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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"I have rightly put my experiences on paper to show to others what truly is occurring."

....yeah...I was harrassed! SGI members continued
to phone me after I left the organisation. I asked
them to stop phoning me....and they did not! Then
after I put a restriction on my phone line....five SGI
members came to my house, uninvited and told me they had
some news for me. I said that I did not want to
discuss any futher the matter as to why I had left. The
members agreed to leave my property before the Police
came. I recieved some NASTY NASTY emails.....oh, by the
way is an example of "SGI model
behavior...and correct
speech"...recieved by:<br><br>

"I just wanted to say how very dissapointed we all are at your

lack of understanding with SGI. You misunderstood
everything in Tokyo. Pres. Daisaku Ikeda is a great
leader and would fight against only the true evil in
this world. We fight for the justice. I suspect you
have been talking with those Nikken followers. They
lie and publish bad articles about us, and steal our
Money. They are slanderous, sick human beings. I am also
outraged by your interest in contacting the IRG! Those
people are "parasites living within the lion's bowls"
they infect SGI, breaking down the unity between
mentor and disciple. Besides that fact, I believe
your aunt will continue to grow more, and more sick
because you slander True Buddhism. I understand she has
Cancer. Something bad will happen to you too all because
you say falsehoods against our great mentor, Daisaku
Ikeda. You do not have ears to listen with, and your
brain is bad. SGI is the only true Buddhism!!!<br>You
discust me. Go contact those dogs dressed in Monks
robes....and live in your little Hell!" You will pay the
price!! Just a warning...of things to
come. BYE! -- SGI member

"Soon after (I would say 2 weeks later) when I was

downtown, a small group of SGI members began following me
around. I ignored them, at first, but then one of them
shouted loudly, "you discrace
NIkken hell with you!" .....and all
because I agree with the IRG reform group , and have 
criticized the very fabric of SGI. And as I have said many times, 
Ikeda wishes to continue a religious war against the Nichiren Shoshu. '
In Buddhism, not TOLERATED

So, I must put it bluntly...SGI is not following

Buddhist doctrine, all the members have been deceived. I
have seen some VERY DISTURBING things in SGI and have
rightly put my experiences on paper to show to others
what truly is occurring."

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