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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Food for thought. Minobu wrote:

"Due to the nature of Mappo and the sentients that are disposed to be born in such a time and culture is fertile ground for all sentients to slander.

The beauty of Lotus Buddhism and chanting the Daimoku it overrides the sundry slander that everyone commits during mappo.

People's egos display a revulsion to what it actually means to be those who are part and parcel to Mappo.

ODaimoku is the resource left to us from Buddha to overcome the natural tendency to slander and lightens the effect of the Karma produced from slander.

In fact the practice does this alchemy of transforming negativity into a positive impetus to one's liberation.

We can ignore this urge to focus on slander and the rules that drive people to fixate about slander instead of on purification." - David

I maintain, as Nichiren I believe, that part and parcel of the purification process is confronting slander.

The Opening of the Eyes on "Shakyamuni Buddha"

"...Sakyamuni Buddha is the supreme leader and excellent eyes for all the people. He is the bridge that enables them to cross the river of evil passions; he is the skipper who guides them over the sea of life and death; and he is the fertile field in which they plant the seed of merits...The meaning of these words in the Lotus Sutra is shiningly clear -- brighter than the sun in the blue sky and the full moon at midnight. Look up and put your faith in it. Prostrate yourself before it and think hard about it." 

Do SGI or NST even give a thought to the Eternal Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha?

Not yet recommending Ivermectin but here are the latest trials in the National Library of Medicine, an organ of the National Institue of Health 

Bodhisattvas of the Earth enjoy a beautiful existence.

They possess four qualities:  Eternity, True Self, Joy, and Purity.

Nichiren Daishonin was right. The Japanese are the most evil people in Jambudvipa 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Pioneer now ex-SGI member short experience

Howdy- An "expression of the practice" from way back in the NSA/nascent SGI-USA days, was the wearing of white pants. Did you know that white pants become see-thru when saturated with rain? So plan your underwear choices accordingly. Yup, you showed how dedicated you were by wearing a clean, white dress shirt (better iron that bitch!), a red and white striped necktie (including an NSA/SGI themed tie-clip), and either a red or blue polyester jacket, depending on your "job" for evening. I remember buying mine through organization, at $50 a piece.

Aye, it be a true testament to my traumatized, neglected, fukked up childhood (or my terrible fashion sense) that I turned to THAT sort of society to make me whole.... And I'm utterly embarassed to remember that I wore those white pants, man. I wore those white pants, because I believed what we were doing was good and healing the world, and that we were building a community, so I didn't mind the funny looks, or the mud and stains....

Anonymous on Ikeda and the SGI

Basically Ikeda is uneducated trash. He is an average demagauge, who stole a business model from the Mormons. I saw some of his writings, criticizing neoliberalism and Francis Fukuyama. This is is direct contradiction with the way he lives and uses his ill-gotten gains to manipulate power for personal prestige. He is not a man of wisdom or knowledge, not at all.

Ikeda is superficial, uneducated, empty suit that has not grown originally at all. The whole SGI business model is based on neoliberalism. It's is a mindless spiritless, money grubbing and power grubbing sham.

Neoliberalism economics is what Japan's crooked core cultural system of reactionary neofeudalism is based.

They have a country that is without a heart. Look no further, than the way they are covering up Fukushima. See for yourself how Japan is using Fukushima workers as expendable fodder. SGI and Komeito tacitly sanction this criminal behavior. There is no humanity in the way they run the country with their LDP alies. Ikedaism is an empty vessel.

SGI worships money and heartless power. They are all pronuclear. They pay lip service to abolishing nuclear weapons. They live the big lie that Fukushima is not destroying their country. The new LDP front man Taro Kono is antinuclear. SGI is a phoney religion it is not Buddhism. It is like a brain damaged spiritless, maw that sucks in resources and spits out greedgut tools to do it's bidding. It is parasitic to most of its adherents and the successful ones it produces are a menace to societies. More sanctimonious, money grubbers promoting criminal activities and a collapse sustainability to the plan.

Nikko Shonin on Na and Mu by Murraysburg Bodhisattva

 1720 ‘NAM’ or ‘NAMU ...’ ~ Nikko Shonin

(In light of this document all sects chanting just ‘NAM’ should review their practice ... MBB. C.)
In the Shuso Gosenge Kiroku, concerning the Honmon O’daimoku and the syllable ‘Mu’, Nikko writes;
(The Shuso Gosenge Kiroku is No. 000141 in the listing of important cultural properties in the Shizuoka area. Date listed as important cultural property: 20th Jan 1993, Heisei 5.)
Handwriting on document: 日興筆 Nikko
Date of document: 弘安五年十月十六日 (16th Oct 1282, Koan 5).
"Since ancient times, people worshipped heaven. Without heaven, they say, there would be no earth. So heaven is older. It is therefore the source of all things.
The Son of Heaven, when he worshipped heaven, faced south. Therefore, south came to represent heaven.
How old is heaven?
The Lotus Sutra says:
“Since I became Buddha, it has been measureless and limitless...“
我実成佛已来。無量 無辺 百千万億 那由他劫。
無量 (Muryo) = 永 = cannot be measured; measureless; eternal.
Therefore, with regards to time, heaven is eternal (=measureless).
因此,关于时间,天(南) 是 無量(永恒) 的。
However, since the formation of the present physical universe, there has passed “hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred millions of nayutas of aeons”. (Hyaku sen man oku nayuta ko).
然而, 目前物理宇宙 的 形成 已来 已经过了 百千万億 那由他劫。
That is why, the duration of the syllable “Na” (南) is very long.
这就是为什么,音节的 “Na”(南)的持续时间很长。
It represents a very, very, very, long time.
这 代表 一个 非常长 的 时间。
The word “Mu” (無) = void; space (空).
無 = 空
Without space, there is nowhere anything can exist.
如果 空(=無) 不存在, 所有的事物 都不可能存在。
Therefore, “Mu” (無) represent all things; everything, without exclusion.
所以 無 代表 全存在 的事物,毫无例外。
The Lotus Sutra says:
“Since I became Buddha, it has been measureless and limitless...“
我実成仏已来。無量 無辺.. (Ga jitsu jo butsu irai, muryo muhen..)
Limitless (muhen 無辺) represents boundless space.
無辺 = 非常远 非常廣袤 的 空间。
How big is space?
The Lotus Sutra tells us:
Suppose, someone takes five hundred thousand, ten thousand, hundred million nayuta asogi three thousand great thousand fold worlds. Crush them into particles, travel east, and drop one particle each time he passes five hundred thousand, ten thousand, hundred million nayuta asogi lands. He proceeds this way, until he exhausts all the particles. Good people, what do you think? Can their total be imagined or calculated?
寿量品 告诉 我門:
Therefore, the Lotus Sutra, uses the age and size of the present physical universe to give an idea of when the World Honored One became Buddha.
Here, becoming Buddha means the World Honored One brings about the Excellent Medicine for living beings.
Therefore, the duration of the syllable “Mu” (無) is very long
所以, 为什么 音节的 “Mu”(無)的持续时间 很长?"
Representing the excellent medicine of the Honmon O’daimoku of Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
The really interesting aspect about this document, is that it was written in 1282, long before the existence of the SGI or Nichiren Shoshu or any of the subsequent nonsense that has since been written ...

Since Honmon Shoshu appear incapable or unable to publish Nichimoku's treasured notes on how we should be chanting the Honmon O'daimoku, and correctly practice Nichiren's teachings, I was lucky enough to find a letter written by Nikko Shonin in 1282 called; "The Shuso Gosenge Kiroku" (The Shuso Gosenge Kiroku is No. 000141 in the listing of important cultural properties in the Shizuoka area. Date listed as important cultural property: 20th Jan 1993, Heisei 5.) concerning the syllables “Na” (南) and "Mu" (無).
In light of this document, it seems that our current understanding of "Na Mu" is extremely limited in the context of what Nichiren taught. The idea that "Nam" is a shortened version of Nama or Namaste is shallow in the extreme, misleading and misunderstood.
Interestingly, Nikko explains that "Na", as well as meaning South, also represents Heaven. He explained the importance of "Mu" in such a way that "Mu" should be included in the O'daimoku/daimoku. Moreover, he also insinuated that the character "Mu" should be chanted in such a way to represent a very long time, suggesting that the timings of the Honmon O'daimoku are correct. Indeed, in the light of this, great care should be heeded in the "general" understanding of recently posted suggestions by SGI/NST members regarding three different Japanese lexicons to justify the shortening of "Na" and "Mu" to the phonetic of just "Nam". Such an understanding in the light of what Nikko wrote is likely gravely wrong. Indeed, in using such an understanding, we are likely going down the wrong path and as such are completely missing the point of whatever Nichiren was trying to teach us. I'm sure that there are all sorts of wonderful meanings, both long and short of Nam or Namu, Nama or Namaste, but the point being made is to represent the profound meaning of each character in whatever it represents in a clear and concise WAY when each character is chanted, as in “Na” (南) "Mu" (無), as against the shortened version of "Nam". Given what Nikko wrote in this document, just the invocation of "Nam" is incapable of justifying the full and complete meaning of "Na” (南) "Mu" (無). This document, written in 1282, was long before the existence of any of the subsequent nonsense and takes us back to the bare basics. Indeed, according to this document, the characters "Na Mu" are chanted to signify;
“Since I became Buddha, it has been measureless and limitless...
我実成佛已来。無量 無辺 百千万億 那由他劫。
無量 (Muryo) = 永 = cannot be measured; measureless; eternal.
Therefore, with regards to time, heaven is eternal (=measureless).
因此,关于时间,天(南) 是 無量(永恒) 的。
However, since the formation of the present physical universe, there has passed “hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred millions of nayutas of aeons”. (Hyaku sen man oku nayuta ko).
然而, 目前物理宇宙 的 形成 已来 已经过了 百千万億 那由他劫。
That is why, the duration of the syllable “Na” (南) is very long.
这就是为什么,音节的 “Na”(南)的持续时间很长。
It represents a very, very, very, long time.
这 代表 一个 非常长 的 时间。"
The only way this is could be done would be to elongate the timings of these characters, thus complimenting the timings of the Honmon O'daimoku.
And regarding "Mu", Nikko continues ...
"The word “Mu” (無) = void; space (空). 無 = 空
Without space, there is nowhere anything can exist.
如果 空(=無) 不存在, 所有的事物 都不可能存在。
Therefore, “Mu” (無) represent all things; everything, without exclusion.
所以 無 代表 全存在 的事物,毫无例外。
The Lotus Sutra says:
“Since I became Buddha, it has been measureless and limitless...“
我実成仏已来。無量 無辺.. (Ga jitsu jo butsu irai, muryo muhen..)
Limitless (muhen 無辺) represents boundless space.
無辺 = 非常远 非常廣袤 的 空间。
How big is space?
The Lotus Sutra tells us:
Suppose, someone takes five hundred thousand, ten thousand, hundred million nayuta asogi three thousand great thousand fold worlds. Crush them into particles, travel east, and drop one particle each time he passes five hundred thousand, ten thousand, hundred million nayuta asogi lands. He proceeds this way, until he exhausts all the particles. Good people, what do you think? Can their total be imagined or calculated?
寿量品 告诉 我門:
Therefore, the Lotus Sutra, uses the age and size of the present physical universe to give an idea of when the World Honored One became Buddha.
Here, becoming Buddha means the World Honored One brings about the Excellent Medicine for living beings.
Therefore, the duration of the syllable “Mu” (無) is very long
所以, 为什么 音节的 “Mu”(無)的持续时间 很长?"
This certainly seems to represent the excellent medicine of the Honmon O’daimoku of Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
I understand how attached both SGI and NST members are to their individual sects and practice of Nam, but this is not about individual sects or loyalties, but about the very real realisation of Kosen Rufu.
In light of this document all sects chanting just ‘NAM’ should review their practice in the light of this writing ...

Someone commented today, "just left SGI and how can I contact you" but I lost or accidently deleted his comment....

You may contact me here via comments or Email me at or you can go to Reddit Nichiren and leave a comment or a post. I will then give you my telephone number, home and cellphone

Monday, September 27, 2021

Sifu Chamberlain's modern Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land


November 29, 2005
An Open Letter
To all potential leaders
Secular, private or elected

Dear Concerned Citizen:

To be perceived a great leader requires marketing; to be known as a great leader requires timeless acts of clarity and justice. I am a humble man; a Buddhist priest, visual artist, and teacher. I have dedicated my entire life to the study of great leaders, in thought, and the "human condition" since the age of seven. If you are interested to know more in detail about my life experience, I would like to entertain the possibility of our meeting, perhaps when you have some quiet time for conversation. I merely want to convey that my words are born of many years.

So as not to consume a great deal of your time, I will attempt to state my points in brief and offer support latter. Please do not take this form disparagingly, for I respect your position greatly. As you have demonstrated, I believe you to understand that the responsibilities of your office and, by extension, these United States, is to be the foremost in the governance of human life. For this ideal, words like freedom, mean nothing unless actualized in the systems of governance providing economic stability, open speech and dialogue, protection from invasion and most importantly, personal expression balanced with personal practices. But what more can be said of this rhetoric? Could not the people who terrorize the world claim these very words as their aim? Truthfully, yes, they could. The problem therefore is not "freedom". The problem therefore is not governance. The problem of fact is the holding and expression of mistaken beliefs. This may seem an oversimplification, but please read on.

I propose to you, that you can make a place for yourself in the history of the world as a great leader whose courage and insight changed the course of mankind. At present, the reputation of the U.S. President is one of a man whose entire record is based on re-action. The reputation of Congress seems to be to banter without result. This, of course, is due to the President's "at will" reactions going unchecked. I propose you shed this veil, and discover your true identity as a great leader of action! The actions I humbly suggest are quit simply the actions necessary to circumvent the mistaken beliefs of ancient melodramas and undereducated fodder, and put the world, this nation, and all others by example, on the path to social and economic health.

Remove all religion from the agenda. Religion or spirituality is a personal practice! It should not enjoy parity with corporate or any other commercial scheme. Further, Religious organizations operating, as resource or publishing concerns should be treated exactly as those endeavors are in "secular" print or publishing businesses. There is absolutely no reason why these organizations should qualify as "non-profit" 501C corporations. Requirements of Not-For-Profit status should be amended to include private schools, which do much more to affect the public trust, and disallow any organization whose purpose is to disseminate or preach or teach the agenda of ancient or "Nouveau" spiritual doctrines, texts, or religious tracts. As stated, these are simply bookstores. All religious rites can be and should be performed at home by individuals, families, and small groups, not different from Tupperware parties or Amway meetings.

In the case of Iraq, education, free of dogma, must lead the people to the creation of civil governance. This country can lead by example by clearing up its most muddled issues in this regard. Privatize Spirituality. Change the tax law to approve a percentage of personal expenditure on specific religious or spiritual expenses much as the childcare provisions do. Then abolish all other manifestation of tax "breaks" concerning religion. Remove and ban all reference to religion/spirituality in all Law or Federal governance. For the office of President to end speeches to the citizenry with a "god bless" is abhorrent misuse of power and an affront to the very birthrights of this nation!

Proper, undiluted, clear, and freedom embracing governance can only occur through the guarantee of respect and protection of human individual existence without fear of trespass. The government needs to get out of peoples private lives, like family court, et al, and privatize that realm as well. So long as government chooses to meander into the dynamics of "family", individuals will play the government gambit to bankruptcy both economically and spiritually. Let, no force, the people to resolve their matters amongst themselves. The state of "law" in this country and others has gone completely insane due to the failing of this precept. Law does not belong in the household. Again, this is a situation born of mistaken beliefs. The bible and other such texts were created in fact to train people into more manageable masses as the populations of the world grew. Just as the practice of "bloodletting" and phrenology were once used as medical treatments. The world has not only outgrown these modalities, but indeed suffers great physiological, economic, and spiritual well-being due to these ancient practices. It is as ridiculous as it would be to walk into a huge hospital with bed after bed, with people being drained of their blood to heal their illnesses from AIDS to Strepp Throat.

The following actions must be taken in order to provide the citizens of the world the freedom, real "Freedom" to live their lives as they choose with respect to their beliefs:

  1. Remove all tax advantages and provisions for Religious organizations. They are no different from secular corporations.
  2. Remove all Federal and state "Holidays" which are tied to or in any way represent religious observances.
  3. Write explicit legislation that no religious icons or propaganda will be accepted or promoted in the "Public domain" including all buildings and public areas, broadcast or televised, distributed door to door or by mail, electronic or on media. The Internet is an exception when and only when it replaces or works in conjunction with actual entities as a stand-alone address or URL.
  4. Remove all not-for-profit status provisions and modify non-profit legislation to specifically prevent religiously based organizations from attaining non-profit status.
  5. Make tax provisions for individuals only, to accrue tax exemptions for a percentage of their individual expenses related specifically to their practice of their religious rites (i.e. altars, incense, crucifix, books, etc…).
  6. Remove religious rhetoric from ALL legal and public proceedings (i.e. swearing in ceremonies or in courts of law shall be conducted on the basis of law and the observances of the constitution of the country, no more bibles!)
  7. All public schools should provide education based solely on scientific and secular performance and needs. No amount of theological information or beliefs can be tolerated in primary public education. The discussion and investigation of "beliefs", especially in regard to "religious" sects or writings, can and should only be the purview of private schools or in classes within the "Humanities" of secular education at the secondary and tertiary levels, labeled clearly as such and only as option to other modalities in public institutions, never as a sole requisite without at least one other optional program. The only exception again, is a private institution that makes clear its position and choice of doctrine before enrollment.

When it comes to the issue of governance of a group, there can be no belief systems at play other than clear and concise rules of law and society based on reason and common sense. There can only be apriorae, in the form of a simple and clearly adopted set of concepts without burdensome specificity, to be interpreted in specific situations, not by law, but democratic consensual acceptance amongst those at hand who choose to participate, regardless of status or position. This is true democracy, and has never existed in modern America.

For instance, if on the occasion of creating policy on some specific issue regarding invading a country to institute social reform and stabilization through education, a website would be created to offer all available knowledge regarding the time, cost, risk, and reasoning for such an action, and a term of time be broadcast on television and the web for the citizenry to review, analyze and respond with online voting from home or library or other centers. The public would be firstly more involved in the "We the people…" aspect of government, secondly more apt to resolve their position via dialogue and lobbying on a small and personal scale at the hearts of the population all across the country rather than in only the hallowed halls of Washington DC, and therefore the responsibility of a vote collected in this manner would reflect on the populace as government. The cost of publicity management and propaganda would surely become more manageable as the policing of information would be the primary concern. But this is a larger, more complex vision. The immediate concern for the survival of the world is to Privatize Spirituality. The only "laws" governing this should be to protect individuals from actions against them for exercising the rituals of their practices within reason (i.e. sacred days of observance not counted as unexcused absences from work, et al).

You must remove the interplay of religious ideologies from the realm of governance. You can begin the process in this country. You can set the roadmap for the education of good governance as Aristotle did. You could set this country on a course of true greatness as a true leader of human "rights" not laws! Theocracy is a personal matter. Just as the Amish in this country live their beliefs without infringement on others, so too should all other belief systems. Those, which can intermingle without conflict, simply show themselves to be more humanistic and respectful. Those, which choose war and destruction as their mode of engagement, prove themselves to be irresponsible and inhumane. This is the only place where governance belongs, to govern the interplay of the people. Those who choose destruction must be re-educated and their mistaken beliefs broken. Say it explicitly. There is no longer any justification on this fragile and small planet for the random acts of fanatics without respect for the sanctity of human life! It is exactly the same as with individual behaviors of murder and violations against others. In the courts it is matter of intent and further, the degree of intent. Organized belief systems should be treated in exactly the same manner. Should they transgress the charter of personal beliefs and behavior to infringe upon the free existence of others, it is absolutely no different that the infringement of private domain in the case of a trespassing.

Many great leaders have addressed this issue of governance and Mistaken beliefs, including Aristotle and one that comes particularly to mind, Nichiren, a Buddhist Priest of the 13th century whose treatise the, "Risho an Koku Ron" details the invasions and even natural disasters befalling the country of Japan, and more to come in his predictions, which actually happened, due to the adherence of mistaken beliefs of the highly influenced Shogunate government by the Nembutsu sect at the time. I know that you too are a leader of potential greatness. I know too that you are a person of strong beliefs. I know too, that for you to become a truly great leader of man, you must hold your religious predilections privately and create a truly free governance of man on moral and ethical grounds with strict humanist goals grounded on earth and common sense.

With my great respect,
Sifu, Sylvain Chamberland
Threefold Lotus Buddhist Priest
P.O. BOX 3832 o TUPELO, MISSISSIPPIo 38803-3832

Venerable Sifu Chamberlain on Gongyo How and Why


Millions of Children will go hungry under Taliban rule.

Namu Myoho renge kyo

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Buddha was not Aryan. He was black!


Japan's Yoshihide Suga to step down for his poor handling of the Covid crisis after one year in office. 

A day in the life of an acolyte


A wonderful surprise

A person, I have been battling for 4 years, sometimes contentiously, wrote me a lovely letter today:

"The theoretical and essential teachings are metrics that gauge realization. The inherent nature does not change because of these distinctions rather one’s ability to discriminate the meaning between the two is relative to belief and understanding. Buddha wisdom is the fruit of the faithful spirit seeking the lotus sutra. The conduit to that storehouse exists but has yet to be realized. To unravel the seeds of Buddhism a bit understand the seeds of the lotus sutra are to realize the complete and supreme enlightenment of Shakyamuni in the lotus Sutra. Other seeds are seeds of provision that are meant to draw the mind stream to the realization of the lotus sutra thus the lack of mutual exclusivity in the categorization of superiority. The dharma gates all lead to the lotus sutra intentionally for the purpose of liberation.

To the last point. It has become clear to me that the Nichiren tradition is being manipulated on Dharma Wheel Nichiren by the same small group of people from the fragments of esanga. This is why DW presents itself as non sectarian but slanders and disparages any traditions outside of Tibetan practices as authentic and capable of leading people to liberation.

To doubt any means of liberation, to cause strife among traditions is poisonous and the means of manipulation flagrant.

It became obvious after I joined when I saw the reactions to form and mind stream on that board the absolute lack of emotional decorum and intellectual objectivity. When psychologists have to have a signature that counterfeits their own teachings to neophytes how absolutely corrupt that community is.

I have been nice in maintaining silence of much of what I uncovered in hopes that minds will come around but the ignorance to their own liabilities is not mine to bear. I hope this finds you well good friend?

I responded:

I agree with 90+% of your analysis, save for "To doubt any means of liberation? which is a healthy approach to spirituality and a component of critical thinking.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Please everyone read The Embankments of Faith

Minobu wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:57 pmI am pretty sure that the Buddha that is our father teacher sovereign fixed it so all sentients beings have a Buddha Nature of loving compassion.
This happened when He was given the privilege of taking care of all sentients for His duration. there are many buddhas before him and many will come after him

so this batch is all set to go.

As for the whole Seed of the Lotus Sutra , i believe this is an item to viewed from the perspective of Lotus Buddhism.

It's a tool that is only useful at the start of Mappo.

apart from the four leaders and all of The Bodhisattvas of the Earth those sentients receive the seed of the Lotus sutra upon hearing Namu Myoho RenGe Kyo , from a person who is practicing the ODaimoku..
Today, the people's devilish nature manifests far more frequently than their loving compassionate nature. Of course, we all possess the Ten Worlds but few manifest the Noble Four Worlds as their predominant natures and very few the Worlds of Bodhisattva and Buddha. The rationale for propagating Namu Myoho renge kyo is to get more and more people to manifest the Four Upper Worlds, especially the Worlds of Bodhisattva and Buddha. Even among those who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, Nichiren writes, "Many such examples of slander are also found among Nichiren’s disciples and lay believers.” I think it would be a good idea for we who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo to reflect if we are slandering. Please read the Embankments of Faith to see what are the "examples of slander" among Nichiren's disciples.

Unity in the Nichiren faith

If the Nichiren faith encompassed ONLY the Daimoku, Nichiren wouldn't have spent so much time outlining the other aspects of the Nichiren faith and there would be unity in the Nichiren community. Renegade leaders and priests to be held accountable but not neophyte Bodhisattvas. Those who begin chanting and who are not thoroughly studied in the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren should be encouraged regardless of sect. Those practicing for years having studied diligently and who know the truth of the teachings but willfully alter Nichiren's teachings for their own benefit, whether material or spiritual, must be confronted

As long as there is not a unified doctrine based on the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings, there will never be unity. I do what I can to outline Nichiren's doctrines, hoping beyond hope, that his authentic doctrines will eventually be embraced by everyone who chants the Daimoku. 

The Buddhahood podcast channel 

Another great lecture by Venerable Sifu Chamberlain...Great Evil and Great Good


Ankokuron-ji Temple in Kamakura


A young winner in life


Friday, September 24, 2021

Regarding the two hundred Soka Gakkai Vice Presidents and General Directors

The two hundred SGI Vice Presidents and General Directors in Japan ALL earn mid-six figure salaries to do the same thing that District, Chapter, Headquarters, Region, Territory, and most Zone leaders, outside Japan, do for free... teach Ikedaism. In the actual Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren, only priests or monks may accept donations (alms).

Realizing Namu Myoho renge kyo within or receiving and keeping Namu Myoho renge kyo?

Some teach: "Nichiren Buddhism teaches that the Mystic Law of Nam(u)-myoho-renge-kyo exists within the lives of every person."

Nichiren, on the other hand, teaches that, the vast majority of people in this Latter Age, have NOT not received the seed of Buddhahood and for those few who have received the seed in past lives, they lay "scorched" or dormant. Nichiren's teaching is the teaching of "receiving and keeping".

Those who posit "realizing" often become conceited and lacking in gratitude, they believe themselves equal to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. To argue their point, they bring out the passage from Chapter 2 (Expedient Means) of the Theoretical Section of the Lotus Sutra:

Shariputra, you should know
that at the start I took a vow,
hoping to make all persons
equal to me, without any distinction between us,
and what I long ago hoped for
has now been fulfilled.

Taking this passage out of the context of the entire Sutra and the instruction of Nichiren, they go around proclaiming, "I am a Buddha".

Were Namu Myoho renge kyo a priori in the lives of every person, Nichiren never would have taught to plant the seeds in the "wasteland of peoples lives". Even in those who received the seeds in the distant past, Nichiren taught that most of these people in this Latter Day had "scorched" seeds. only in one or two questionable texts does Nichiren teach, "seeds inherent." In his authentic texts such as his most important writing, The True Object of Worship:

"It is only the Seven Characters ‘Namu Myoho renge kyo’ that are the seed for becoming a Buddha."


"Shakyamuni Buddha did not transmit the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra, even to the bodhisattvas Manjushrī and Medicine King, let alone to any lesser disciples. He summoned from beneath the earth the great bodhisattvas as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds and, as he preached the eight chapters, transferred it solely to them." (Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind)


"Now, moreover, we are two hundred or more years into the Latter Day of the Law, and persons who have received the seeds of the Lotus Sutra in the distant past or in Shakyamuni’s time have with time become fewer and fewer. In addition, though there appear to be a small number of persons who have received the seeds of the Lotus, there are countless others who commit great evil in the secular world or slander the Law in the religious world, such persons veritably filling the whole land. Those who do good have become as rare as water in the midst of a great fire, fire in the midst of a great body of water, fresh water in the midst of the ocean, or gold in the midst of the earth. Evil deeds abound, and there is no trace of good deeds done in the past or evidence of good deeds done now."

Finally, he concludes:

"Showing profound compassion for those unable to comprehend the gem of the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, the Buddha wrapped it within the five characters [of Myoho-renge-kyo], with which he then adorned the necks of the ignorant people of the latter age."

It should be noted again that the vast majority of people can not comprehend the gem of the Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life because they have never received the seed of Buddhahood. It is thanks to the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, he who transmits the five characters of Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo to us that we can obtain Buddhahood. It is not by realizing Namu Myoho renge kyo that exists in every person because Nichiren makes it clear that few have received the seed and none without a relationship to the sower:

"The teaching of the essential section section during the the lifetime of Sakyamuni Buddha and that which would spread in the beginning of the Latter Day are likewise absolutely perfect. However, the former is for attaining enlightenment, whereas the latter is for sowing the seeds of Buddhahood. While the former is crystallized in the sixteenth chapter, 'Duration of the Life of the Buddha', with half a chapter each preceding it and following it, the latter is solely embodied in the five characters of myo, ho, ren, ge, kyo." [pg. 122] -- The True Object of Worship).

and another faithful translation of this same passage reads:

"It is evident that the Revelation of Eternity was preached for the sake of us who live at the beginning of the period of Deprivation. In this respect, we are as blessed as those who heard the Buddha in person, the only difference is that they brought to fruit their seeds of Buddhahood by hearing directly the 'One Chapter and Two Halves', whereas WE ARE ENDOWED with the seeds of Buddhahood BY RECEIVING the Five Words." (Five Major Writings of Nichiren, Senchu Murano translation, Kanjin No Honzon Sho, p. 37)

“The Lotus Sutra is like the seed, the Buddha like the sower, and the people like the field.” — The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood.

Nichiren teaches in the True Object of Worship for Observing the Mind, he states:

"If it is not the proper Object of Worship (Gohonzon), even though there be no falsehood [even if the practitioner is sincere] it will not form the seed [of Buddhahood]. The Daimoku of the Hommon [Doctrine of the Original, found in the Lotus Sutra] is the seed of Buddhahood. This is because the Eternal Shakyamuni of the Honmon has put his Causal Practices (his myriad practices that lead to enlightenment) and his Virtues of the Effect (the merits of the effect, which is Buddhahood) into the seven characters of Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo." (The True Object of Worship)

Others teach that that the seeds are the same as Buddha wisdom. Nichiren on the other hand teaches, also in the True Object of Worship:

“Concerning the passage in the Lotus Sutra that you quoted, “He [the Buddha] has rooted out evil from among the phenomena,” here the Buddha is referring to a teaching from one of the earlier sutras. But when you take a closer look at the sutra, it is clear that the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds is being explained. For, in the same sutra, this passage is found: “The Buddhas wish to open the door of Buddha wisdom to all living beings.” T’ien-t’ai comments on this passage as follows: “If people do not possess innate Buddha wisdom, how could the Buddha say he wanted to open it? One must understand that Buddha wisdom is inherent in all human beings.” The Great Teacher Chang-an concludes, “How could people open the door to and realize their Buddha wisdom if it did not exist within them? How could a person show the poor woman her treasure repository if the treasure repository did not exist?” — The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind.

It is receiving and keeping the seed of Namu Myoho renge kyo that awakens the "proper Object of Worship", not realizing the seed that exists within.

More on the seeds of Buddhahood:

Many Sutras talk about scorched seeds. Some even teach that the Buddha seeds of women are scorched. The Lotus Sutra [through faith in the Sutra] can instantaneously revive the scorched seeds of Men of the Two Vehicles, of those who kill their father, of those who kill their mother, of those who cause disunity within the Sangha*, of those who kill an Arhat, and of those who injure a Buddha and cause him to bleed [these latter five circumstances are known as the Five Cardinal Sins]. However, the Lotus Sutra can not immediately revive the seeds of those who slander the true Dharma or the votaries of the Lotus Sutra. For example, despite repenting of their sins, submitting to, and following Neverdespise Bodhisattva, those who reviled him, for two hundred kotis of eons, neither encountered a Buddha nor the Dharma and they passed one thousand eons in the avici Hell. How much worse the fate of those who slander and revile Myoho renge kyo and its votaries?

*This does not apply at this time because there is no unity in the Sangha and therefore, there is no unity to break.

On Buddha Seeds and Buddha-Nature:

“The Lotus Sutra is like the seed, the Buddha like the sower, and the people like the field.” — The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood.

“Now in the two thousand years of the True and Counterfeit [Dharmas] when they kept and relied upon the Lesser Vehicle and Provisional Great Vehicle, and practices putting one’s merit [effort] into them, in general there was benefit. Even so, although everyone who practiced those various sutras thought that they obtained the benefit by the various sutras upon which they relied, when we inquire on the meaning by the Hokekyo, they had not one bit of benefit. What is the reason why? It being when the Buddha was in the world they formed a connecting condition with the Hokekyo but it depended upon whether or not there was maturation or not in their capacities. Those whose capacities of the Perfect Teaching are pure and matured in the time [when the Buddha] was in the world attained Buddhahood. Those whose faculties and capacities were faint and inferior [or not yet mature] backslid to the True Dharma [era] and took their realization from the Jomyo [Vimalakirti], Shiyaku, Kan[muryoju]kyo, Ninno hannya kyo and so on, just as when [the Buddha] was in the world. And so in the True Dharma [era] was jointly possessed together of the three, teaching, practice and realization.

“In the Counterfeit Dharma [era] there was teaching and practice but no realization. Now on entering the Latter Dharma there are the teachings, but there is no practice or realization. There is not one person of those who formed the connecting condition when the Buddha was in the world. The two capacities of the Provisional and Real [Teachings] are all gone. At this time for the two [types] of people who are of the rebellious [sins] and blasphemy of the present era for the first time one takes Namu Myoho renge kyo of the ‘Chapter of the Measure of Life’, the Essence of the Hommon as the laying down of the seed (or, as the Buddha Seed). “‘This good, excellent medicine now I leave here. You should take and swallow it. Do not worry that you will not be cured’” refers to this.

It is as when long ago in the Counterfeit Dharma [era] of the past Buddha Ionno when there was not one person who knew the Great Vehicle, the Bodhisattva Fukyo came forth and chanted the Twenty-four Characters which the Master of Teachings had preached. Those who heard those Twenty-four Characters not lacking one person also [later] encountered the Great Being (Mahasattva) Fukyo and obtained benefit. This then was because they made the previous hearing of the Dharma the laying down of the seed (geshu).

Now it is also like this. That was the Counterfeit Dharma; this is the polluted evil Latter Dharma. That was a practicer of the First (Elementary) Following Joy [level]; this is a worldling of the Name {Identity]. That was the laying down of seed of the Twenty-four Characters; this is only the Five Characters [of the Daimoku]. Although the times of obtaining the Way (tokudo: Buddhahood) are different, their ultimate meaning of Attaining Buddhahood would be completely the same.” (STN, v. 2, 1479-1480) Kyogyosho Gosho

“Though the people who say the Nembutsu, keep the precepts and so on are many, the persons who rely upon the Hokekyo are few. The stars are many but they do not illuminate the great sea. Grasses are many but they do not form the pillars of the Imperial Palace. Though Nembutsus are many, they are not the Way to become a Buddha. Though one keeps the precepts they do not form the seed for going to the Pure Land. It is only the Seven Characters ‘Namu Myoho renge kyo’ that are the seed for becoming a Buddha. Though, when I said this, people were jealous and did not adopt it, the late Lord Ueno by his believing it has become a Buddha.” (STN, v. 2, 1603) — Gosho unknown by me

There are two processes and two general types of people, according to Nichiren Daishonin: Those who received the seeds of Buddhahood in the past, those in the Higher Six Worlds; and those who never received the seeds, those in the Lower Four Worlds. For those who have already received the seeds, the Daimoku functions to water the seeds. For those who never received the seeds, hearing the Daimoku [Law] is the seed and practicing the Daimoku is the water. He states, “But many who neither received the seeds of Buddhahood nor formed ties with the Buddha in past existences…” and further along, “The sutra explains that all bodhisattvas, persons of the two vehicles, and human and heavenly beings received the seeds of Buddhahood numberless major world system dust particle kalpas ago.” Therefore, when he asserts, “If people do not possess innate Buddha wisdom, how could the Buddha say he wanted to open it? One must understand that Buddha wisdom is inherent in all human beings.” [Even in those in the Four Lower Worlds who do not possess the Buddha seeds]. How do we reconcile these seemingly diverse teachings? Buddha-nature is the FIELD of good fortune synonymous with Buddha wisdom in all beings but without the Buddha seeds and water of Myoho renge kyo, the field will lie fallow and Buddhahood will never open [manifest].

The claim that only through one's relationship with a particular person or sect can a believer attain Enlightenment is to cause believers to doubt the beneficence and efficacy of the Law of Myoho renge kyo. A lack of faith in Myoho renge kyo is to destroy the seeds of Buddhahood (failing to water the seeds). Many also abandon the faith when they are confronted with the Three Obstacles and Four Devils. Nichiren taught that we can not warn people enough about the Three Obstacles and Four Devils. Failing to warn people leaves them unprepared and frightened. With a correct faith and practice, instead of fear, encountering the Three Obstacles and Four Devils is a source of profound joy. It is proof that we are on the path to Buddhahood.

Letter to a many year believer whose faith and practice has been somewhat shaky for several years.

Hi. Have been reading your blog with interest. Been practicing Nichiren Buddhism for 40+ years. 19 with SGI, 5 with Kempon Hokke and 16 as an Independent. Nearly everything I learned about the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren in the SGI, particularly their teachings on the faith in and study of the teachings was wrong. Nichiren's teachings is a religion, not as SGI maintains, "it is a philosophy." The Lotus Sutra is a scripture of salvation, not in the Christian sense, coming from above (without) but in the Buddhist sense, coming from within (faith and practice) and from without (the Eternal Buddha and the Law). Shakyamuni Buddha is depreciated in the SGI to the point of nary a mention, let alone a sense of gratitude. They also give but lip service to Nichiren while all praise and gratitude is heaped on Daisaku Ikeda. May I recommend, in order to gain the most out of your faith, to at least, muster a sense of gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter when chanting to the Gohonzon, even if only performing Sansho.


I'm going to have a glass of iced tea with lemon and honey. Thanks you all for so many comments, especially Katie, Anonymous, and Kelpzoid.

Anonymous experience with the Soka Gakkai

I had too much of it. Their thing is to chant and live for material success and aquisition and worship Ikeda rubbish. I talked to them, and it continues to be so. An SGI person, my friend I talked too recently, is just a bitchy robot tool. Had to walk away. Absolutely no comprehension of the true spiritual allegories and deep meanings of the Lotus Sutra. Might as well be talking to a marble statue or robot. They talk about compassion and peace. They have none. Empty vessels. Years with those fools, reading anything by Ikeda and their yearly fundraisers. The publications are worse than kindergarten level banal philosophy. What a joke. Nichiren Buddhism is pure and deep. It's like they missed the boat and went in the opposite direction. They are all nuclearsists. Ikeda doesn't want to get rid of nuke weapons. The whole thing is cult worship of a spiritual midget that speaks first grade bafflegab. I don't read it anymore. The first time I saw it I knew it was crap because, I have studied Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra. Paying lip service and reciting parts of the Lotus Sutra with, no comprehension of it's spiritual meanings. They have no comprehension of the Buddhist way. It is so inane. Maybe it helps them like other cult things do, groups of mindless morons . It is a dangerous trap for truly spiritual people to get involved with. I have seen a few group leaders hit the road, after some years when they get what is really going on, ie Ikeda worship and a phony new age prosperity ministry scam.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Nichiren's view of ego-death or egolessness

For Nichiren, ego-death is having the deepest gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign of all mankind. Generally, ego-death is having the deepest gratitude for our parents specifically and all beings generally. I have a deep gratitude for Daisaku Ikeda and the SGI as Nichiren had for Hei no saemon.

Really, one can chant the Daimoku and be a slanderer of the Lotus Sutra?

"Many such examples of slander are also found among Nichiren’s disciples and lay believers.” - Nichiren

YES, they who chant the Daimoku can slander. Nichiren teaches:

"When a person’s offense is minor, admonishment is sometimes called for, but at other times it may be unnecessary, for there are those who may correct themselves without being told. Reprove a person for slander when necessary, so that you can forestall for both of you the consequences of an offense. Then, you should forgive that person. The point is that even minor slanders may lead to serious ones, and then the effects one must suffer would be far worse. This is [what Chang-an means when he writes], “One who rids the offender of evil is acting as his parent.”

"There are many degrees of slander: shallow and profound, slight and heavy. Even among those who embrace the Lotus Sutra, very few uphold it steadfastly both in mind and in deed. Few are the practitioners who are able to uphold this sutra. But those who do will not suffer serious retribution even if they have committed minor offenses against the sutra. Their strong faith expiates their offenses as surely as a flood extinguishes tiny fires.

The Nirvana Sutra states: “If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him, or to punish him for his offense, then you should realize that that monk is betraying the Buddha’s teaching. But if he ousts the destroyer of the Law, reproaches him, or punishes him, then he is my disciple and a true voice-hearer.”

"Slander can be either minor or serious, however, and sometimes we should overlook it rather than attack it. The True Word and Tendai schools slander the Lotus Sutra and should be severely rebuked. But without great wisdom it is hard to differentiate correctly between their doctrines and the teachings that Nichiren spreads. Therefore, at times we refrain from attacking them, just as I did in Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land

"However, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra. There are various stages in the practice of this sutra [and various forms of slander exist accordingly]. Let me sum them up by quoting from volume five of The Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra”: “In defining the types of evil, The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra states briefly, ‘Expound among the wise but not among the foolish.’ One scholar enumerates the types of evil as follows: ‘I will first list the evil causes and then their effects. There are fourteen evil causes: (1) arrogance, (2) negligence, (3) wrong views of the self, (4) shallow understanding, (5) attachment to earthly desires, (6) not understanding, (7) not believing, (8) scowling with knitted brows, (9) harboring doubts, (10) slandering, (11) despising, (12) hating, (13) envying, and (14) bearing grudges.’” Since these fourteen slanders apply equally to priesthood and laity, you must be on guard against them." - The Fourteen Slanders

SGI and Nichiren Shoshu leaders and priests are by far the biggest slanderers in the world today.