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Sunday, February 26, 2023

More than 30 responses

Maybe I will delve deeper into the comments tomorrow. Suffice it to say, I think if you asked Reverend Tsuchiya nicely, he could get you a Kempon Hokke ABC Sutra book with prayers. I choose on a day to day basis what my pre and post recitation prayers and the Gosho I recite except I always recite the Nichiren Kempon Hokke Vows and Receiving and Keeping the Daimoku. Presently, we are reciting The Opening of the Eyes.


  1. Did someone commander the blog. Seems that way post about Russia etc. "The blog is in good hands" how strange

    1. ...he allows all voices to little, insignificant people a soap box....a true democracy!

  2. another dodge of your blog responsibilities wrapped around another incoherent post ! suggest you focus on and ramp up your daimoku and restrain your base impulses to flood the internet with evidence of your cognitive decline, dude. btw, there are nichiren in writing references for the practice you’re touting, which does help to explain your divergence from the essential teaching! old age and sickness are inherently human sufferings that assiduously chanting the daimoku alleviate. there’s a plethora of evidence here that you have neglected to take the excellent medicine provided by the buddha through nichiren.

  3. no time for comments ? but posting several incoherent sound bytes and incomprehensible “musings”? holy moly. — maybe just go away 🙀

    1. ....a, isn't this his home?.....who is it that should "go away?"

  4. see that you mention daimoku last.

  5. Looks like you added your own stuff and created your own practice, putting daimoku last . You’ve just personified “ slandering Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra”. Nice self own, bro.

  6. Most sgi members, know little about buddhism, as John Sala points out. When group leaders and lay leaders at the bottom, learn more about real buddhism, they start questioning their role, as exploited fundraisers for sgi. Their eyes and ears open. Overworked district leaders quit. That's what I saw, in sgi. It continues to happen in the usa and elsewhere. The main leadership is too stupid, to give up ikedaism and breakup the favoritism of their pets. Too ignorant to start teaching real Buddhist principles and values. So it stays as an inbred, supersitious cult with low ethical and, no real Buddhist principles. A good old Boys club of greed foolishness and jealousy

    1. not buddhism, hijacked by ikedism, who no one has seen for eight years. too funny.

  7. who needs comments? the all about mark rogow blog is so entertaining !

    1. any mouse ...are you afraid of the real teachings?
