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Saturday, November 26, 2022

Soka Gakkai May Contribution Campaign

Danny Nagashima (He shouts alot): HOW ARE YOU!!!

Member: I’m doing great. I’m practicing hard, doing Gongyo twice a day and chanting an hour of Daimoku. With the recession and all, I’m working two jobs and we’re expecting our third child.

Danny: “CONGRATULATIONS! You can change your financial misfortune into fortune. This is the perfect time. Our May contribution campaign (which had started April 15th) is in full swing. I know if you make a generous offering you will change poison into medicine.

Member: “Really? I was reading the Lotus Sutra…”

Danny: “You were?

Member: “In Chapter 17, I think, it says that one moment of faith in the Lifespan of the Buddha, is ten trillion billion times more valuable than offering the Buddha all the treasures in the entire universe for immeasurable kalpas.

Danny: “You know that the Lotus Sutra is wonderful but it has lost its power in this age. Sensei say so, so you can believe what I tell you. You should read the New Human Revolution when Ms. Nakayama was going through some hard times just like you. There was a special Kosen Rufu contribution for world peace and she sold her car and presented the money to Sensei. Now she has a new car and a house too. The little noodle shop she opened is busy all the time.”

Member: “Really. I just can’t get it out of my mind that I am already changing my fortune. I feel really good but times are tight.”

Danny: “Do you want to continue to work two jobs just to make ends meet? Did you read the World Tribune Special Edition, Open the Path for the Future? If you want to create your own grand vision, despite the rough times. From the standpoint of Buddhism, these struggles give us the opportunity to create a new vision for our movement and ourselves. We could even say that now is a crucial turning point for us to progress to the next level of fortune. You don’t seem happy. You can refresh your practice through this contribution campaign.

Member: “I am happy what ever gave you the idea that I wasn’t happy.”

Danny: You wouldn’t be complaining how tough the times are if you were happy. Something is missing in your faith. I think your reluctance to contribute to our special May Commemorative shows clearly that you are still not ready to commit yourself fully to Kosen Rufu. It’s so easy now, you can donate by cash, check, use your credit card, or even make a small bank transfer. You want the new baby to be born into favorable circumstances, DON’T YOU?”

Member: “I propagate the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra. How can my baby be born into anything less than favorable circumstances?”

Danny: “The Way to propagate the Daimoku is only through the SGI and our activities. You must reflect on your faith and look at the TREMENDOUS benefits of those who have contributed to our May contribution.”

Member: “Like Gino who lost his apartment because he contributed his rent money?”

Danny: I don’t know Gino but he couldn’t have selflessly dedicated himself to Kosen Rufu with the spirit of not begrudging one’s life for our TREMENDOUS organization. This too is found in the Lotus Sutra.

Member: “He never missed a meeting in three Years and chants two hours of Daimoku a day. I thought Sensei said, Buddhism was common sense.”

Danny: I have to go right now but think over what I told you today.


  1. guess no new material available to mark the pariah?
    pulling out all your oldies I see

    1. Lots of new material and some old. Why dont you correct Ikeda who stated that he would never ask for the slightest contribution.

    2. I don’t know pres ikeda / never met him !
      I , unlike you , don’t need a pulpit for the purpose of admonishing, passing judgement as do you !
      Tho passing gas seems to capture the essence of the effect your “preaching “ evokes 😉

    3. i met Ikeda. As Nichiren teaches in one of his Five Major works, On Repaying Debts of Gratitude:

      "I would reply that, by looking at one thing, you can surmise ten thousand. This is what is meant by the statement that you can come to know all under heaven without ever going out of your garden gate. But a fool will have doubts, saying, “I have seen the sky in the south, but I have not seen the sky in the east or west or north. Perhaps the sky in those other three directions has a different sun in it from the one I know.” Or he will see a column of smoke rising up beyond the hills, and although the smoke is in plain sight, because he cannot see the fire itself, he will conclude that the fire may not really exist. Such a person is my questioner, an icchantika, or person of incorrigible disbelief, no different from a man with sightless eyes!"

  2. how old is this gossipy thread?
    your fabricated propaganda defines you
    such is the actual proof of your behavior as a dour human being
    call this ad hominem?
    and miss an opportunity to grow !

  3. There was Jim Jones. There was synonym. The Synonon founder put a rattle snake in his opponents mailbox that almost killed him. There was EST, which is a lot like the sgi model of greed
    Erhard provided a model for sales managers everywhere. His staff was motivated to produce “results” (i.e., revenues from new recruits and enlistments into the “graduate” programs) by methods ranging from coercion to romance. Unpaid labor was extracted to the max; est employed 100 volunteers for every one paid staff member. Vague, pseudo-political goals were invoked in the pursuit of private power and profit. EST staffers were expected to serve Werner as if he were a king (he was compulsively fastidious).

    1. Oh how I wish stupidity was painful for the bearer of it 😛

  4. then there’s rogow
    trash talking members too
    says our daimoku is worthless
    decades of chanting abundant daimoku can open eyes to the middle way
    I just advocate trusting one’s own daimoku and not paying any heed to the pseudo preachers
    middle men aren’t necessary
    but thanks for sharing your perspective
    be well and chant until the last moment of your life

    1. Right, middle men are not necessary. Please spread the word among SGI's 10 million members regarding their middle man, as I.

    2. So why do you emulate that which you so openly despise? You assert yourself as a middle man - karmic, cultural ? anything but enlightened wisdom .

  5. money, money ,money money ! MONEY!... be careful what you support. very basic buddhism. is there at least one non idiot out there?

    1. Yes each person should decide for themselves. People who don’t share one’s views are not idiots. That’s the horrible effect of person centered practice-

  6. Danny did his best
    Why do you harbor such negativity towards others ?
    Perplexing 🥺

  7. People in cults lose track and thankfulness, for the people and good parts of their support system, that helped them to survive. They always defer to their cult leaders. In essence, they become ungrateful . They allow the gardens of truth and goodness that really helped sustain them and many other people, to wither.

  8. Danny stepped on Williams head who loved him, played Danny Boy on the Sax over and over. You are blind.

    1. Talking trash about believers is not a wise move.
      Your gossip is telling on you.

    2. I met Danny in 1997 here in Boston. Not an altogether unlikeable guy and very pro daimoku as I recall!!
      I steered clear of the Mr.Williams debacle -- as I would any other matter that doesn't concern me directly. When something does concern me directly I prefer to bring it up with the person who has affected me adversely! In person-- not on a forum they probably will never visit.
      ~Katie Higgins

    3. When I tried to speak to Danny, to contact him, he ignored me. When i went to the New York culture center to discuss the teachings with Mr. Kasahara, they called the police on me. bill Aiken and perhaps a dozen SGI members are "friends" on my Facebook page and few? if any? have had me blocked. they are the ones who won't engage, not I.

  9. Which organized religion does not accept even solicit donations ? How is the infrastructure of any religious organization maintained without member donations ?
    If you use the facilities and can afford to contribute , you should. If you don’t use them don’t criticize others who are . Basic humanism 101.

  10. I contend that none of the infrastructure SGI has set up is related in any way to the practice Nichiren taught, so it must be that copy cat thing -. I mean look at the wealth of the Catholic Church and ask yourself why wouldn't wealth and accouterments be considered actual proof of the truth of a religion in this Degenerative Age . Let's not forget who we are or where we live.. hehehe
    ~Katie Higgins

  11. Me, my husband and another member of our district made an appointment and spoke with Mr Kasahara for over an hour , at Manhattan Kai kan 1997. Then he came to Boston and led a meeting in my home. His guidance was Unity focused — his behavior towards us all was respectful. I appreciated his efforts but was hoping he would admonish a few leaders. I don’t believe his response to you were a reflection of him as much as your own behavior and demeanor ? This is just another reason I began to question your “practice” of making yourself look like a “ persecuted” victim. You’d do well to engage with a therapist and develop a more realistic understanding of your role in your “ negative “ experiences. ~ Katie
