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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Messages from Nichiren on his 800th Birthday, February 16th 1222


  1. Only crucial message from Nichiren :” Singlemindedly chant Myoho Renge Kyo…”
    I offer praise for all who recite the daimoku and reverence for those whose eyes are opened to the primacy of treating fellow believers - no matter their affiliation , with genuine sincerity and honesty !
    Animosity towards anyone who chants the daimoku is slander of the Lotus Sutra. ~ Katiev

  2. lazy mofo mark - pays a copy paste tribute to the founder of the Buddhism he slanders here. I predicted this, tho not the sage mofo mark claims he is, I have noted the effects of mofo marks horrific causes and updated friends for their protection. really bad stuff happens to the mind of one who abuses fellow believers.

  3. If I have offended you I am duly sorry. Horrific causes for revealing the ugly faces of the slanderers from whichever sect, the blind and the delusional, not sorry.

    1. Nichiren says about the Three Treasures:

      “...If there are those who possess differing ideas concerning the three treasures, then truly you should know that these people can no longer hope to take refuge in, or rely upon, the three pure treasures. They will never gain benefit from any of the precepts, and in the end, they will fail to obtain the fruits of the voicehearer, the cause-awakened one, or the bodhisattva.” This passage is clearly referring to [the essential point of ] the “Life Span” chapter of the Lotus Sutra..." (The Third Doctrine)

  4. Mark RogowFebruary 26, 2023 at 11:09 PM
    If I have offended you I am duly sorry. Horrific causes for revealing the ugly faces of the slanderers from whichever sect, the blind and the delusional, not sorry.


    Mark RogowFebruary 26, 2023 at 11:12 PM
    Nichiren says about the Three Treasures:

    “...If there are those who possess differing ideas concerning the three treasures, then truly you should know that these people can no longer hope to take refuge in, or rely upon, the three pure treasures. They will never gain benefit from any of the precepts, and in the end, they will fail to obtain the fruits of the voicehearer, the cause-awakened one, or the bodhisattva.” This passage is clearly referring to [the essential point of ] the “Life Span” chapter of the Lotus Sutra..." (The Third Doctrine)

    1. You've ceased to make sense, Mark-- copy/paste isn't real Buddhism-- BTW. Check your calendar, this is the 21st century, not medieval times!, Can you locate where you live, in terms of country, government, people? Maybe you need a wellness check? ~Katie
