you tackle the problem and then rejoice. This is the natural order of things. We do not practice Hinduism, bliss, bliss, joy, joy. We practice the exalted teachings of Buddha and Nichiren. First you pull out the arrow then you heal. "Joy of joys, I have an arrow in my chest" is not Buddhism. Look for some authentic statues or pictures of Buddha and Nichiren. They were dead serious. They weren't Lamas or $GI senior leaders giggling at a bad joke. 

One day, I was walking in the street after having done several hours of Daimoku and I was, as we used to say in the SGI, lit up. I met an old SGI "friend" of mine, a high level leader who was glaring at me as all my old SGI friends who know my opinions are want to do. I said hi. He said, "Mark, you appear so unhappy since you left the SGI." My heart really went out to this person and even though I don't usually invite "insane" people to my house to learn about Nichiren's true Lotus Sutra Buddhism, I invited him so that he may have the opportunity to encounter the beautiful Nichiren practice and Nichiren Gohonzon,. He declined and told me I will fall into hell. 

Further proof of disordered thinking is that SGI members lie and oftentimes don't even know they are lying: 

Everytime an SGI member argues about SGI or Ikeda or Buddhism and even when they cite the Lotus Sutra or Gosho, he is lying about the true nature of the SGI and Buddha Shakyamuni. One who lives a lie is a perpetual liar and can expound no truths: SGI--->Ikeda; Ikeda--->Ikeda; Gosho--->Ikeda; Nam Myoho renge kyo--->Ikeda; Buddha--->Ikeda; Lotus Sutra--->Ikeda; This is implicit or implied. 

To recap, the root causes of the disordered thinking and disorganized thought in the SGI are lying, erroneous guidance on the basics of the Nichiren faith [the Three Treasures of the Lotus Sutra, for example], and the mixing of the Lotus Sutra with the unclean practices of Japanese Bushido [Master Disciple teachings]. Even teaching the SGI's mistaken views out of ignorance makes men into napalm spewing demons let alone those who know and lie intentionally (those at the top). The leaders and sycophynts in SGI thus abuse the members using both subtle and not so subtle group dynamics and brainwashing techniques. 

The SGI is not the Buddha Shakyamuni's Sangha led by Jogyo. It is Ikeda's Sangha led by Ikeda. He has not only appropriated the rightful position of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni but also that of Bodhisattva Jogyo. Ikeda, to SGI, is the Treasure of the Buddha and the Treasure of the Sangha (or Priest) all wrapped up into one. Even the treasure of the Law is distorted with the leaders and members chanting Nam Myoho renge kyo with their mouths but Nam Ikeda Sensei with their hearts. The new members, I have been talking to, want to practice Buddhism, not Ikedaism, not Human Revolution, Value Creationism nor feel good new age mysticism. They want to learn about the Lotus Sutra and the Gosho. They yearn to connect to the Lotus Sutra and Gosho, not to President Ikeda and the Human Revolution. The subtle pressures put on the members to connect to Ikeda are nothing short of intense while the Lotus Sutra is mystified and demeaned as being too difficult to understand by lesser men than Ikeda and Toda. Then we have people with real problems, health issues, social issues who are guided by the liars and sycophants and the unenlightened worldlings in SGI who have never even read the Lotus Sutra. Those who claim to have attained what they have not, those who haven't even read the Lotus Sutra, yet claim to be reading it with their bodies. I go all over online and speak to new members. The people I speak to, the people before the guilt, propaganda, and brainwashing have set in, have myriad doubts about the SGI and then they begin to have doubts in Nichiren's teachings and I tell them to at least try and keep a modicum of faith in the Lotus Sutra: "The SGI does not chant the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra or they wouldn't behave as they do." At best, the SGI Daimoku can be called mechanical. At worst, it will destroy the teachings of the Buddha and Nichiren. The SGI is an enemy of the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra.


  1. speaking I’ll of the deceased mr. Kasahara
    Ooo boy ya gotta wonder who raised rogow—-
    negative and crass

    1. SGI leaders speak ill of every single non-SGI chanting person upon their deaths. Who are you kidding? Would you like to to see Kashiyuke's blog or better yet what your Sensei taught about the members of the Nichiren Shu, their babies? Here, take a look at this Mr./Ms. Hypocrite:

      Part 1

      "We, ourselves, cannot produce the Gohonzon. Since it's the enlightened entity of Nichiren Daishonin, no one has the authority other than the successive high priests who have been the sole heirs to the heritage of the True Law. We take no part in this. Therefore, the objects of worship inscribed by those in the Butsuryu and Minobu factions [of the Nichiren sect] are absolutely powerless. They are worthless because they are fake. In fact, they contain the power of evil spirits. That is why they are dangerous." Former SGI president, Josei Toda, Daibyaku Renge, 98, p. 98.

      "Members of the Minobu school of the Nichiren sect chant daimoku. They have the Gosho Their recitation of the sutra also includes the Hoben and Juryo chapters. And, in the Shoshinkai, which consists of ex-priests of Nichiren Shoshu , and the portions of the sutra they recite and the daimoku that they chant are identical to the practice we observe. Though their religion may seem the same as ours, they lack the single, unbroken heritage of the law recieved directly from Nichiren Daishonin. If one's faith is not based on this line of inheritance, it is worthless to embrace any Gohonzon, for no benefit will be forthcoming. That is to say, "Without the lifeblood of faith, it would be useless to embrace the Lotus Sutra." " Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism in Action, vol 3, p 254

      From the the SGI Manual of Forced Conversion (SGI Bible of Shakubuku), supervised by Daisaku Ikeda, was published by the Soka Gakkai to train believers. The Soka Gakkai no longer publishes the Bible of Shakubuku because it promotes the Nichiren-Shoshu. Nevertheless, SGI's fundamental doctrines have not changed except for denying that the heritage of the Law is transmitted through the person of High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu. Now they claim that the heritage is only transmitted through the Successive Presidents of the Soka Gakkai.

      "Shakyamuni's dharma is the dharma of the past and no longer beneficial". (page 63, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Nichiren taught that Shakyamuni's Lotus Sutra is the only teaching to be spread in the Latter Day.

      "It is necessary to realize that we no longer have a connection to Shakyamuni's Buddhism." (page 65, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Nichiren taught that we are the direct disciples of the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni.

      "You should know that Nichiren Daishonin is the only true Buddha because Shakamuni's Buddhism is useless." (page 67, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Nichiren taught that Shakyamuni Buddha is the Original Eternal Buddha and we can not even discard the Theoretical Section of the Lotus Sutra, let alone the Essential Section.

      "Buddha Shakamuni is inferior to the true Buddha Nichiren." (page 316, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Nichiren taught that all Buddhas throughout the past, present, and future, are emanations of Shakyamuni Buddha. He also taught that those who abandon Shakyamuni will fall into the Avici hell.

      "The Lotus Sutra which is the long-cherished wish of Buddha Shakamuni is no longer valid in this era, not in the least." (page93, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Nichiren says the Lotus Sutra is the ultimate teaching of the past, present, and future.

      "If you don't worship the Gohonzon of NST (SGI), you will know no well-being in the age of Mappo." (page70, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Yet, the deluded SGI members criticize us for pointing out that the Nichikan Gohonzon breeds evil men.

    2. Part 2

      'If you worship the Honzon of a wicked religion, you will naturally experience misfortune (page280, The Bible of Shakubuku).

      The misfortune of the SGI senior leaders and their family members, is actual proof that they worship a Honzon of a wicked religion and the tremendous good fortune of the believers in the Kempon Hokke is proof of the righteousness of our Honzon and the goodness of our religion.

      "All other sects except NST (SGI) are wicked religions and are a negative influence on society. (page280, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      The reality is that wherever the SGI has spread, the people have suffered every manner of misfortune and even their own members obtain neither merit nor virtue.

      "The teachings of Buddha Shakamuni is as useless as last year's calendar. If you are guided by his teachings, your life will surely fail as a logical result." (page 303,The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Then why so many unrealized dreams among the Soka Gakkai members and why such wonderful benefits in the life of those who embrace the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha?

      "Every person who doesn't worship the Gohonzon of Fuji-Taiseki temple (SGI) are bad people who slander the true dharma.' (page314, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Then the SGI members are bad because, according to their own criteria, they slander the "true dharma" of Fuji-Taisekaji temple. The reality is that they are bad people, especially their high salaried leaders, for other real and serious transgressions: For abandoning the Lotus Sutra and Lord Shakyamuni Buddha and exploiting the Dharma for personal gain.

      "The family which believes in the so-called Nichiren-shu will have children who have deformities, mental retardation or madness." (page321, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Then why do so many children of SGI top senior leaders never make it past their twenty first birthday while most Nichiren Shu priests' and believers' children not only survive but thrive? The reason is that the SGI's leaders curses and particularly Ikeda's curses have returned to the originator. For slandering votaries of the Lotus Sutra they or their SGI family members suffer everymanner of disease and death before they grow old.

    3. Part 3

      "All other sects except NST (SGI) are false heresies who exert bad influence on society." (page323, The Bible of Shakubuku)

      Then why are there more severe calamities wherever Soka Gakkai has widely spread? Then why does France label the SGI a dangerous cult and has Daisaku Ikeda never once received an award or honor from his own people, the Japanese? Why did the Komeito suffer such a brutal beating in the last election? Because they are a good influence to society?

      It is not we against others, it is we who are united with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the universe and Nichiren and those who aren't from whatever quarter. We also acknowledge Nichiren's teachings on complicity with evil and who is and who isn't a good spiritual friend. From the vast corpus of writings of Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai, it is apparent that SGI members and, especially leaders, are poor spiritual friends.

      4).Destructive cults generate some kind of external “pet devil” with which to threaten their members if they should doubt, or fail, or ever leave the group.

      The SGI has dozens of “pet devils”. Those who leave will have misfortune on their jobs, in their families, in the social lives, have accidents, fall into hell, etc. President Toda stated: “If you keep this up, you’re going to come to a pitiful end in life.” and “Betraying the Soka Gakkai is betraying the Daishonin". In the end, they’ll receive the punishment of the Buddha, you’ll see.” Ikeda says, “To take action to fight against whatever forces appear as the enemies of the Soka Gakkai is our most noble mission.” Matilda Buck says, “How tragic it would be for even one person to have found the great means of bringing forth Buddhahood only to be diverted to another, seemingly similar, path that is incapable of leading that individual to his or her deepest happiness.” This is the jist of the Gakkai’s attempt to chain the members to the Gakkai way of life.

      But my critics teach that we shouldn't criticize SGI because they chant the Daimoku. They are complicit in slander, phony, duplicitous, liars, and ignorant of the teachings.

    4. maybe if you could actually connect with other believers you’d be able to share your thoughts on teachings? maybe if you respected others rather than degrade them you’d look more like a real buddhist ?
      one thing for sure, you way overestimate the level of interest in erudite teachings amongst everyday people who try this practice hoping for positive change in their lives.:
      another thing is how out of touch you are with what goes on these days at activities and interactions in sgi.
      once people begin to chant they embark on their own unique path. when someone criticizes and condemns another believer they are spitting into the wind
      yeah I know it’s mappo for 9,000 more years , but cultures change and we are not in any way similar to medieval Japan . your lack of higher education is showing — which is to say you are not even close to being in nichirens league.:
      so many examples here of arrested development, grudge holding, grievance based politics and no sign of expanded humanism, knowledge based commentary …
      when you are confronted for displays of disrespect etc, what do you do? show examples of sgi doing “ the same thing”! !!
      petty- not lofty or exemplary of expansive human capabilities
      I don’t think you have any better grasp than anyone else of the profound workings of the mystic law. you distinguish yourself by displaying lower world behavior, pettiness and arrogance . not a good look if propagation is your goal

    5. I am connecting with you as a poison drum with the prayer that you will wake up. I engage many more SGI and recent ex-SGI than you, especially on Reddit SGIWhistleblowers, Reddit SGIWhistlblowers Mita, and Reddit Nichiren Buddhism. On Reddit SGIWhstleblowers I have salvaged or attempted to salvage the faith of many dozens of ex-SGI who often have such a bad taste in their mouths from their SGI experience that they are not sure they wish to continue to chant the Daimoku, Some who were practicing for fifty years, some former zone and Region chiefs. I study the SGI periodicals, the World Tribune and Living Buddhism and the difference between the Human Revolution and the new Human Revolution. I know the jist of the SGI Constitution, the Conduct for leaders which their leaders have to sign, their District leader's manual, and their various contribution resources. The reason that I disrespect SGI is for the changes to the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Buddhism that they instituted and for the calamities which they wrought as the worms in the Buddha's Body. I do have a better grasp of the teachings because I don't waste much time studying Ikeda. I study the Lotus Sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren, not the various inauthentic texts that make the basis for SGI "theology". The rest of your diatribe is but Ad Hominem and you dare talk about "hatred"!

    6. " I am connecting with you as a poison drum with the prayer that you will wake up."
      sorry to break it to you but you have not established any connection to me sir, though i get your drum is poison
      "I engage many more SGI and recent ex-SGI than you, especially on Reddit SGIWhistleblowers,"
      oh the woes of internet relationships! oh the lack of actual meaningful relating there/here.
      i think you should just stop and consider that relationships precede relating and engaging with unknown folks doesn't count as relating to actual members,
      sorry to burst your bubble but your insults are rolling off my back and out the door as i write this response

    7. I am illarraza on SGIwhistleblowers. Do you or I receive more starred comments and more positive private messages? I would say, I do but since you are anonymous, who the hell knows? I have also exhorted dozens of people on the fence to reconsider chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo and to forget nearly everything they learned in the SGI.

  2. sad and empty
    the effect of decades long trashing believers and acting like an expert or preacher or zealot
    you really went straight down hill
    crying 😢 shame

  3. your reporting is old
    guess suffering old age
    is kicking your keester

  4. actually it is true that illness can cause one to seek “ the way”
    not just an opportunity
    but a benefit
    purifying our lives is only possible when we challenge adversity with daimoku
    abundant daimoku
    don’t begrudge your life or your karma
    encouragement comes in many forms

    1. AIDS is one of the Four Devils, the hindrance of the five components or obstructions caused by one’s physical and mental functions. Yes it does offer an opportunity to seek the way but more immediately it is a problem to overcome as one of the Three Obstacles and Four Devils. However, the post heading fails to label AIDS a problem, SGI teaching states, "it is not a problem", merely an opportunity. this is untrue. Would you care to address the preeminence or better, the essentialness of Ikeda to the SGI faith and practice?

    2. AIDS is caused by a virus / attacking the immune system / physical illness : nothing to do with mental functions . Your illnesses are however mental in nature.

  5. sgi = stupid worthless, meaningless opinions.

    1. Then move along. Apparently, I hit a nerve.

    2. You’re the one who seems unnerved !
      Where’s your mirror bro?

    3. so let's hear about the group you can relate to?

    4. Without a mirror and a correct faith and practice, you would see a votary of the Lotus Sutra as being unnerved. I relate to the Kempon Hokke, accepting most of their teachings. When the Kempon Hokke priests speak with Sutra in hand, I accept their teachings, and when they fail to do so, I reject them. Kempon Hokke rarely fails to teach without Sutra in hand while SGI often teaches without Sutra in hand, unless you consider the majority of the Human Revolution, Ikeda's aphorisms, guidances, and commentaries, as preaching with Sutra in hand. I don't.
