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Friday, February 17, 2023

Nichiren was a serious individual who suffered six great persecutions and often suffered from food deprivation.



  1. not to mention sever cold and sever hatred and jealousy. a true votary will suffer a bitter yet unavoidable destiny...hear that senshit.

  2. Nichiren is the envoy of Shakyamuni Buddha; a profoundly compassionate, brilliant scholar who treated all of his followers- men and women with deep respect. Bestowing Myoho renge kyo for all living beings, Nichiren overcame agonizing ordeals through his pure faith and abiding concern for his followers practicing the essential teaching , chanting the daimoku. Due solely to Shakyamuni’s wisdom and Nichiren’s compassion for all living beings , even those who have no knowledge of Buddhism can attain the same benefits as the Buddha himself by embracing, chanting the daimoku.
    Mark’s pathetic “ tribute” to Nichiren matches his exclusionary teachings and belies Marks discriminatory posture, which ironically mirrors Christian teachings referencing the primacy of accepting Christ as their savior. It’s the odaimoku that leads to salvation ( Kanjin Honzon- sho). Follow the Law, not persons, was the Buddha’s final admonition. Anyone usurping authority to teach caveats and loopholes is a slanderer, by strict definition.
    Having the same mind of faith as Nichiren boils down to single mindedly chanting the daimoku.
    Nichiren’s specific trials and tribulations belong to him alone , as no one after him can be the first to proclaim Myoho renge kyo as the essential phrase, the teaching and practice for this degenerative age. Following Nichiren then, requires effort and diligence - in practice and respecting all who embrace the daimoku. Nichiren sectarian wars are obstacles that will be overcome over the next 9,000 years !
    Look closely at those who condemn Nichiren sects and you will see their ugly arrogance and overinflated egos. No surprise, this is the condition of the masses and particularly those in power in our time. Nichiren remained steadfast in his faith despite deplorable conditions in his country during his lifetime. Paying tribute to Nichiren , I pledge to do the same. ~ Katie

    1. Then defend the sects, their riches, the salaries of the top leaders. Defend that and get back to me.

    2. Sorry, not interested in your crazy battles. Very busy living in the real world, taking care of real people and having a real life--- with deep gratitude for Myoho Renge Kyo. Cheers! ~Katie

  3. blogger finally just outright degrades nichiren! and can’t keep up with his own blog - cognitive decline apparent ! 🥹

  4. I be here....watching along with Shakyamuni and Nichiren.
